One photo every day: Poison (24/365)

in #onephotoeveryday7 years ago

Just one drop of it and the man will feel an overwhelming desire to have a close relationship with the opposite sex. Or actually... with a tree, with anything lol.

Well... we can always wish that were the case, right? ;)

Or it was just diluted nicotine haha! :d

Haha it's not that stupid. I've took photos of way more random shit :D The quality is awesome here.

Thanks! I attribute most of the quality to my lens but it may be I've also learned how to set the settings in one go. I seldom need to re-shoot anymore, although I should try learn to wipe the dust off whatever I'm shooting at first, unless I really want a dusty picture. ;)

I guess the more photos you take, the better you become at taking them and it becomes really easy to get a perfect shot with one take. Well we learn from our mistakes, so the ability to wipe the dust from things will come in as well ! :D

Well, I like the dark, gloomy shade of the picture. It actually might be fine with a proper description because I don't think "slow posion" is good for this one. But otherwise could be worse :)

Yea I was thinking about that, but I didn't think "diluted nicotine" would be as efficient. ;)

oh so it's a nicotine? I wouldn't have guessed that but now "slow poison" makes sense. Hmm... my idea for a title now is "liquid cancer" :D.

Jajajajajaja it was strange, what is inside the bottle?

Nicotine. :)

I have seen others post far less and get huge rewards - no reason why this shouldn't either

Maybe I don't have enough followers yet. I've been watching those who get big rewards, and they either have over 1500 followers, or plenty of whales voting their content. I just have to be patient and wait for my follower count to rise. :)

I think this is one of your better shots! I like it. It fills the frame nicely. Centered and stark gets the mood. Lighting good, background good.

well ok then, following

Thanks for the follow! :)

I totally get the reason but tbh that picture is pretty great. I like it :D

hehe i thought what was that great you are on track

Nice Picture and nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too @alana.sanders1

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