SundayCook #36 - Watercress Soup [EN] | Sopa de Agrião [PT]

in #food7 years ago

Hi everyone!!

Having a good Sunday?!

Today SundayCook is a bit different, it's not a main dish but a soup.

My favorite soup!!

Olá a todos!!

Estão a ter um bom Domingo?!

O SundayCook de hoje é um pouco diferente, não é um prato principal mas uma sopa.

A minha sopa preferida!!

For this SundayCook I prepared | Para este SundayCook preparei:

Watercress Soup | Sopa de Agrião


Figure 1 - Watercress Soup | Sopa de Agrião

This is not the first soup of #SundayCook, I already shared Sunday Cook # 3 - Meat soup (mom's recipe) and SundayCook #26 - Green bean soup welcoming summer time. Watercress soup is easy to prepare and super nutritious.

Esta não é a primeira sopa do #SundayCook, já tinha partilhado o Sunday Cook # 3 - Meat soup (mom's recipe) and SundayCook #26 - Green bean soup welcoming summer time. A sopa de Agrião é fácil de fazer e super nutritiva.

Ingredients | Ingredientes:

  • 2 medium onions | - 2 cebolas médias
  • 7 cloves of garlic | - 7 dentes de alho
  • 5 carrots| - 5 cenouras
  • 1 zucchini | - 1 courgete
  • 3 medium potatoes | - 3 batatas médias
  • 1 bunch of watercress (about 200 gram) | - 1 molho de agrião (cerca de 200 g)
  • olive oil (to taste) | - azeite (a gosto)
  • water to cover the vegetables | - água para cobrir os vegetais
  • salt (to taste)| - sal (a gosto)


Figure 2 - Bunch of watercress | Molho de agrião


1 - Peel, wash and cut the onions and garlic. Place it in a large saucepan with the bottom cover with olive oil, and let fry about 5 minutes.

1 - Descascar, lavar e cortar a cebola e alhos. Colocar numa panela larga com o fundo coberto de azeite para fritar durante cerca de 5 minutos.


Figure 3 - Frying the onion and garlic in olive oil | Refogado de cebola e alho no azeite

2 - Cut the extremities of carrots and of the zucchini, wash and cut into pieces. Place it in the saucepan.

2 - Cortar as pontas das cenouras e da courgete, lavar e cortar em pedaços. Colocar na panela.

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Figure 4 - Vegetables in the saucepan | Vegetais na panela

3 -Peel and wash the potatoes, cut into pieces and place it in the saucepan. Cover with water and season with salt. When it starts boiling, reduce to medium-low heat, cover with a lid and let cook for about 20 minutes.

3 -Descascar e lavar as batatas, cortar em cubos e juntar na panela. Cobrir com água e temperar com sal. Quando começar a ferver, reduzir o lume e cozinhar durante 20 minutos tapado.


Figure 5 - Vegetables cooking | Vegetais a cozer

4 - Meanwhile, select the leaves of the watercress (in this soup I don't use the stems, I use them for soup creams).

4 - Entretanto, escolher as folhas de agrião (nesta sopa não uso os caules, uso-os em cremes).

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Figure 6 - Watercress leaves | Folhas de agrião

5 - Remove the saucepan from heat and use a hand blender to blend the soup until creamy.
6 - Place the saucepan back on the stove and let the cream boil.

5 - Retirar a panela do lume e triturar os vegetais com uma trituradora até os vegetais ficarem em creme.
6 - Pôr a panela novamente no lume e deixar ferver.


Figure 7 - Soup cream | Creme da sopa

7 - When starts boiling, add the watercress and cook for 5 minutes, stirring.

7 - Quando começar a ferver, juntar as folhas de agrião e deixar cozer por 5 minutos, mexendo.

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Figure 8 - Cooking the watercress leaves | A cozer as folhas de agrião

It's ready to serve!! | Está pronto a ser servido!!


Figure 9 - Watercrees soup | Sopa de agrião


Figure 10 - Watercrees soup served I| Sopa de agrião no prato I


Figure 11 - Watercrees soup served II| Sopa de agrião no prato II

Do you think you would like to taste this soup? What kind of watercress soups do you usually prepare?

Hope you like this healthy recipe!

Have a great week!!

Acham que gostariam de provar esta sopa? Que tipo de sopas de agrião costumam fazer?

Espero que tenham gostado desta receita saudável.

Uma ótima semana!

I will come back with another delicious Sunday cook :D

Stay tuned!!

What is Sunday Cook?!

This Sunday Cook project began with a strong will to contribute to Steemit with my personal view of Portuguese cuisine. I really believe we have plenty of good food. Despite I'm not a professional or nothing similar, I can assure that I'm doing my best, and hopefully, I'm improving my skills too!

On Sundays (cold Sundays), I like to prepare more elaborate and delicious food. It requires time and patience. Usually, I cook some traditional Portuguese food, or at least with Portuguese inspiration :) I try to do it in a healthier way, using the minimum fat as possible, and normally I pick some recipe and transform it. During the week I don't like to spend much time cooking (no time at all), that's why I get totally motivated to cook on Sundays!!


Eu voltarei com outro SundayCook delicioso :D

Fiquem atentos!!

O que é o Sunday Cook?!

Este projeto iniciou-se com uma grande vontade de contribuir para o Steemit com a minha visão pessoal da cozinha Portuguesa. Eu considero que temos excelentes pratos. Apesar de não ser profissional nem nada que o valha, garanto que tenho feito o meu melhor, e espero estar a melhorar os meus dotes culinários!

Nos Domingos (quando está frio), gosto de preparar comida mais elaborada. Requer tempo e paciência. Normalmente, cozinho pratos da cozinha tradicional Portuguesa, ou pelo menos inspirados na mesma. Tento cozinhá-los de uma forma saudável, usando o mínimo de gordura possível e normalmente pego numa receita e adapto ao meu gosto. Durante a semana não gosto de perder tempo a cozinhar (nada mesmo), e é por isso que me sinto motivada a cozinhar nos Domingos!!

Links for previous posts | Lista de links para posts anteriores:

Thanks to @steemitboard for creating this awesome badges!


parece boa essa sopa

parece e é (era)! ;)

Woooooh, cool looking soup @liliana.duarte
I can almost taste it from here #smackslips

Unfortunately we dont have watercress where I am from, but I'll really like to taste that, I love the recipe.


I love watercress, in salads, burgers and soups! :) Thanks!

That soup looks so good! I like watercress, especially when I find it wild. Some of the winter mustards would do well in this soup, too, like Wintercress (Barbarea vulgaris) and Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta). They have a little kick to them, like watercress. Happy cooking!

I love it too, and picking it from a river is even better! Your alternatives look great too! My soups are usually cooked using the same main recipe, sometimes I use pumpkin instead of carrots, turnip instead ofzucchini​i and the green leafs according​ to whats available :) Thank you!! :)

Que bem que sabe uma sopinha quentinha com este tempo chuvoso 😊 Boa semana!

Sopa é mesmo comida de inverno! ;)

OMG, I love dark greens. I think escarole would work well in this recipe as well.

Definately stealing this. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks! I never used escarole, but why not? The green leafs can be whatever you like the most!

give me :)

I would certainly give!! Glad you liked and finally I cooked something you could really appreciate :)

Por acaso é das sopas que gosto menos... não gosto muito de agrião... mas os gostos não se discutem :)

Pois, eu tornei-me fã de agrião, adoro nas saladas e sopas! Mas lá está, gostos não se discutem!

receita completinha @liliana.duarte! gostei!!

Ohhh yum yum! I like watercress. And it is another thing that only tried in Portugal. We don't eat it.

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