Missing | Lola's Story Part 36 | 5 minute freewrite ~ Prompt: depression

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Part 35

“I think it might just be a touch of morning sickness again,” Lola said.

“Oh shoot, you’d been having such good luck with it,” she said. “I’ll tell you what, you go lay down, put your feet up, and I’ll bring you a nice cup of tea.”

Lola nodded then turned to head down the hallway to her bedroom. Tommy poked his head out of his door as she past.

“Is he gone?” he asked, worry on his young face.

“Yes,” she said. “But he knows,” her voice trembled. “He knows that Kyle was trying to tell us something.”

Part 36

Lola walked steadily to her bedroom, but as she rounded the corner she noticed something was missing.

“Tom!” she called.

“What - what is it?” he said popping around her door frame.

“Did you take the envelope out of my room?” she asked.

“No, why?”

“It’s not here,” she said. Lola started searching her room, looking under the dresser and in each of the drawers. She ducked quickly to the floor and scanned under the bed, as panic began to set in.

“It’s okay, we’ll find it,” Tommy said trying to reassure her.

“What if he took it?” she whispered.


“Yes, he could have asked to go the bathroom, saw it on my dresser and took it.” Lola stopped where she stood and covered her open mouth with her hand.

“Ask Mom,” Tom said. “She’ll know if he came back here.” Lola nodded and rushed past him and back into the living room where she found Gloria folding laundry on the couch.

“Mom,” she said urgently. “When Bryon was here, did he ask to go to the bathroom or anything?”

Gloria squinted her eyes slightly. “Oh yes, he did, I almost forgot! He brought me this. Said he found it on the floor.” She reached over to the end table and picked up a manila envelope. “I’m surprised you left it out in the hallway. Anyway, he was concerned too, so he brought it to me.”

Relief flooded Lola as she took the small package from her mother, but as she opened to inspect the contents, she found there was nothing inside. All the blood drained from her face.

She dug her hand into the envelope again, hoping she missed something the first time, but it was empty. His words, Kyle’s words were gone. She sat down next to Gloria on the couch, surprised at how suddenly hopeless she felt. If Bryon had it, then he had the first clue. That’s how he knew Kyle had left her something.

“Lola,” Gloria said. “What was in that envelope?”

Lola didn’t respond.

“Lola,” Gloria tried again. “I don’t like this. One minute I think you’re doing really well. Ok, that might be an overstatement, but better, then the next you’re quiet and pale just like…well like in the beginning,” she finished firmly. “And I won’t sugar coat this. At this point do you think you might be suffering from depression? Do we need to really look at this more closely?”

“Mom,” Lola started, She took a deep breath. “That envelope had a letter from Kyle in it.”

📃A special note to the readers📃

Thank you so much for reading!
Please check out the Story Club @canadianrenegade has started in the comment section of the posts! She has some great, engaging questions!

If you would like to start from the beginning to see a fuller picture, I've linked all the parts below! And thank you to all my readers! @freedompoint, @cecicastor, @dreemsteem, @bennettitalia, @thefarmerswife, @thegreatdayne, @scribblingramma, @whatisnew, @quirky.countess, @angelacs, @canadianrenegade, @enginewitty, @wordymouth, and @mizdais!

If you would like to be added to the list (or taken off) please let me know in the comments!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Part 16

Part 17

Part 18

Part 19

Part 20

Part 21

Part 22

Part 23

Part 24

Part 25

Part 26

Part 27

Part 28

Part 29

Part 30

Part 31

Part 32

Part 33

Part 34

Part 35

If you are interested in trying a freewrite (which I highly recommend) check out @mariannewest.

"You have to make the prompts work for you." ~@borrowedearth*


I hope Gloria takes her seriously...

Ono! I've come to the end of the episodes so far!!!

Now I have to wait for the next one...

I hope you like the next part!

Wow! That sneaky so and so! Stealing Kyle's letter to Lola. Now we know that he is at least partly responsible for Kyle's death!

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Nope, I don't wonder any more who is the bad guy. Bryon is a creep!

Hahaha well...I can't argue with that!

Can we burn him in his sleep now? LOL sneaky S.O.B....time to fill mommy in too from the sounds, at least a little bit.

Maybe you're right...well on filling the mom in, I still can't support burning him alive 😂

Ya...oh well. He'll get his one way or another I'm sure😎

Don't get too cocky Bryon, you're missing a part of the puzzle...

Story Club - Everyone's Invited

Are you enjoying @freedomtowrite's story as much as I am? I always find myself wondering where Lola's adventure will take her next and I am curious if you are too. I wanted to invite you to Story Club where we can share our thoughts on each new part and reflect on where the story began. With @freedomtowrite's permission, I will be posing a few questions after each new part in the hopes of sparking some lively discussion. Are you in?

Part 36 Questions

  1. Do you think Gloria will come to Bryon's defense when Lola insinuates that he took the letter?

  2. Even if Bryon were able to crack the first clue, the second clue is safely in Lola's possession. What do you think he'll do when the first clue leads him no where?

If you've found yourself tagged it's because you're a regular reader, but if you want to be removed from these question, feel free to let me
know: @freedompoint, @cecicastor, @dreemsteem, @bennettitalia, @thefarmerswife, @thegreatdayne, @scribblingramma, @whatisnew, @quirky.countess, @angelacs, @enginewitty @wordymouth, and @mizdais

Cheers, Aimee

Bryon sounds like a smart dude, he will find a way to get the other puzzle..

Q1: Mmmm... Gloria shouldn't do that. She should trust n believe whatever Lola tells her not trying to defend a random stranger. Yes as far as I am concerned now, Bryon is a stranger and a snake too.

Q2: Obviously try to find a way to get the other part... I really wanna know why he's bent on knowing what Kyle left behind.

Right?! Gloria needs to have Lola's back, she's counting on her. As for Bryon, he seems to have a way of getting what he wants and I bet he has more than one trick up his sneaky sleeve! -Aimee

My thoughts on part 36

  1. Do you think Gloria will come to Bryon's defense when Lola insinuates that he took the letter.

Unfortunately, I think Gloria will be fooled by Bryon's charm for just a little longer. Darn that sneaky charm. I just hope she comes around quickly because Lola's going to need Gloria to be on her side.

  1. Even if Bryon were able to crack the first clue, the second clue is safely in Lola's possession. What do you think he'll do when the first clue leads him no where?

If Bryon showed his true colours this quickly I have a feeling he won't settle for not getting what he's looking for right away. I suspect we'll see some threats coming through and a little manipulation. I hope Lola keeps her guard up which might be hard to do if her and Mark are distracted by their flirting... just sayin'...

Cheers, Aimee

Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments below!

I knew it!!! Bryon is such a sneak!!!! !! Now Lola has to tell her Mom what's been happening so far

But will she??? 🤔 haha

Oh I'm really starting to dislike Bryon now...

Yes...he's definitely creepy! Thanks for the comment!

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