The First Clue | Lola Story Part 31 | 5 minute freewrite ~ Prompt: eyebrow(s)

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Part 30
*“But what if I was the only one he could trust?” Lola asked.

“You weren’t though,” Tom said. “He trusted Mark too, so whatever it was that made you all stuttery just a second ago, you should get over it because I’m not doing this without him.”

“So you will help?” Lola asked eyebrows raised.

“Obviously you need me,” he chuckled and looked down at the letter again. “ And I think the first place we need to look is your house, but not until you call Mark.”

Part 31

"So, you promise that you called Mark?" Tom eyed Lola suspiciously.

"I already told you I did," Lola said turning onto her old road.

"What did he say again?"

Lola sighed. "He said he'd meet us here at nine this morning."

Tommy looked at the clock, and bobbed his knee up and down.

"Are you alright?" Lola asked.

"How are you alright?" he demanded. "Unless you've gone on a lot of potentially dangerous scavenger hunts, I can't see how you aren't afraid."

It was true, Lola had been jittery all morning, spilling her orange juice on the counter as she had tried to pour, slamming her finger in the bathroom door. But she was trying to be brave. Kyle had entrusted her, and she wasn't going to let him down.

Lola smiled at her little brother. "I know it will be okay," she said.

They pulled into her driveway behind Mark's car. Lola's heart sped up as she saw his silhouette behind the steering wheel. He looked like he was on the phone, gesturing with his free hand. He glanced in his rear view mirror and saw them then put it down and got out of the car.

"Hi Tom," he said closing the door behind him. "Hey Lola," he said with a smile.

Lola smiled back, and smoothed her wind blown hair out of her face. She tried not to be aware of how he said her name, or the way he walked closer to her to make his way to the house. Her hands shook slightly as she took her house key and slid it into the doorknob. Mark waited patiently behind them until she swung the door open and stepped inside.

It was still the same as the last time she had been here. The curtains were drawn and the air smelled musty. A fine layer of dust covered the shelves. Mark walked in through the entryway and towards a small table that stood by the door. A picture sat of Kyle and Lola on their wedding, smiling. He picked it up, studying it for a moment, then sat it back down.

"Alright, Lola," Tom said. "You got he letter?"

Lola took a deep breath, and reached into her purse with with trembling fingers. Being here, maybe being even closer to the truth was fraying her. She already felt exhausted.

"It's right here," she said opening it up.

"What's the first line again?" Mark asked.

"Remember that time, when we sipped pink candy under the sunset," she said.

They all stood there for a moment. Mark frowned rubbing his eyebrows. "Pink he talking about wine?"

"Maybe? We did have a favorite...well my favorite. I told him it pink candy!" Lola almost yelled. "The next line says, Before the tides had changed, and the music had set. I don't know..."

"Let's hear the next and we can come back to that," Mark offered.

"We walked hand in hand to a land faraway, where treasures were found and where a hobbit might stay," she read.

"I know he loved Tolkien," Mark began. "Where did he keep his copy of his books?"

"Over here," Lola said and walked across the room to a shelf lined with books. Below was a stereo, and above was a landscape painting of a full moon above an ocean "That's odd," she said. "I don't remember this bottle being here."

Next to The Fellowship of the Ring stood an empty wine bottle with a sun setting on the label.

"I get it!" Tommy yelled. "The bottle has a setting sun, just like the letter. Before the tides change...that's the picture...and the music has set...that's the stereo!" he pointed.

"Then I wonder...," Mark said reaching for the empty wine bottle. As he lifted it a small piece of paper slipped off the shelf, and landed on the floor.

Lola inhaled sharply, then stooped down to pick it up.

📃A special note to the readers📃

Thank you so much for reading! She's onto the second clue!
Please check out the Story Club @canadianrenegade has started in the comment section of the posts! She has some great, engaging questions!

If you would like to start from the beginning to see a fuller picture, I've linked all the parts below! And thank you to all my readers! @freedompoint, @cecicastor, @dreemsteem, @bennettitalia, @thefarmerswife, @thegreatdayne, @scribblingramma, @whatisnew, @quirky.countess, @angelacs, @canadianrenegade, @enginewitty, @wordymouth, and @mizdais!

If you would like to be added to the list (or taken off) please let me know in the comments!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Part 16

Part 17

Part 18

Part 19

Part 20

Part 21

Part 22

Part 23

Part 24

Part 25

Part 26

Part 27

Part 28

Part 29

Part 30

If you are interested in trying a freewrite (which I highly recommend) check out @mariannewest or visit "You have to make the prompts work for you." ~@borrowedearth*


I was so right!!!! Tom helped interprete the poem, he was useful after all... Lol. This story is sweeting me😂 and I totally love the suspense. What could this small piece of paper contain ? I'm loving this.

