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in #j5 years ago

Doom Cock Twitter | 1989 Collision Course Film Watched | Ackza | Erin Ruberry | Stephanie Stinemetz | Jenina Crypto | Women RAW Wrestling | 1989 | Steem Back | Steemit Still Down


1989 - Year In Review - Tiananman Square | We met Small Wonder star, Tiffany Brissette at the Oregon Zoo in Portland. We got her autograph. In the cinema, we saw movies like Honey I Shrunk the Kid, All Dogs Go To Heaven, The Karate Kid Part III, and Guess Who's Talking. As a kid, I kind of thought I was an alien. Our bunk bed was my spaceship. We saw The Sound of Music play.

Banning Oatmeal

Banning Oatmeal - Part 24 - Infocomms suspended @Joey for a day, today, apparently. That's me. Banned again from the Infowars Army Community Forum (IWA). Now, I'm not the enemy and I can show you what I've been writing on their forum. I can go over what I've been doing. This is part 24 of Banning Oatmeal. Did you see the previous episode, part 23? In this series, I talk about censorship and everything. When compared to DARPA, and other groups, who have been going after Infowars, Drudge Report, viral news, information shared from people like you and me from person to person, etc, etc, when compared to that, in contrast with that, I'm not really the enemy and I've not been violating terms of service (TOS), rules, laws, etc, technically speaking, objectively speaking, in actuality, apart from perception, subjectivity, etc, but you know, long story short as usual. In this post, I will tell you a little bit about what Bingozee has been doing. I was probably banned again, in part, it seems, because I was talking about Bingozee. So, in this rough draft outline post, I'm going to mention a few things about that and a few things about Trump.


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Stacy Dash Screenshot at 2019-09-01 18:56:52.png

2019-09-02 - Monday

Published - 2019-09-02 - Monday - 11:59 PM LMS - PDT

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN | Beam me up, Luke Potter
Published in September of 2019

Steem Steem Problem

12:02 AM - Steemit, the sun will come out tomorrow. Bet your bottom coin, tomorrow. And there will be rain. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll love you tomorrow. It's only a day away


01:12 AM - 02:54 AM - Collision Course - Jay Leno - Karate Kid Master

Real Enemy

11:00 AM - Twitter

Donald Trump: "The good news is that we are winning. Our real opponent is not the Democrats, or the dwindling number of Republicans that lost their way and got left behind, our primary opponent is the Fake News Media. In the history of our Country, they have never been so bad!"

Social Networks

11:05 AM - Twitter

Steem (Steemit) is still my favorite blockchain social networks. But it never hurts to also copy and paste your posts to other websites too, including Weku, Bear Shares, etc.

Can't Post

11:11 AM - I still can't comment on Steemit. What in the oatmeal is going on my global tech monkey nerds?


11:18 AM - I try to post first to Steemit. But there are other blockchain networks that are similar to Steem that you can post to as well and they include Bear Shares, Serey, Smoke, Dream Real, Minds, Cent, Weku, Yours, Golos, etc. My favorite still is Steem.


11:19 AM - Steem is still better. So, that's good. But someday, something may beat Steem.

White Animal Farm

11:23 AM - White Animals Party Haha | Erin

Mister Rogers Finale

11:25 AM - Eternal Principles are there


11:37 AM - I am faithful too. And I'm on other places just like you are on Steemit and Twitter. You are not unfaithful because you're on Steem and Twitter.


11:39 AM - Is he actually Greg Wright or whatever the oatmeal that one guy's name is or is it a Japanese man? If Satoshi is a paid group leader, which group then?

Star Wars Theory

11:48 AM - Rey Will NEVER Be Called a Mary-Sue Again If This Happens in Episode 9 - Star Wars Theory | Rey is a Mary Sue due to a lack of enough character development on-screen. Being a Sue is not about being too powerful but about how the story is told to the audience, that is gradually, step by step in the story arch to show the viewers how a character may get from point A to point B. I like Rey. But the way her story is told might be a bit too abrupt, a contrast from how the Luke Skywalker Story Arch was told beginning in A New Hope

Tales of Two Cities in the Same Social City

01:27 PM - IWA | Twitter | Minds | Facebook | Gab

The Tale of Two Steemit Cities. I love Steem. Here is what I can say on Labor Day concerning Steem, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter:

Historical Gem

Social networking is a historical gem and yet also a psychological drug at the same time. If you are using it to educate, train, pass on news, and things like that, that is a gem. From that kind of standpoint, it is priceless. Technology, including social networking, has been helping people in so many ways. That is very good. Those things will continue to improve.

Psychological Drug

However at the same, social networking replaces localized and decentralized offline socializing to some extent for some people or most people in many different ways. Social networking is a synthetic and mostly simulated social experience or a deeply addictive psychological drug. Socializing and networking and finding work and contacting family internationally and the ability to communicate with people all around the world and many things are and is very good for so many reasons and in so many ways.

