FINALE MILESTONE - "RIBBON OF HOPE" - A Collaborative Art Journey No. 24 - We've created over 425 images!!!!steemCreated with Sketch.


To date 87 Steemit Artists have created together a total of 425+ pieces of amazing art.

These are the artists who have given of their talents to further this initiative so far:

@andrew0, @aksinya, @allforthegood, @allstarrunner, @allyinspirit, @anandkphoto, @aniestudio, @artguy, @art21, @brumest, @camilla, @catsmart, @cgame, @comealong, @cosmictriage, @dbzfan4awhile, @dreemit, @englishchivry, @em3di, @flowerpowerart, @fractalizer, @funkit, @giraffeonskates, @girlbeforemirror, @havok777, @hilarski, @hopehugs, @jessamynorchard, @juanmiguelsalas, @juliakponsford, @jyezie, @kalemandra, @ken-and-jane, @lightsplasher, @littlemozart, @lloyddavis, @luiscpt, @mada, @manuel78, @mariandavp, @meesterboom, @merej99, @mikkolyytinen, @mindfreak, @modernnomad, @motivator, @mrssignificant, @naquoya, @nonameslefttouse, @oceansoul13, @opheliafu, @paolobeneforti, @paniopan, @pcste, @phoenixmaid, @pyrowngs, @reddust, @reneenouveau65, @revostrike, @robyneggs, @rubenalexander, @saramiller, @samanthajbarnes, @seisges, @shortcut, @silviabeneforti, @skapaneas, @soyjoseluis, @spaceginger, @splus, @stephenking989, @sumsum, @thebatchman, @thedrollyears, @trueart, @txatxy, @verbal-d, @veronicavaldeon, @voronoi, @woman-onthe-wing, @wordsword, @xochicotta, @xtrodinarypilot, @yadamaniart, @jyezie, @yoganarchista, @yusaymon

It's amazing what we can do as a community, sharing our passions and giving of ourselves unconditionally for a common purpose.  Not a single one of these artists have received rewards from participating, which to me is the mark of a true artist.  There are so many art initiatives to partake in that do pay, so to see the participation that is happening here moves me greatly.  

It's not about money--it's about passion!  

It's not about competition--it's about collaboration!

It's not about getting what you can get--
it's about giving, supporting and upgrading ourselves and the lives of others!



A big welcome to @txatxy, @samanthajbarnes, and @brumest who are debuting with their first CAJ collaborations.  


Collaboration Finale No. 24

~**~**~    " RIBBON OF HOPE "    ~**~**~

One day while cleaning out the shed, I came across a tin container.  I opened it up, and to my surprise, this plastic looking, brilliant red substance was inside.  It reminded me of ribbon candy we used to get at Christmas time when we were children.  I expected it to be gooey as it was so shiny, but alas it was super hard, basically petrified in this position.  I immediately knew I needed a pic of this for the CAJ!

This original image was then transformed by 16 artists here on Steemit.
With this one image alone, we produced  18 Collaborative Masterpieces. 

I love putting the sound first so you can enjoy it while perusing the rest of our gallery:

@verbal-d is instrumental in many initiatives here on Steemit, is working on all of his beats for every one of these collaborations to make an album!!!  Enjoy another Melodious Music Memoir: "Ribbon of Hope Beat"!!!!

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Ohhhhhh I love this sooooo long beat!! Yay!!! What a great beat. Makes me feel like I just want to keep going on, and on, and on, and on. Very melodic and almost hypnotizing!!! Light and cheery at the same time. Very grateful to have your beat amongst these masterpieces. Thanks for coming out to play @verbal-d!!

Check this out!!!  This is the first time this have ever happened -- @yusaymon painted ME!!!  He took my photo from a photoshoot by @quinneaker and combined it with my Ribbon of Hope image to create "Beautiful EVERLOVING":

Hahahaha----Oh my goodness--this is a COMPLETE surprise!!! You are very clever and amazingly talented @yusaymon. I am impressed with your skill and the way you combined these two images. Did you get this image from @quinneaker's blog? Great move!!

@soyjoseluis does his posts in Spanish and shares this Collaboration with the Spanish speaking community:

OMG!!! I love the way I get to see surprises on your image as I scroll down. I never really know what's going to happen until I get to the bottom!! You're quite the artist dear friend. I love the way you used my image--the ladder is an epic addition!!! I'm really grateful that you invest your talented energy here @soyjoseluis.

The Spanish girl @txatxy invited herself to do this collaboration:

Oh my, this is incredibly stunning! I was picturing something similar to this too--you've gone over the top with it--truly impressive! You are definitely invited and so grateful you didn't wait for me to hunt you down. Thank you so much for showing up here and for taking the initiative!!! it's great to have you here @txatxy.

Get a reminder to Let the Whole World Break Your Heart with @juliakponsford:

I'm so glad you have joined this collaboration @juliakponsford. Your art is like no other--so tangible and expressive on a level all its own. I love your concept and the way you carried it out. The line drawing part is my favorite--simple and detailed all at the same time. We are so blessed to have you join us.  I know what it's like to have a broken heart, so deep and profound is the journey. It is indeed worth the challenge to love again with wild abandon, regardless of where we have been before. I'm grateful for that reminder everyday. Powerful possibilities exist in the realms of infinite love.

