One photo every day: Story of a lonely bench (37/365)

in #onephotoeveryday7 years ago

Story of a lonely bench

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Sigma ART 50mm ƒ/1.4
Aperture: ƒ/4
Exposure: 1/400 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

The lonely bench has secrets...

...of how many people come and go. Some people meet each other, sit on it, their discussions, their stories, their secrets.

How many stories does it know?

What could it tell?

(I shot this on a bright sunny day, but edited the hell out of it in post. It was just too bright, and too clean for the mood I wanted to give it.)

[Previous post: One photo every day: Peekaboo! (36/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:

First week in pictures (1/52)
Second week in pictures (2/52)

Minigolf with Miro (15/365)
A stout and paper (16/365)
The quest for the ultimate flim-flam omelette. (17/365)
Sepe (18/365)
Rooster "Mike Monroe" (19/365)
Doing yesterday's dishes and photo. (cheating) (20/365)
Eating trout at Luosto (21/365)
White flower (22/365)
Enjoying the silence over an e-cig and a can of beer. (23/365)
Poison (24/365)
Me and my boys, fresh out of the sauna. (25/365)
Gauges (26/365)
Sweet dreams (27/365)
Maariankämmekkä, Dactylorhiza maculata (28/365)
Toripoliisi (29/365)
Bumblebee (30/365)
Miro's four-leaf clover (31/365)
Couch dwellers. (32/365)
Hard Punch (33/365)
Red Grape with Blue Cheese (34/365)
Kantelusmeloni & Kaljameloni (35/365)
Peekaboo! (36/365)

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I love black&white photos ! I like your description of it :)

Exactly that - just imagine a bench had ears!! All the secrets it would know ;)

Lonely benches are the best friends to keep secret, because you never knew if they hear nor will tell anyone. Why did you post later than previous?

I couldn't get to the computer earlier. ;)

It's now 3 am and I'm still trying to write a piece, but I think I will have to leave it for tomorrow. And I've got work tomorrow too so I should really get some sleep anyway.

I'll try to post the next one a bit earlier. :)

ok. i will look forward to it. I checked your status three times today without any new post. I almost forgot, i remembered by chance and then I saw a new post. Thank you for keep iy up. Please get some sleep its 8pm here. Cheers

This secret bench sometimes creates a great love relationships :D

Seems like a dark mood photo.

at first it was not clear at all and then i checked the full version of it your B&W photo is cool

nice black and white photo :)

Eating trout at Luosto (21/365)= Excellent picture

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