Done Being Alone | Lola's Story Part 27 | 5 minute freewrite ~ Prompt: home alone

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Part 26

*Lola turned on the hot water, then stepped into the shower letting the water warm her to the bone. She shivered again.(

Once she was back out, she looked in her closet to see the dress, and instantly fell in love. It was knee length, light cream with a flower print. When she slid into it, it drapped around her small baby bump perfectly. She looked in the mirror.

Kyle would have loved this dress, she thought to herself.

Part 27

Exactly one hour later, Mark rang the doorbell and Tommy reached the door first.

“Hey Tom!,” Mark said as Tom swung the door open. “How have you been?”

“Oh, great I guess,” he shrugged. “Are you hear to pick Lola up?”

“I sure am,” he smiled. “Is she around?”

“Yup, she’s in the kitchen.” Tom held the door open for Mark to step inside.

“Thanks buddy,” he said, and walked in to find Lola with a mouthful of chips.

“I’m trying to feed you,” he laughed.

Lola smiled. “I keep getting these burst of hunger, don’t worry, I will still eat plenty.”

“So,” Gloria said from the kitchen table. “Where are you guys headed?”

“I thought we’d go to Luigi’s that is if Italian sounds alright?” he glanced at Lola.

She shrugged. “I’m good with anything.”

“Now listen, Lola,” Gloria started. “Dad and I are headed out in a bit for that get together with his friends.” she rolled her eyes. “Tom will be home alone for the evening, which isn’t a big deal, but I was thinking maybe you could bring him back a dessert or something. I’m ordering pizza…but I know he loves the chocolate cake from there.”

“Absolutely,” Lola said.

“Or he could just tag along.” Mark added casually.

Lola shot him a look. Her anticipation to see his envelope had grown exponentially in the past hour alone, and her self-control was almost at its limit.

Mark ignored her, and smiled at Gloria.

“Sure, if he wants to,” she said and looked from Lola to Mark and back again. “I’ll just go ask.”

“What about the letter,” Lola hissed.

“It’s fine, I have it,” he smiled. “And I will show it to you, but your mom thinks I‘m trying to take you on date. She keeps looking at me like she did when I was sixteen. It’s freaking me out. If Tom comes then she’ll know that it’s not, and she won’t question why we’re together so much.” Lola looked at him a little confused. “Well, I think it might take more than one day to figure out what’s going on.”

She hadn’t considered this before, not really. She looked at Mark again and speculated on what her mom had told her earlier. She couldn’t tell, but she decided it didn’t matter. She couldn’t solve this on her own, and she was tired of feeling alone.

📃A special note to the readers📃

Thank you so much for reading! I'm excited for the next part! 😉Please check out the Story Club @canadianrenegade has started in the comment section of the posts! She has some great, engaging questions!

If you would like to start from the beginning to see a fuller picture, I've linked all the parts below! And thank you to all my readers! @freedompoint, @cecicastor, @dreemsteem, @bennettitalia, @thefarmerswife, @thegreatdayne, @scribblingramma, @whatisnew, @quirky.countess, @angelacs, @canadianrenegade, @enginewitty, @wordymouth, and @mizdais!

If you would like to be added to the list (or taken off) please let me know in the comments!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Part 16

Part 17

Part 18

Part 19

Part 20

Part 21

Part 22

Part 23

Part 24

Part 25

Part 26

If you are interested in trying a freewrite (which I highly recommend) check out @mariannewest or visit "You have to make the prompts work for you." ~@borrowedearth*


Nothing like a threesome on a date! (actually, a foursome if you count the baby) lol

Haha that's true!

Sending some extra love and 'appreciation', should be along soon ;)

Good chapter as usual and looking forward to the next!

Ahhhh! What could it be!? Haha

Thank you! I'm excited for the story to move forward.

Wow!! Was that you? Thank you so much!!

Story Club

Are you enjoying @freedomtowrite's story as much as I am? I always find myself wondering where Lola's adventure will take her next and I am curious if you are too. I wanted to invite you to Story Club where we can share our thoughts on each new part and reflect on where the story began. With @freedomtowrite's permission, I will be posing a few questions after each new part in the hopes of sparking some lively discussion. Are you in?

Part 27 Questions

  1. Do you think Mark is using the cryptical letters to spend more time with Lola?

  2. If Tommy joins Lola and Mark for dinner he might begin to catch on to the mystery they're trying to solve. Do you think Tommy will join the investigation?

If you've found yourself tagged it's because you're a regular reader,
but if you want to be removed from these question, feel free to let me
know: @freedompoint, @cecicastor, @dreemsteem, @bennettitalia, @thefarmerswife, @thegreatdayne, @scribblingramma, @whatisnew, @quirky.countess, @angelacs, @enginewitty @wordymouth, and @mizdais

Cheers, Aimee

Oh Yes!! @question 1... Lol
Well I'm beginning to think Gloria was right about Mark's feeling for Lola but then again I might be wrong.

I doubt that, it's suppose to be just between Mark and Lola so far as the story has narrated @question 2
Also I don't see any reason yet why Tom should Join the investigation.

Yes, I think Gloria has some strong intuition about mark. She has a watchful eye and I think she will help Lola navigate this new relationship space she is finding herself in.

I am completely speculating but I think Tommy might eventually come along for the ride. In the beginning he said some things to Lola that made me suspect he and Kyle were also close. Plus, he and Lola have been getting closer themselves since she moved back in.


My thoughts on part 27

1. Do you think Mark is using the cryptical letters to spend more time with Lola?
Yes, but I think the motivations are two fold. I think Mark wants to help Lola uncover whatever Kyle was trying to tell her and also use this opportunity to reconnect.

2. If Tommy joins Lola and Mark for dinner he might begin to catch on to the mystery they're trying to solve. Do you think Tommy will join the investigation?
Earlier in the story I got the feeling that Tommy and Kyle were also close. I have a hunch that Tommy is going to stumble onto this investigation and want to join in one way or another.

Cheers, Aimee

Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments below!

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