We are gifted a poem and art in this Collaboration with @robyneggs, an artist of word and more:

Ribbons of hope
Spin witty comments and threads
Here on Steemit I choke up
Every time I see their heads
And the way they talk like their dead inside
Makes me want to spew hope
Like rings of smoke on ice
Just to watch them change scope
And move on to a new decision
Though they bunch up like silk
On the market floor like noodles
All wrinkled with guilt

You did it again---double duty!!!! Sweet image and great poetry--true to your character and talent. I'm so glad you're playing with us. Let's share our images at Steemfest2!!!

@yoganarchista often literally ends up in these collaborations:

Woweeee!!! This is one very intense piece---I presume with you in the middle? Extremely striking and rather mesmerizing. I just keep wanting to look at this one. AWESOME job @yoganarchista!!!

"Red Ribbons" is just one of the cool images created by @kalemandra.  Go to her post to be even more impressed!

Oh Yes!!! I really love this, especially the spirals!!! It's cool how it resembles a rose. You can never go wrong with the flower of life, and your first round was extremely fascinating. Very interesting combination of images @kalemandra. So very grateful you've joined us.

@paniopan combined two of his own paintings with my image and created this collaboration:

Wow wow wow!!! This is incredible @paniopan. Your art really intrigues me!!! The combination you have chosen makes for a really astounding piece of art. Dang---we're good together. So grateful for your contribution and the talent you bring to this initiative. So glad I could inspire you to jump in and make your presence known. You bring great value to this platform. <3

@samanthajbarnes makes patterns emerge with her first collaboration:

These are really intense @samanthajbarnes. Great job making the transformation into such amazing pieces. There are really a lot of details in there. Very fun, yet powerful to look at. Thanks also for sharing your process. You sound like quite the talented chef...slicing, dicing and julienning!!

An incredibly surprising Gorgon Medusa Head by @paolobeneforti:

Hahahahaha @paolobeneforti. I love how this image lends itself to so many different interpretations. You did a great one--totally Medusa-like!! The green color make it extra creepy-like. I'm glad she's no my mother-in-law!! I always love your art. Thanks so much for sharing yourself.

Collaboration with @dreemit - expanding her horizons from fiction writer, into her new-found expression of drawing 

Yippee!!!! You did do it!!! And you drew it and it's awesome. It's so cool that you are breaking your own barriers and expanding into new horizons. I think that's one of the most beautiful things about this artists' community...s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g!! I love your interpretation, very organic and wholesome feeling. I imagine that is a good reflection of you dear @dreemit. Thank you so very much for sharing yourself with us.

Collaboration with @revostrike - another brilliant contribution:

Another incredible piece @revostrike. It's such a happy image, as if something very intricate and well designed is coming out of chaos. Ahhhh yes!!! There's hope!

@opheliafu often combines her poetic voice with a tangible artistic expression, bringing many levels of greatness to this initiative.  Enjoy "Rhythmic Movers" with @opheliafu:

OH my @opheliafu!! This is soooo cute! What a great idea. The colors you've chosen provide great contrast. This is just the party scene I wanted to see!! I did a photoshoot recently for an epic birthday party and have been looking at party photos all day....and now this! Your poem is awesome too. I love it when you combine these two art forms together. Always a blessing!

@brumest is sharing the love for b/w (see Monomad  contest here).  Enjoy this Collaboration with @brumest.  

A very interesting and intricate piece @brumest. I love the shadow around the edges which makes it feel 3-d, or floating in space. The texture is almost like yarn art. You brought out a lot of detailed texture and I love that its b/w. Thanks so much for making such a valuable contribution to this initiative. You're the bomb!

This Collaboration  with @fractalizer is made from four different videos!!!

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What incredible work @fractalizer. Now I see why you have that screen name. I was quite hypnotized in viewing this magnificence!!! I really love kaleidoscopes and love everything about your contribution! So so very glad you came out to play with us. You've made a great upgrade to our collaboration. A truly one-of-a-kind addition. Thank you for the blessing.

@fractalizer also created this beauty:

And what a piece it is!  This feels like it is in motion--with fire behind the scenes being overcome by the coolness.
I love the brilliance and flow of this image. You really have such a great perspective and skill to bring forth such beauty. Thank you for being here with us and sharing yourself.

@pyrowngs brings on the mandala affect with Everything's Coming Up Roses: 

This is a really sweet image @pyrowngs. I find myself sitting here just smiling at it!! Fun it is! <3


Everytime I open one of your collaborations, post an invitation or one of these finales, I give thanks for this Steemit artist's community.  The love that is growing here is as vast as our passions.  

Oh what a blessing we are to each other!!!



I'm accepting suggestions on how we might share our repertoire at Steemfest 2 in Lisbon  Leave me a comment or contact me on SteemitChat if you have some brilliant ideas!!

Also, consider making a donation to the
t-r-f (travel reimbursement fund) to help all those who wish assistance with a refund for their travel to Steemfest 2.  We can help each other make it there!

