Weekend wrapup!

in #weekendwrapup6 years ago

So as many of you know I did my weekwrapup post but my phone only allowed me to come to Thursday 📱😝 so here is the weekend post!


Let's do this guys and gals


Spended most day outside as it was sunny and beautiful

love those flowers just don't know it's name

Yes me outside the house and I was thinking mabye this could count as a #sublimesunday?

Bobby was being all tired and goofy 🐶😁
Best companion but scared of everything.. Lol
just so cuddleble

Then coffe break and time to steem... Always makes my heart skip a beat... Love it!

@youarehope shared as always amazing post about taking care of people that are outsiders and forgotten but still there....

@nainaz.tengra shared amazing pictures from her ride home and the environment is just incredible. Loved it ❤️

Another amazing post by @nainaz.tengra about earth day. Beautiful my friend!

@zen-art made a great shout out post and mentioned some amazing people. Awsome!

She made another great post to about how to make beautiful butterflies. Really creative!
Loved this! 💗

@crazybgadventure made a great post about the pain in the butt cat Grumpy..

@lilyraabe made a post about why telling a story is a powerful way to change the world. Great reading

@silverd510 made this Awsome post and shared his job making an incredible sherry bar.
I would love to have one myself 😉 wouldn't you? Truly amazing job!

That was a little about my day but then it was Friday and that meant........


First was the last of Jennys amazing

My favorite Friday hangout but this was her last show and it was as always AMAZING!
So much great music and lots of fun 😁

The beautiful host my jenny💖👭

Thank you for every Friday that you have made us all happy by your beautiful voice and spirit. Gonna miss it but I know I still have you so I survive 😂😂 hahaha LOVE YOU 💟💖💗

Then it was time for the Castle Party 🏰🎉👑
Amazing idea and planned by the lovely @katrina-ariel 🎊🎉❤️👑
Thank you for a great night and fun to se so many people showing up. Was a blast!
Here's her post about the party if anyone missed it.

Then it was sleeping time even if it was morning already.... Lol



Another beautiful day outside and I was spending it mostly in the garden with Bobby.


And of course the beautiful flowers that I just can't get enough of.
my favorite Lilly we call it Easter Lilly here

My favorite from last summer were I actually managed to capture this cute Bumble bee 🐝

cute and nice to let me get some shots

Those are my altime favorite flowers but have no idea what they're called. They are so beautiful and took those last summer and I hope to se them this year again 😊



And then it was time to Saturday steem and read some posts so here are the choices for today folks 😄


First posts I came across was a real heartbreaking story about a wonderful couple who struggles with cancer and lots of tough decisions.

This post was made by @davemccoy about @briancourteau who is the one with cancer

But reading those posts and messages between the two of them @briancourteau and his loving @lynncoyle1 , just blows me away. The love between them are so inspiering and their positive spirits in all this.
Makes me wish I had a magic Wan so I could change things for them 💟💖💗

Here is Brians amazing poem to his love and it is so beautiful and I was all teared up.

And here is @lynncoyle1 post about letting her loving Brian go. 😢 So heartbreaking but her strength is incredible and the love will never die.
My heart goes out to them❤️

And another post I just had to share cause this man made a beautiful song dedicated to those couple and his name is @edprivat
Amazing voice and love his version of this song.

Then I saw @enginewitty and those cute caturday pictures, and look at those cute sisters in the car 🤗

And this caturday was the cutest by @enginewitty were the cat wanted to get a ride in his daughter's lap.... Adorable!

@papa-pepper shared some amazing pictures of flowers in the tree, really beautiful

@Simgirl shared this adorable post of her kitty and so darn cute 😊

@krazypoet made a perfect selfie with Bambi
Really cool shot 😎

@c0ff33a shared another of his amazing vlogs that I think we all love 😉 I know I do.
Amazing post my friend and lots of great posts to read as I missed a few 😕 lol

Then I was listening to the amazing @ShadowsPub and the witnesses that had a "meeting" and listening to the people there and their explanations, gave me a better idea of who they were and what a witness really is.
Also realized the importance of actually vote.
And in this chat I met a wonderful person that I never met before or talked to. @dreemsteem
So glad I met you and you are just so amazing in so many ways. Everything happens for a reason right? 😉
Checked out her blog and found this amazing story that just got me hooked.
I will read from chapter one so I get all right.. Lol

Saw that chapter 10 was out to so here ya Go!

