Bonus Weekend Lola Story Part 33! Prompt: books

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Part 32

*“Yes, them, Lola listen,” he said more sternly. “I didn’t want to use them…not at first. The letter wasn’t the only thing Kyle left me. He also left a code that I later figured out was the password to your security cameras he had installed one year ago. I wasn’t going to use them, but I didn’t know how to keep you safe without it. What if something happen to you” he looked at her, his eyes piercing hers. “I wouldn’t have been able to live with that."

Part 33

“Where are they?” Lola demanded. She took a step closer to the shelves. “Tell me.” she said through gritted teeth. She looked at the books then grabbed each book one by one, and flung them to the floor.

“Please Lola,” Mark said. “You have to understand.”

I have to understand?” she said tears burning the brim of her eyes. “I have to understand?” she said louder.

She made her way to the T.V. “Is there one hidden in here? Or is there one in the DVD player?” She ripped it out and through it to the ground.

“Lola!” Mark repeated. “Please stop.” Lola ignored him and marched to her bedroom.

“How many are in here?” she yelled from the other side of the house. “How many times did you watch me cry myself to sleep?” She tore through her bedroom taking pictures off the walls and slamming them into the floor. ‘Or better, how many times did you see me throw up?” She stormed into the bathroom eyeing the walls and the shower.

“You say that Kyle put these here?” she yelled again. “I don’t believe you.”

“Lola,” he said as he watched her go from room to room. “You’re being ridiculous.”

“Ha!” she said finding another in the picture frame of a puppy in the hallway. “I bet you planted these yourself. You’re a journalist, you probably do this kinda thing all the time.” she said red faced and out of breath.

Tommy stood next to Mark, arms crossed as he watched his sister tear back and forth, now headed to the kitchen.

“If I tell you where the last one is, will you stop and listen to me?” Mark said following her in.

Lola came to a halt in front of him. “I’ll tell you what, you tell me where that last one is, and maybe I won’t press charges.”

“Seriously, Lola?” Tommy asked. “You’re sounding crazy. Just let him get the last one before you trash more of your own house, and then let him explain. Geez.”

She turned and glared at Tom, then motioned to Mark to retrieve the last of the cameras. He stepped forward towards to the refrigerator, and reached up to the dusty bear shaped cookie jar. He set it on the counter, took off the lid and removed the camera. The bear sat now with only one dull eye, the other had been the lens.

Lola reached for it, Mark obliged, and she proceeded to slam it into the linoleum.

“Are you done?” Tom asked. Lola ignored him and stared at Mark. “Now,” she said. “Explain.”

Mark took a deep breath and leaned back against the counter. “I told you before that Kyle already had these up a year ago,” he said. “That was the truth. He called me one day about this time last year sounding really uneasy. He said he had information, information he wasn’t sure if he should have…he dropped Byron’s name, and said he was going to install the cameras as a safety precaution. He also told me that he didn’t want you to know. He didn’t want to scare you, and soon as he learned more he’d tell me. He said he might need the press involved.”

“And then what?” asked Lola, arms crossed.

“Then that was it.” he said. “ I didn’t ask anymore questions because I wasn’t sure what he could tell me.” he shrugged. “But then, I got my letter, which now you know, also included the codes to unlocking the privacy system to the cameras. I only turned them on after the funeral. When I said I didn’t want to use them, I meant it.” he reached out and dared to turn her chin so her eyes locked into his. “I promise you, Lola, I would never do anything I didn‘t feel was necessary, and I would never want to break your trust.”

“But you did.” she said.

“What would you have done?” he asked her.

She looked at him confused.

“You heard me. What would you have done in my place differently?” he said. Lola turned her back to him. “Let’s pretend, for just one moment that you were put in my position. That your best friend trusted you with caring for his surviving wife and their unborn child, knowing.” his voicing raising slightly as his anger grew. He took a breath and closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose with his forefinger and thumb. “What would you have done?” he asked again opening his eyes to stare at her. “Would you have turned a blind eye? Walked away? That would have been the easier choice, right?” he said. “But too bad for you, I couldn’t,” he sighed. “You need to understand that I was,” he shook his head. “I am…prepared to do whatever it takes to make sure you stay alive. Whether you want me to or not.”

Lola turned back slowly to face him, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“I know you would,“ she whispered. “I‘m so sorry,” she choked out. “I’m just - I’m just so overwhelmed,” she said. “I don’t know what I’m doing.” she motioned around herself. “Two days ago I was just trying to wake up in the morning. Then Bryon shows up, I find just a sliver of hope in that, in laughing again…I laughed for the first time yesterday,” she said in disbelief. “And now I think that my husband was mur…”she couldn’t finish, sobs broke out of her.

Mark closed the short gap that stood between them, and pulled her in against his chest, engulfing her in his arms and stroked her curls softly with his hand.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I tried to keep my distance,” he paused. “But I’m not doing that anymore. You can’t do this on your own, and I’m not sitting back to watch. You’re stuck with me now.” he laughed gently.

