Start to Love | Lola's Story Part 14 | 5 Minute Freewrite ~ Prompt: yogurt

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Lola ripped back the lid to the yogurt container, wafting herself with a creamy strawberry scent, then immediately changed her mind as the nausea spread through her stomach. She choked back the acid in her throat, and grabbed a hold of the counter.

"Lola?" Gloria rounded the corner and into the kitchen. "Honey, what is it?"

"Sorry, Mom," Lola said through slow even breaths. "It was just nausea again, I thought it would be all done by now. I hate throwing up."

Gloria stepped over to the sink and ran the dishrag under cold water, then placed it on the back of her neck.

"There we go," she whispered gently. "I was really hoping it would have left you by now. With you, well, you know this story so well, but with you I didn't have one day of morning sickness. But your brother! Oh my, I threw up everyday until he was born. Everyone kept telling me how lucky I was, so much sickness meant a healthy baby...but I wanted to tell them exactly where
they could shove all their healthy baby tripe. So, I won't say that to you."

"Thanks Mom." Lola said straightening herself back up again, then rested her hip against the counter looking out the window.

"For what? The rag or not telling you to be thankful?" she asked with a smirk.

Lola shrugged. "Both, I think." She shifted her weight between her feet. "You know Tommy wants to give the baby Tiger?"

"It doesn't surprise me. Did he tell you that the other night the two of you snuck out?"

Lola looked at her in surprise. "You knew?"

"Honey, your dad is a detective."

Lola narrowed her eyes.

"Ok, fine, we heard Tom flush the toilet then stomp down the hallway. He doesn't realize how big he's gotten. I waited for him to clunk his way back to his room, but I heard a car start up instead. That's when I found both of you gone."

"But you didn't want to say anything until now?"

"Oh sweetie, I want whatever is going to help." she said grabbing a hold of her daughter's hand. "When I saw you the next morning and you smiled at me, not your ghost smile...don't look at me like that, you've been a ghost, but you smiled at me and it reached your eyes. I almost choked right there on my cereal, but I held it together so you wouldn't suspect. It only happened once that day, but it came back again the next morning. And well...I knew whatever
happened that night was good."

Lola took a small step into her mother's arms. "Mom, I'm sorry...I never meant..."she said quietly as a light stream of tears dampened her mother's shoulder.

"I know...honey...I know." she stroked her blonde curls.

"I need to - I need to find my way again, but I can't see what it is. I don't know what to do." she cried harder now.

Gloria straigtened her arms and pulled Lola so she could see her daughter's face.

"You need to understand that there is no rush. You grow that baby, you start to love that listen." Gloria said firmly as Lola began to interrupt. "You start to love that baby, and we'll start to talk about what you need to do next."

Thank you so much for reading! If you would like to start from the beginning to see a fuller picture, I've linked all the parts below! And thank you to all my readers! @freedompoint, @cecicastor, @dreemsteem, @bennettitalia, @thefarmerswife, and @thegreatdayne

If you would like to be tagged so that you know when a new part is out...or if you would like me to take you off the list, haha, please tell me in the comments!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

If you are interested in trying a freewrite (which I highly recommend) check out @mariannewest or visit


I'm so glad Lola is starting to feel better! Even though she is fictional. LOL

Haha...isn't it funny and great how we get excited for fictional characters...I've caught myself wanting to pray for people I'm reading about! 😂

Now that really is getting caught up in the story!!!

I love this story and I love Lola's mom. : )

Resident cat here asking "What?" about the rumor that I am known as a coco nut, delivering today's prompt:

Thank you so much! Would you like me to add you to the tag list? I write it so sporadically that I thought it might be hard for people that like the story to actually read more of it, like an out of sight out of mind thing. But if I tag them, atleast they have the option of coming back for more!

Sure! I would love that! thanks! : ) I just added my part on the we-write 100 Day Saga that @snook started, if you would like to read it. I loved your part. : )

It's still going?! Haha I will go check it out!

It just gets me every time. Maybe I'm an emotional person, but shew! 😢

Haha, I'm so glad you are able to feel it! Is it alright that you are on the tag list?

Absolutely. I was off a few days last week and I read one and I was confused! I had to go back and find what I missed.

Haha ok great...I'm not exactly consistant, so I thought a "subscription" might help! I'm going to have to set you up on ginabot so I know when you've posted. ❤

Tag me, please! I have really enjoyed this story and want to know more about Lola.

Ok! I love that you have enjoyed it so much! Thank you!!


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