One photo every day: Little thrush gone astray from its nest (336/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago (edited)


As I got home from the gym, Vera and I took Ninnu for a walk.

After some walking we spotted this little one callin for its mom in the tall grass. Poor little fellow seemed to have gone astray from its nest.

fieldfare or blackbird, likely fieldfare

It was best to be left alone for her mom would likely abandon her if we touched or moved her.

I hope everything turns out for the best and the chick finds its way back to their nest.

[Previous post: One photo every day: Guess who? (335/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:

New family member (329/365)
Ninnu (330/365)
Yet another sunset (331/365)
Experimental play with "local contrast" (332/365)
Out on a walk with Ninnu (333/365)
Kuikka :: Arctic loon (334/365)
Guess who? (335/365)

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I thought there is a hairy gremlin!! But it's actually food (Maybe in a couple years).

I bet everything ended well, but even nature can be very cruel, I know it's sad but what a good picture right at the moment.

Nature is cruel but that is life. Hope it's ok. We have saved plenty of birds in our garden and have an avery where we feed them.

Timely captured! Yeah these little birds' mom do great care of them. They can't see them touched by others. Even if we touch with love, they will consider we are teasing them.

Wow so cute bird, its too hungry and looking his mum, where is mum ? Excellent photography and you found the perfect moment, thanks to share.

Leaving the young one alone was the correct choice..

Such a cute baby bird, though i know its necessary not to touch the bird but it still feels somehow. I hope the chic is fine, did you spot it on your way back?

We turned back at the spot we found it. Luckily Ninnu didn't care for it.

Poor bird! I hope her mother will come back for her soon! But I wonder how the mother bird would carry this baby back to its nest! She might have to build another nest near her baby!

Hope for the best!

Their babies do not touch.
I hope his mother finds him soon.

We had a seagull fall onto out balcony once from the rooftop and his mom never came for him so we fed him until he grew up enough to fly away. Hope this chick is okay. :)

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