Trojan Horse

One of the biggest problems is that it is a Trojan Horse in the same way television, movies, Hollywood, main stream entertainment, some books, some comics, etc, etc, has been replacing the natural order within the psyche of many humans for too many decades since the 1900's globally, especially, deeply, subliminally.

Complimenting Life

Television can be good, hypothetically to some extent, but only when it compliments and supplements life. One of the problems is that television (for example) has been slowly replacing family structure, systematically, gradually, and not all at once but slowly.

TV Dinners

One of the ways TV did it is by being addictive like a drug. So, some people started buying TV dinners and would eat in front of a television instead of a DINNER TABLE. Now, theoretically, that's not a problem. However, it can become a problem just like addictions to drugs can become worse and worse over time. If you're spending time with family and friends offline without smart phones or televisions or screens or technology at all, like maybe just one hour per year at least, that is at least better than what you might find in possibly millions of families who might not be doing that and millions of other potential families from couples who should be making babies. Hey, get busy, get married, and have some children.

Replacing Life

Television and social networking replaces localized life and local communities. They encourage us to socialize with THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD. Now, it's fine to communicate with people around the world. It's ok to share things with the world. Some people might share things back at you. All of that is fine and dandy.

Promoting Globalism

But that encourages us, psychologically, to accept OPEN BORDERS and then GLOBALISM more and more, step by step. Global socialization, as opposed to local socializing, tricks humans into having no tribalism or no nationalism or no family first values or no local community values and it destroys the moral fabrics of our souls within slowly over time like geoengineering and microwaves do to our physical bodies.

Gradual Decline

One of the problems is that the daily routine of commenting on posts, videos, pictures, etc, on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc, is equivalent to having sex with anything and anybody that may have legs. It's a form of gradual and very subconscious psychological rape and eventually prostitution. It rapes and @Bingozee SIN-MURDERS our priorities. We should be focused on things around us first. Now, some of us already know this. But I'm writing this because it is crucial to find ways to talk to people about some of these key issues.

Health Issues

Yes, you can become sick if you're inside watching television and YouTube videos excessively. Also, 5G is giving people cancer. Now, we know that. But the hard part is finding NEW WAYS to start discussions about these things with other people. There are so many different health problems and different things we can say to people.


However, it might be better to sometimes talk to people about perspective and not only about health. It can be better to focus on how Facebook, for example, can distract a person from offline farming. Some people go on social networking fasts where they don't use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, for a whole day or for an entire week. That could help people see things from a different point of view. After their Facebook Fast (FF), they may psychologically feel better. The hard part might be getting new people to take the Facebook Fast Challenge. One way to encourage a Facebook Fast is to have a party or a weekend camping trip. Sponsor them if you have to. Take them out into the woods once a year at least. Doing so can show them a WHOLE NEW ALADDIN WORLD.


Social networks, television, and technology in general can compliment your life, but it should not replace it. Now, too often, it has been. We don't always know that, well, until we know that. So, take the time to find ways to show this to people in subtle, entertaining, gradual, and educational ways. Find ways to reach out to family, friends, neighbors, etc.

Local Communities

For many people, it might be better to only watch television and to only do things on the computer around lunch time. Instead, too many people are on smart phones all day long. Ultimately, your body, your choice. At night, when I go to bed, I turn things off. I will NOT answer my phone or email or Facebook or anything except for a knock on my actual and physical door in real life (IRL) that is offline. I turn off my phone ringer. My computer actually never rings. I don't have desktop notifications turned on. I don't want to be wagged by the tail.

Historically Priceless

It can be better to use technology as a form, first of all, for educating, for archiving history, for sharing the news, for ordering things you want to buy, to send some important messages to people globally, etc, etc.


But like I said, one of the problems is that too many people are living virtual lives that becomes too dependent on online socializing which can be fine to an extent but only if it is complimenting a life you might already have.

Building Blocks

It can be better for children to grow up in strong families with a biologically male father and a biologically female mother. It is better for them to have a weekly Thursday GAME NIGHT so they can socialize OFFLINE.


The Internet is good for people who are already grounded as individuals. So, if you've found ways to balance your life, then television, computers, smart phones, and technology in general can help COMPLIMENT your life in a variety of ways as they are TOOLS that can help you to the extent that they do not replace the eternal principles and foundation to which your life must stand upon. I repeat, there are certain nuggets of objective truth that you MUST STAND UPON that ghetto social networks can slowly erode from your psyche. The scary part is you may not realize that until it is too late.

Finding ways to rebuilding local communities helps.

Racism vs Profiling

02:01 PM - Are we talking about racism or profiling? I want to know if we are talking about PROFILING or RACISM.

Bingozee is right. I live in New York with my sisters. Just kidding. Bingozee said I was on the War Room as somebody named Joey from new York called into that show a few days ago. I live near Seattle at the moment, actually. I am glad that @PastorSam did not actually meet me in real life near Seattle. Just kidding. I did meet him in August 2019 in Shelton, WA.

Feeding Bear Trolls

02:02 PM - See the sign. Don't feed the bears, I mean the trolls. Feed them oatmeal.