@mariannewest made this amazing post about @topkpop and it was a really great writing 📝
Loved it! 💕

@hazem91 wrote another amazing poem. Really touched 💓

Again @c0ff33a made a great one this time pictures that are funky and really cool effects

@snook made a great and well written post that really made me think. I think we all can relate!

Another amazing post by @snook is this freewrite about a basket. I dunno how you do it but you make me wanna put my hand down the basket 😂😂hahaha

@txatxy shared this amazing post about Argi the cat in the window. That is some seriously beautiful pictures and such cute cat 🤗

@emjoe shared this amazing post and his humor is just amazing and he does some serious moves here 😜 lol cool!

Those amazing pictures by @fiftysixnorth just can't be missed. Incredible and I didn't know it was Scotlands flower 😉 now I do!

A great post from @freewritehouse

@mariannewest shared this beautiful picture of painted sky. Amazing my friend 😉


Ya 📱👈you would just dare quit on me now....
Please only 🌞-day left..... Bare with me!




Can't have a day without hugs 🤗🤗🤗
My favorite thing and it wouldn't be a #teamhug if there was no hugs... Right @c0ff33a 😁 lol

So this Sunday I was not doing as much as I use to.... Kind of a lazy day I have to admit 😜

But lazy means more time to 🙈🙊🙉 STEEM
So read a few posts I did and here they are!

@sweetpea shared a great earth day post and all about teaching the kids to be Eco friendly

@steemflow shared how to make a homemade Indian drinks and it looked really tasty 😋

@battleaxe again delivered a great post. This time about leaving links on peoples blogs. I think we all know how enoying that can be. Just a big DON'T!!!!

@hangin shared this beautiful picture of a cute cat looking funny in the pink hat.. Lol
She doesn't look to happy tho... Lol

@crisangel shared this amazing post about education in Venezuela and his friend @ropavejero was the one coming up with this project. This is the English version of this post.

Here is the Spanish version of the post!

And this post just..... 😂😂😂 OMG my sweet beautiful friend @thekitchenfairy
So this was the post you talked about that made you think that I was psychic as I joked and called you Dude just as you had written about it.
This just cracked me up like crazy. You are so amazing and this was really creative of you.

Just another amazing post by @overkillcoin and his art is just the coolest and darn cute 🤗
Also the humor behind it is Awsome.

Of course @enginewitty made another #haturday 😉 and looking really cool and a little scary 😜 lol
I'm so behind on my Haturday that it's embarrassing.... Lol

Ya I know this is one's I've already shared but hey for today this is my pictures for #haturday 😆

I know some of those post are newer than the weekend but I read and are afraid to miss some so I hope you don't mind me sharing even posts after Sunday 🙏

Like this amazing post by @enginewitty were he does bad karaoke with his princesses and it's just to adorable 🎤🤗❤️
Thank you for sharing your life with us and moments like this are the best.

@goldenarms shared a beautiful collection of silver and gold and I absolutely love that coin case 😉 great collection and so much my eyes almost got hurt by the shiny objects... Lol

And to wrap this post up I figured one last post would have to be in here to.
The Eyes👀on! A helluva post that we all know our badass Boss @enginewitty puts alot of time and effort in.
We all Love You and appreciate all you do!💞

Just had to cause I love this cute sim that @snook made 💕
and standing next to the Boss... Ya good thing I'm holding the cat or I would hug him.. Lol


So that was my weekend wrapup post and I hope you liked it 😉

Thank you all for being so amazing and supportive. You give me so much that I hope I give as much back 🔙🤗💋❤️

Have a wonderful week and stay Awesome!
Much Love to ya'll 💞💖💞




Proud Member of the best family

designed by @enginewitty

If you want to vote for a witness that are worth your voting then go and vote for @enginewitty
A man with a huge heart and who accept you for who you are and never hesitate to help in whatever way is needed. That's the leader that can change the world for the better. Best boss!
Sounds to good to be true? He almost is but I assure you his real so go and vote 👇