.A sample view of our early collaborative works:
Steemian Collaborative Art Journey - What the Heck Are We Building?


Finale of Reflections of a Blessings - 16 artists and 23 masterpieces
Finale of Tangled Webs We Weave- 23 artists and 27 masterpieces
Finale of Life Stands Still - 18 artists and 22 masterpieces
Finale of Power Spirit - 23 artists and 26 masterpieces
Finale of Life Stands Still - 18 artists and 29 masterpieces
Finale of Ingrained - 18 artists and 17 masterpieces
Finale of Beyond the Veil - 18 artists and 19 masterpieces
Finale of Sliver's Edge - 12 artists and 14 masterpieces
Finale of Shadow Mandala - 19 artist and 28 masterpieces
Finale of Ethereal Presence - 17 artists and 19 masterpieces
Finale of On the Ball - 9 artists and 10 masterpieces
Finale of Wisdom of the Ancients- 17 artists creating 36 masterpieces
Finale of Rejuvenation- 20 artists creating 27 masterpieces
Finale of Do You See What I See - 14 artists creating 19 masterpieces
Finale of Shattered Rainbows - 17 artists creating 31 masterpieces
Finale of All Fired Up - 18 artists creating 19 masterpieces
Finale of No Strings Attached - 17 artists creating 29 masterpieces
Finale of Artist's Eye - 16 artists creating 21 masterpieces
Finale of Midnight Sky - 7 artists  creating 8 masterpieces
Zentangle Art Collaboration - 4 artists creating 3 masterpieces
Building community through Art Collaboration - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece
Collaboration using Ned's Head - 5 artists creating 4 masterpieces
Collaborating with @opheliafu:  Madam Kali - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece
Collaborating with @opheliafu: Bird on a Wing - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece


This really is just one of the most amazing things going on Steemit.
So beautiful~*~

Thank you for that heartfelt comment @quinneaker! The beauty shared is really magnificent. I'm honored to continue to spark creation. <3

I am only using my time to comment because this is truly so profound.
Grateful to witness it!

I just love looking through all of the amazing contributions! So much stunning creativity all in one place. Thank you so much beautiful @everlove for continuing to provide all of us the opportunity to express ourselves in unique ways. You are a blessing to steemit! So much love and a big hug to you!!

So great to see you here @dreemit !
This truly is a wonderful event and I am just amazed at what creativity is inspired through such collaboration.
This is a beautiful way to utilize Steemit!

Yes, it really is! I would love to visit your community one day, with the two of you apart of it I can only imagine it's fabulous :)

Words don't really describe what it is as it is something we have never seen before. It is however very exciting, sustainable, free, beautiful, empowered, and very fulfilling!

Well said @dreemit!! There is truly a lot of passionate power in this community. I am honored to host this initiative and provide opportunity to come together for common purpose. I love how we all can begin from the same place, and take off into all different directions, and come back together again. Magic happens! Sending much love and a hug your way too. I appreciate your appreciation.

I've found some new folks to follow- amazing work!

Yea there were some really profound pieces!
I thought that weird red thing was so strange but its being used so well!

Aha---supporting each other--a true blessing!

Thank you so much for putting this incredible post together...what a labor of love! It's mind blowing seeing all of the participants in one place. I am so thankful we crossed paths this week. Looking forward to more!

My sentiments exactly! Very well said!

Good on you for being a part of the creative collaboration!

I am thankful to have crossed paths with @everlove when I did...the perfect time for me to get in on the fun. I think I have finally found a group within the Steemit community that is a good fit.

Yes what a love and creativity filled group!

Twas indeed a labor of love. Enjoying all these magnificent contributions again is always a great way to tune into each other. We are blessed to be together and to share such passionate realities. I too am thankful we crossed paths. I feel we'll have much more to share.

Oh my goodness, I feel as if I've finally hit the jackpot in terms of what Steemit has to offer. My heart is beating faster and am excited to follow this and many of the artists from here on out!

wow what an awesome comment!

OH my goodness!!! What a comment. I'm so glad you found us @icmultitudes. We have built an incredible artist community here with incredible support and good feeling vibes. This is the jackpot indeed. I hope you'll get to know these artists, it's truly an incredible group.

Thank you so much @everlove, I absolutely loved being part of this collaborative event! I am looking forward to the next

Yea what a truly AMAZING event and your piece was beautiful!

Thank you for sharing it with us and for participating in @everlove s magnificent collaboration!

Dream On~*~

You contributions are a great indication of who you are. Thanks for bringing yourself to the table @fractalizer.

Upvoted & RESTEEMED :]


Oooooo so cute @soyjoseluis!!! Agreed---fantastic all around! Thank you for being a part of it!

I´m waiting the next Collaborative Art Journey <3 <3

Coming soon dear friend!

A pleasure to have collaborated and more the challenge of doing something different, we children used to do a scribble with a pencil and the other had to draw with that a
Drawing was entertaining and this reminded me of it
Thank you

It's fun to spark each other's creativity and come together in support. Thanks for doing it with me @txatxy.

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