I pray to Bingozee before I go to bed each night.


02:06 PM - As a wilderness camp counselor, we would take our campers out in the woods in Oregon in 2007 for a whole week, and each week, and not shower because we were out in the forest. But if you eat healthier, you don't smell as bad. People have to take more showers, generally because they are less healthy and more full of toxins.

Bingozee is clearly not human.

Bingozee said that murder is a sin. Bingozee also said sin is not imperfection. Bingozee said some months ago that he is not a sinner.

Bingozee said that crazy people wrote the Bible.

Is murder a sin if there is no guilt involved?

Drinking Bread

02:20 PM - Mom made Zucchini Bread. It was cooking in the overn for at least an hour. It came out looking like a melted poodle puddle of burnt original green Joey Oatmeal. So, I said, let's call it Labour Day Bread because the bread's not working. I said, "Do you want me to drink the bread?"

Not Working Bread

04:13 PM - IWA | Twitter | Minds | Gab | Facebook

I opened the oven, saw some bread pudding and said, "Do you want me to drink it?" Then I said, "We'll call it Labor Day Bread because the bread's not working."

Lord Bingozee

03:56 PM - IWA

I pray to Bingozee before I go to bed each night.

Dear Quaker Bingozee, protect me as I sleep and as I quake.

Lord Bingozee never ever spams UNLIKE SPAM-KING OATMEAL.

People have orgasms over your Bingozee Books.

Bingozee is very religious when it comes to his Non-Religion.

Bingozee got two scoops of horses.

Good thing I live in New York like Bingozee said.

Bingozee is mocking a poor little retarded boy who was talking to Owen Shroyer. Bingozee enjoys yelling and beating mentally-challenged deformed troll creatures.


04:35 PM - IWA

Bow down to the Bingozee Religion.

You can only worship Bingozee.

Get a Room

04:41 PM - IWA

Bingozee, get a room, and then invite me over, baby.

Infowars Outposts

04:49 PM - IWA

Can we start with a list of examples of people who are doing this?

Joey Lives in New York

05:00 PM - IWA

According to Bingozee, I live in New York. That means I did not meet Sam in person in Shelton, WA, near Seattle. That did not happen, because I live in New York. @Bingozee is right. He is always right about everything. Bingozee said I called into the War Room. Hello Joey. Owen Shroyer was talking to Joey.

Pocket Net App

05:25 PM - IWA

I made an account on Picket in March 2019 and forgot. So, today, I was making a new one and it said my username was taken. But I can't log out. Do I have to complete the registration process of my 2nd account before I can find a log out button?

Steemit vs Busy

05:33 PM - Twitter

It looks like Busy.org is working on Steem.io and that Steemit.com is not working as an app, a platform. It's possible that Steem was down. Now, it seems that only Steemit is down at the moment. I could be wrong about these details.

Make Our Lives And Our Health Great Again

05:51 PM - IWA

Pretty Nice Video

05:52 PM - Talk-Talk: IS HEALTHCARE A RIGHT? | A lot of different problems. That's why we eat from our garden here, near Seattle.

Jenina Crypto

06:17 PM - Surprising twist to a lovely fairy tale.

Good Murder

10:26 PM - IWA


Do you have any guilt when you rape children?

Guiltless Murder is Good

10:29 PM - IWA

That is what Bingo Bing said.

Bingozee said that the more a journalist does what journalists should do, the less credible they become. In other words, shoot the messenger. Murder them. As long as you have no guilt, like Bingozee said, it's totally acceptable.

How-To Get Off Google

10:36 PM - IWA

Step one, go to YouTube to find videos on how to install alternative operating systems like Ubuntu Mate 16.04 (OS) which I use for example. You can search for how-to posts and articles that spells out the steps in how you can get a better OS. You can put up ads on Infocomms, Twitter, Craiglists, Facebook, YouTube, Blogspot, Tumblr, Linkedin, etc, asking for help from people like me who can help you or you can try to do it yourself. Step one, tell yourself what you want. For example, if you want to try to get a better OS or a secondary OS, etc, etc, then tell yourself that in your brain. Then say it out loud. Then tell a friend. Tell somebody. Write it on your wall, computer, in a notebook, etc. Put it on your fridge, a note, a reminder. Write on paper just TWO LETTERS. Just write: "OS." And then, after that, try to find videos that can explain differences between different OS for dummies, beginners.

Gun & Tyranny

10:44 PM - IWA

Can we hide our guns or will the feds look everywhere for them?

If the feds come, would they come looking for guns or is it more likely that they would come BUT ONLY IF they already know you have guns?


10:50 PM - IWA

Bingozee said guiltless murder is not bad.

Are you going to guiltlessly murder me, not that there is anything wrong with that as Jerry Seinfeld would say, right?


10:52 PM - IWA

Bingozee said guiltless murder is fine. I wonder if cannibals have guilt or not.

Steemit Problems

11:46 PM - Twitter

Crypto people can be a bit too nerdy. Reminds me of that CBS show called Scorpion. They were smart and yet the girl there kept them down to earth.