Hmm.... you enjoyed your weekend. I appreciate your nice mind. I think you r so pretty girl. So much fun in your weekend day. Thank you very much for your nice experience sharing. Thank

Yes it was a great weekend 😊 and to se the sun shining finally makes a happy Heart!
Thank you for your sweet words and I'm glad you liked my post. Have a great week. Cheers! 🌸🌻🌼

How can I possibly find the words to say thank you? Brian and I so appreciative of your kind and loving words, and truthfully, we are in awe of the support we have received from so many amazing people here. @davemccoy's post was such an amazing surprise to us the other day, and then to watch the love flow in there was the most emotional experience we've had here on steemit. Since you mentioned @edprivat also, I have to say that his song was another exceptional and caring act that totally blew us away. Simply beautiful, and now, you are a part of that beauty and a part of our story too. Thank you again @saffisara, this is something we will never forget! :)

You don't have to thank me, I know how much love and support means. Having a mother who survived cancer changed my life and perspective of what's important in life.
And after hearing your story it just touched my heart so 💖
And it's a love story that is worth sharing and you deserve all love and support that comes your way and I don't think you have seen the end of it yet 😊
Thank you for your kind words and I'm honored to be a part of your story.
Much love to you both 🌸🤗🌸 ❤️❤️❤️

Wow so much kindness around here I had to come by and say hi :)
Thank you @saffisara for the shout out ! You are one of a kind !

@lynncoyle1 , I am starting blushing haha , and me yesterday saying "it's nothing" made me realize that you guys touched us so much with your story, and the healing power of music is real , so I wont undermine my work anymore, it's worth "something" :)
we are all with you anyway you can see that ahahha

It's easy to be kind when you meet amazing people and that is so inspiring as Brian and Lynn are. Blows me away 😊
And about your music... Of course it matters and it's healing in so many ways and can make the darkest day bright 🤗 true gift!

Thanks dear you are very right!

I am aren't I? 😉 Lol cheers! 🌸

What an incredible weekend, although why is Bobby in a neck brace did he injure himself

I have absolutely no idea how you manage to visit so many posts - it’s incredible half of Steemit is mentioned between this post and your last one.

You have some lovely pretty flowers out now, it’s been such a relief to get back into the garden and enjoy sun and warm weather.

As the leader of #teamhug 🤗 I can safely say you are the greatest post hugger out there, I can only bow down to your superior post supporting abilities and I really don’t know how you manage to do all this just on your 📱

Fantastic post, it kept me thoroughly entertained while Roasting another 8 different coffees - although I was so distracted I nearly burnt the Costa Rican El Cipres roast 😱


Thank you so much my lovely friend 🤗
Glad you liked it and I'm glad my 📱 actually didn't break... Lol I was seriously worried there for a while but I must say I love this phone. Never let's me down... Although it took me 3 hours 😂😂 hahaha
Hey... I need to say a big WHAAAT? Cause I feel the same way when I read your posts.
How do you get to all posts that you do and make all comments.... Lol
I bow to you Mr Caffeine ☕

You are just way to sweet to me and I'm not all that....😉 Lol
But together we are a great team #teamhug 🤗
It's crazy how you start reading all posts and when you do the wrapup you just can't stop putting posts in but I guess one thing is good doing it on my phone... It forces you to stop at some point 😂😂😂 lol
Thank you for always being so amazing my friend and you are the best partner in crime 🤗
We hug people to obedience 🤗🤗🤗

Another lucky find by batman I se 😉 lol

Thanks so much for featuring me! This is a really kind act - to help others get exposure - and introduce users that one might not otherwise know about :)

My pleasure you so deserve it my friend and you know I'm a fan of your art 🤗
I started doing those weekwrapup like 2 weeks ago and the response was amazing so... Ya now I can't let them down.... Lol
How's everything going my friend? Have a wonderful week. Cheers 🌻🌸🌼

This is an amazing post dear. You make it seem so easy to compile this wonderful summary, especially with Bobby 🐩🐩🐩 around. 😁😀.

I can see you laughing at my yoga moves. 😁.

