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in #j5 years ago

2016-05 | Bitcoin is the Michael Jordan of Money | Earth Net | Pasta Dinner | Fire Power Announced on Alex Jones | Louder With Crowder | Doom Cock - Friday Night Live Show | Started using a second fan in my room like this week or last week or something like that. Pho Girl Live Stream | Nuts | Study Teeth | IWA | Facebook | Twitter | Gab | Minds | YouTube | Info Wars | Electro Check

May of 2016

2016-05 - Visited the Love English Club as seen in this picture | Girl14 English | Purio Coffee English | Cuong Architect English | Those were probably the main classes that I taught for during the month of May of 2016 | Was trying to extend my visa | Was homeless | Would eat and teach at places like McDonald's Nguyen Hue like on the weekend days, generally, and at Tous Les Jours during weekdays. At night, I was generally at Anh Coffee, all night. Other people would stay overnight as well. Other people were sleeping at cafes as well. | Romelus Saladar was encouraging me to visit The Love English as early as like maybe December of 2015. So, this photo is of me talking to a Vietnamese girl who said she was like a VUS teacher assistant. This photo was posted to their Facebook at 05:00 AM PST, Thursday, the 19th of May, 2016. | Online, I was promoting Trump 2016.


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Screenshot at 2019-09-06 23:31:37.png

2019-09-06 - Friday

Published - 2019-09-06 - Friday - 11:59 PM LMS - PDT

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in September of 2019

Sending Data Outwards

11:04 AM - IWA

@4LoveOfTheRoad, devices can send the data out. So, it may not always be a two-way road. So, it may not necessarily matter if it is an older home. Because the data can be sent outwards through the air and through ground and through the power-lines.

New Internet = Earth-Net

The point of this thread is to talk about creating a new kind of Internet using these methods inside our devices.

Why Not?

Because if devices can send out data, then why are we not sending out data that way in order to go online that way as opposed to be regulated through and by internet service providers (ISP), DNS, the backbones of the Internet mega highways, governmental servers, etc, etc.

Good Bad Trump

11:11 AM

Trump is doing good and bad things. Alex Jones praises the good things and Batman Slaps the bad things. Better safe than sorry. We all should do what Alex does. We all should find ways to get people to write articles about us. Alex gets free publicity by people lying about him. New people come and they are red pilled. So many different things are happening. Good and bad things. It is very complex. We have to be creative like Alex in order to reach new people. We have to act urgent. We have to yell sometimes like Alex. Because some people are sleeping. How else do you wake people up? How else do you get Trump's attention?

Bitcoin is the Michael Jordan of Money

11:55 AM - IWA

Bitcoin is the Michael Jordan of money. Space Jam. Oh, I thought you Spam Jam for a second. There are different kinds of Bitcoin. I wonder why people are against Bitcoin. One of the purposes of Bitcoin may include a transition towards the gold standard and other things as well. It is not a choice between Bitcoin and gold. It is both. We move away from centralized money and invest in different things. It is better to invest in as many things as possible. It is better to have multiple streams of income from different places. The competition within blockchain, cryptocurrencies, etc, etc, helps us all, potentially, hypothetically, and in actuality, in a variety of ways, and we will see a Crypto Boom in the 2020's, the next ten years, like we have never seen since the dawn of time, potentially speaking at least.

I do not disagree. I'm emphasizing on a transitional endeavor towards that kind of goal. It's all about finding as many different ways towards that goal. It's all about find ways to get there.

Did you just coin that, status pho? Yummy. Yes. These are things I think about. @Hollywood, you know nothing, Jon Snow.

Let's close our eyes and become leftists who agree with you.

Stefan Molyneux just called and said, "That's not an argument."

Globalists have been trying to use the Internet to control us, meaning the Internet is bad in that sense. Based on that logic alone, we should never ever be on the Internet, right?

The dollar is so safe, right?

I promote gold, silver, etc.

I love Rothschild money. I have sex with Rothschild.

Because Rothschild money is the safest thing in the world, right?

Why People Don't Care

01:59 PM - IWA

Lacking Application

One of the reasons why people don't care enough about governments, tech cartels, globalists, eugenicists, Chinese, etc, spying, capturing at least ten years of secret videos, audio, metadata, text, patterns, locations, preferences, etc, of us fellow humans, is mostly due to a lack of understanding application.

Slippery Slope

Long story short, spying is a slippery slope towards 1984 tyranny, control, regulation, suppression, prohibition, depopulation, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, global warming, Brain Phones, geoengineering, etc.

Show Them Examples

Now, we get that. But I want to emphasize how tough it can be to get other people to get it. How do you get people to care? Through showing people an example of how spying leads towards control and even death.

Nazi Germany

Alex Jones talked about what Watson was doing to help Hitler develop a system for finding the Jews. As the Jews lost some privacy, they were able to find them and lead them off to Nazi Death Camps. That might be an example, a story that can help some people see the application.

You Can Run For Office

05:00 PM - IWA

Why are you not running for office, politically, in your local city? If you are running, they are not allowed to ban you, block you, censor you, on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc, as that is election meddling. You could at least show up to the events and meet the people who are running and just ask them questions and film it, at least.

It costs money to tell people that you are trying to run?


05:30 PM - IWA

Some of what we lost might be found on Archive.org.

There might be other websites like Archive out there. Also, there is Google Cache. Archive may be limited in some areas. So, I'm hoping to find better alternatives.

Block-It Pocket

06:00 PM - IWA

It depends on the specific goals of the Block-It Pocket. We should open it up and read the manual. We should break it down, piece by piece, to see all of the specific claims and we should look at what is physically in this thing.

Do they sell anything like that at Infowarsstore.com?

Gateway drug for many towards Health Masters, etc.

Health Masters

Overlord DVD

06:16 PM - Friday Night Frolics! Open Lines Tonight! | Actually, Last Jedi is a good sci-fi movie, but it is not really a Star Wars film. The Sequel Trilogy tells a sad story. But Star Wars is not supposed to be a sad story. | SJWs can praise the Sequel Trilogy. They may not understand that the ST is from an alternative reality, an imitation, a perversion. | @Bionic Bellybutton, you would, you sugar, spice, and all that is nice. | The Chew Chew Oatmeal Lord? @Bionic Bellybutton , the grumpy one probably had the biggest heart. The people with biggest hearts can become grumpy because they care. Thus, Stay Angry. Turning Batman's parents into criminals changes the story so much that it might as well be its own story. Like Dog Man. @I Hernandez yes maam da lorian. IT one is boring. Yeah, the loud stuff woke me up a few times. It's A Wonderful Life had monologs? V For Vendetta had mono logs? You should be allowed to sing anything under Fair Use. Hash Tag ElviraForever. | Pirate from Sponge Bob. Overlord Christmas Special.


08:34 PM - IWA

Looking into nothing is the definition of a black hole.


09:27 PM - Facebook

And different kids learn in different ways at different speeds. We are not all the same. Like Fred Roger said, you are special just the way you are.