If you think what this @BLOOM turkey does to my blog every day is just fine...go ahead, DON'T HELP!

in #informationwar5 years ago

It only takes $.08 per post to overcome what he's doing to each of my posts.

Surely there are enough good people here to help over come THAT..!?

If I don't ask for help, I can't expect to get it, now, can I?

(Image courtesy of quickanddirtytips.com.)

SO PLEASE EITHER DELEGATE so I can overcome him myself, or put me on a regular upvote schedule so together we can prevent this liberal from graying out the truth.



Why do you have to beg for delegation? Go buy steem you fucking bum. Once again Bloom isn't flagging you because of "ideological differences" he (or she) is flagging hate speech and posts that go against established accepted scientific facts. You can't even post something that isn't hate speech or lies

I dig up his posts, and see no hate speech. Some people are just to damn sensitive to survive without help! His posts on Child Protective Services match (and exceed) my research.

Hate speech is just a label used by those who can not debate effectively, to silence those they disagree with, while avoiding debate.

It does NOT matter what @mepatriot says, he will be flagged anyway. The true hate here is directed against him.

I even support YOUR right to your own opinion, because; Everyone must be allowed to speak, or everyone looses their voices. I find that liberals have never understood that fact, so by censoring others, they form their own gags!

Until steemit fixes this failed policy, only a fool would put money into steemit. SBD was worth four times as much when I began here, as it is now. Let's just say that investing in any other crypto coin is wiser right now. I have been buying OTHER crypto myself....

Trolls downvoting to censor others, will eventually completely destroy steemit! I will miss steemit some, but as most of my friends (liberal and conservative) have moved off of steemit already, not much. Most moved because of this downvoting horror, and a few because of too many hardforks.

Stay safe.


my vote ain't worth anything - otherwise I'd upvoting everyday.

Unfortunately people in these parts people think following an ideology trumps the principal of free speech.
We disagree on many things, but so what?
I disagree with @freebornangle on loads of things (he's a commie, but a nice one.lol), but would still defend his right for open debate.

Childish mentality in this place .
Did you read my post today - 'the attention economy is a leftist product?

My vote is also not worth much, but I checked bloom and saw this comment of his!


He openly says that only what he believes is right and he will flag everyone who believes otherwise - and we are supposed to believe that Steemit does not censor? They may name it whatever they wish, but this kind of flagging has nothing to do with scamming or plagiarising...it is pure censoring of everything we disagree with.

So now, everyone must flag everyone who is of a different religion, political affiliation/belief. In the end, it would be easier to flag EVERYONE so that we do not miss a post that we believe should be flagged.

Thanks for your supportive comments, my friend. Hardfork 21 actually is to blame for these bullies constantly throwing their "ideological weight" around.

Like they think people will invest in a place that condones such behavior...? lol...

Open a new account (it only costs 3 Steem) plus about 15 so that you canpost. Make one post pusch it as hard as you can so that your rep goes up above 25.

Now wait 7 days so that nobody can attack you there.

If you get any SP for helping you, put it there. Never make a post or comment again from that account - nobody can then downvote you there, so whatever you earn there from down and up voting posts that will give you some small curation reward you can use to fund yourself...it is what bloom and everyone else like him is doing.


No, I'm here to spread the truth. Can't do that without posting or commenting.

I do not understand your reply. I did not suggest you stop...all I did is suggest you create a special account just for fighting back. Anyway, I am posting AND commenting and yet I cannot be flagged as I do not allow Payout (up or down) - but I do not care about earning money as what we get here is not worth more than my Monopoly money - both are just for entertainment.

I can't fight back by doing that, as @bloom can't be downvoted. I'm not really interested in "fighting back" anyway. I want Steemit to stop the ability of people like him to abuse the downvote.

He is recommending that you make some clone accounts, and use them for canned upvotes. Fighting fire with fire. I may try that myself, these trolls are destroying steemit!


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