Yes I was laughing at your yoga moves 😁 but not for the reason I think you think.
I was truly impressed by it honestly. I would fall on my face doing that.... Lol
Thank you for your kind words my baby 🤗
Glad you liked it. Only took me like 3 hours to Finnish 😜 my phone was messing with me today.. Lol Have a wonderful Tuesday and I will talk to you later. Love 💕💖💕

I know you were laughing not for the reason I think. 😁😀😁. But it won't be bad to laugh for that reason. I pput it up for funsake. Lol.

You are Awesome.

I know you knew that.... Cause you know me to well 😊 it was fun that you included the yoga move, nice touch. Stay as you are my lovely friend. Much love💖 🌸🤗🌸💖

What a lengthy post! Where do you find the time to read so many posts!

Thank you so much my friend 🤗
I dunno and honestly it's not untill you actually se it like this you realize how many posts it is 😁
But I love reading posts and getting comments is always the highlight of my day. I just have to step up on answering all comments. I'm a little behind 😜 I hope you are having a wonderful week. Stay as you are. Cheers! 🌸🤗🌸

I know how you feel.. its always a great feeling to get comments :) I'm sure you'll catch up quickly. Have a great day!

Yes I think we all know that feeling 😉
I have been more productive today than I have been in a long time. Posted and almost caught up on my comments. But could be cause I've been home all day so I could. Only thing is that my rest didn't go as planned..... Lol
But I will try to catch up there to 👍
I hope you are doing well and having the a great week. Cheers! 🤗

you've been home all day? Oh I hope you are not sick! its nice to have a day some times to rest. I often feel like i never get the chance to rest.. even on weekends.. don't forget to take care of yourself ;)

Yes I've been home all day. I had to leave work yesterday cause my head hurt so bad. And it lasted all yesterday but after sleep and a little food I feel much better today. I think it's been to much overtime at work lately so my body said Stop🚫✋ so I guess a little change can be good.
Yes I know about the sleep I've slept 3-4 hours a night for the last 3 weeks and I guess sleeping the whole yesterday helped a lot... Lol
How's everything going with your head? Are you back to yourself again? That was a hard time for you. Big hug 🤗

A lack of sleep can have a big effect on your health, I'm glad you were able to get some rest and feel better :) my head is much better thanks, it was a difficult time, but yes I am feeling more myself :) hugs 🤗 😊

Yes you are so right and I have a bad habit of sleeping 3 hours a night but it's not enough 😜 lol.
Comes to haunt me later. But tonight I actually got 5 hours so that's much better. Today I'm good 😊
I'm so glad that you feel better and are more yourself. I wish you a wonderful day my friend and take care. 🌸🤗🌸

A giant morning hug to you, my new shining lovely warm genuine friend!!!!! Hehehe
Thank you for making me a part of your week!!! I'm already having so much fun with you and can't wait to have more!!!😍
I think great things are in our future!!!! Hehhee

A Big one right back at ya 😉
Thank you for your kind words and I'm glad you were a part of my week to. A wonderful new friendship and I'm having so much fun with you too 😍 you are Amazing!!
I'm looking forward to se what the future holds for us. Thank you for being who you are!
Much Love 🌹🤗🌹

As always, I don't see how you can do all of this!! work overtime, be on discord, write epic posts, send hugs all around the world!!! You aren'g human either - I just know it :)

Hugs and lots of love coming to you!!

Awww... Your words just warms the ❤️
Thank you! Well hopefully I will work less overtime at work and get more free time.. Lol
But yes I have been to addicted to discord lately and steemit too😜 lol
But I just love being here with you guys so much
hard to stay away. And I love reading posts and comments that's the highlight.
So I guess your stuck with me 😂😂😂 lol
Have a wonderful day my sweet friend and much love to you ❤️🌸❤️🌼❤️
I hope to do another freewrite soon.. have missed that

Love being "stuck" with you lol

Aww.... Me too my friend🎀 🤗🤗🤗🤗🎀

I think flowers must love you a lot, it is not easy to make these photos so BEAUTIFUL ;)

Well... I know that I love the flowers 😉 lol
Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked them.
It is my favorite objects and sometimes it turns out just right.... But ya some doesn't... Lol
Have a wonderful day beautiful and I will talk to you later 🌸🤗🌼🤗🌹🤗

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