Haha I always want to tell people when they guess right! I'm so happy you're loving it!


No!!! Cliffhangers!
But seriously I can't get enough of Tom :D

Haha Tom's my favorite....shhhh...don't tell the other characters...haha

Yes! A clue! Now we're really headed down the rabbit hole...

Story Club - Everyone's Invited

Are you enjoying @freedomtowrite's story as much as I am? I always find myself wondering where Lola's adventure will take her next and I am curious if you are too. I wanted to invite you to Story Club where we can share our thoughts on each new part and reflect on where the story began. With @freedomtowrite's permission, I will be posing a few questions after each new part in the hopes of sparking some lively discussion. Are you in?

Part 31 Questions

  1. Who do you suspect Mark was on the phone with when Lola and Tommy arrived at the house?
  2. What do you think was running through Marks head when he examined the photo of Kyle and Lola? Do you think seeing Kyle made him feel guilty for anything? For his death? For still having feelings for Lola?

If you've found yourself tagged it's because you're a regular reader, but if you want to be removed from these question, feel free to let me
know: @freedompoint, @cecicastor, @dreemsteem, @bennettitalia, @thefarmerswife, @thegreatdayne, @scribblingramma, @whatisnew, @quirky.countess, @angelacs, @enginewitty @wordymouth, and @mizdais

Cheers, Aimee

Q1: I didn't think about that though, but thinking about it now, I think it was a random person though but then again do you think Mark has been communicating with Bryon? Threatening him to stay away from Lola? Can we trust Mark completely.
Q2: Or wishing he was the one in the picture beside Lola? Or wished Kyle never died?

I have a feeling he's not in contact with Bryon, not after he pretended like he didn't know who he was. I do think the phone call will be important late on though. Who are you communicating with Mark?
Oooh... Good observation, maybe he was picturing himself with Lola, or just remembering and missing his good friend. -Aimee

I love these questions!

I am glad! Hopefully we can entice some more people to join in Story Club. I can't be the only person wondering these things!

I hope so! I love that @mizdais usually does!

My thoughts on part 31

  1. Who do you suspect Mark was on the phone with when Lola and Tommy arrived at the house?

    I think it's still too early to speculate who Mark was on the phone with, but I definitely think this call will be important later on. Mark seems to have some sort of scoop on something being up, even if he doesn't have all the answers. Maybe he's already done some digging. Maybe this is a lead or someone warning him to steer clear!

  2. What do you think was running through Marks head when he examined the photo of Kyle and Lola? Do you think seeing Kyle made him feel guilty for anything? For his death? For still having feelings for Lola?

    I'm really not sure what Mark was thinking, but I was definitely wondering. I like @mizsais's thoughts; perhaps he was missing his friend or picturing himself with Lola.

Cheers, Aimee

Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments below!

A1: Someone telling him to stay or a lead? I prefer the lead part, but the other part.... Mmmm I don't like the sound of it.

Ahhhhh! I feel like Wile E. Coyote and just ran off of a cliff and am hanging in mid-air🤤

Hahaha I have a feeling you looked for this gif before you commented!

Lol if I wasnt mobile right now I totally would have🤣

Wierd that Mark was on the phone, but talking to whom? Love the clues and the suspense! Tom is a very likeable character. He is everybody's favourite brother...

That's a great way to describe him!

Waiting for the next part is soooo difficult.....

First...thank you! I'm so happy you love the story! Second, should be tomorrow...I'm doing a mon, wed, fri schedule so that I give it the attention it deserves.😀

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It is getting exciting! Love your writing.

Thank you! I hope everyone loves the next part.

Thanks so much for taking time to bring me the next prompt!

@freedomtowrite No problem. I was trying to get over a migraine and had nothing better to do. It's better now and I wanted to make sure you knew about the next prompt. I'm very curious to see how you used it. 😍

Haha, I hope you're feeling better! Yes, please check it out!

Today's my day for prompt delivery...I'm excited to get to it...I wasn't been able to for 2 weeks...everything was topsy turvy!

@freedomtowrite I feel a lot better today. I'll take a look.

Wait... no way it actually is a "potentially dangerous scavenger hunt"! Hooboy. I'm feeling worried...

Haha I love it!

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