Tommy stood to the side awkwardly, unsure of what to do. Then he spotted a box of dusty tissues and handed one to Lola. "Sorry if it makes you sneeze."

📃A special note to the readers📃

Thank you so much for reading! This was a bonus I hadn't planned on writing, but there was too much story inside of me! Full disclosure, it went way past five minutes.

Please check out the Story Club @canadianrenegade has started in the comment section of the posts! She has some great, engaging questions!

If you would like to start from the beginning to see a fuller picture, I've linked all the parts below! And thank you to all my readers! @freedompoint, @cecicastor, @dreemsteem, @bennettitalia, @thefarmerswife, @thegreatdayne, @scribblingramma, @whatisnew, @quirky.countess, @angelacs, @canadianrenegade, @enginewitty, @wordymouth, and @mizdais!

If you would like to be added to the list (or taken off) please let me know in the comments!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Part 16

Part 17

Part 18

Part 19

Part 20

Part 21

Part 22

Part 23

Part 24

Part 25

Part 26

Part 27

Part 28

Part 29

Part 30

Part 31

Part 32

If you are interested in trying a freewrite (which I highly recommend) check out @mariannewest.

"You have to make the prompts work for you." ~@borrowedearth*


I am so glad that Lola's character spoke to you and wanted more of her story told! This is great. Maybe I trust Mark now, but what is up with Byron? Was he involved with Kyle's death? Was he a dirty cop? The questions just keep piling up...

It makes me happy that you were excited to read more! I love the questions are piling up!

When is the next part? LOL

Raise your hand if you were as excited as I was to find out there was a bonus part tonight! This was such a good part, it makes waiting for the next one so difficult.

Story Club - Everyone's Invited

Are you enjoying @freedomtowrite's story as much as I am? I always find myself wondering where Lola's adventure will take her next and I am curious if you are too. I wanted to invite you to Story Club where we can share our thoughts on each new part and reflect on where the story began. With @freedomtowrite's permission, I will be posing a few questions after each new part in the hopes of sparking some lively discussion. Are you in?

Part 33 Questions

  1. If Kyle installed the cameras a year ago, do you think he has some footage stashed away that will give Lola and Mark more answers?

  2. Do you think Lola will feign friendship with Bryon to get answers to Kyles death?

If you've found yourself tagged it's because you're a regular reader, but if you want to be removed from these question, feel free to let me
know: @freedompoint, @cecicastor, @dreemsteem, @bennettitalia, @thefarmerswife, @thegreatdayne, @scribblingramma, @whatisnew, @quirky.countess, @angelacs, @enginewitty @wordymouth, and @mizdais

Cheers, Aimee

🙋 Yes I am.

Oh yes, I think he does. I'm waiting for the next clue or secret to leak out.

Q2: Not sure about this. What if Mark is already handling this part... I'm still holding unto that anonymous call..

  1. Yes
  2. No

I don't know @enginewitty, while Lola has been grief stricken, I get the feeling she is pretty bold. I don't doubt she'll have at least one more encounter with Bryon, maybe he'll accidentally reveal some information if she's still making friendly. -Aimee

I don't know @enginewitty, while Lola has been grief stricken, I get the feeling she is pretty bold. I don't doubt she'll have at least one more encounter with Bryon, maybe he'll accidentally reveal some information if she's still making friendly. -Aimee

My thoughts on part 33

  1. If Kyle installed the cameras a year ago, do you think he has some footage stashed away that will give Lola and Mark more answers?

    I absolutely think Kyle caught some important footage, maybe even by accident. I have a feeling this is going to be something Lola stumbles onto more so than something Kyle leaves specifically for her to find. But only time will tell if my suspicions are right.

  2. Do you think Lola will feign friendship with Bryon to get answers to Kyles death?

    I believe Lola is a bold and brave woman. She only seems fragile because we are watching her in one of her most vulnerable moments of despair. I wouldn't put it past her to keep her enemies close so she can get down to the truth!

Cheers, Aimee

Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments below!

I would have done the same. Good guy...but still think...idk. He knows a lot more than he lets on.

I'm glad you don't think he's a creeper anymore! Haha

Mmmm... I'm shut of words. I could feel Lola's anger from here. Can we just dig the secret out already please? Thanks for the weekend bonus by the way.

You're welcome! It's hard having so many details that need to unfold and doing it in smallish parts, but I'm excited to keep going!

Now I'm annoyed with Mark, and Tom, and Lola, and Kyle, and Bryon. Did I leave anybody out? ha ha

Hahaha even Tommy!?

Yes, even Tommy. I can't quite explain it, but he was suddenly getting on my nerves. Ha ha!

Haha I'm not sure if that's good or bad! But I'm happy the characters feel real enough to be irritated with!

Byron is looking more and more suspect... I'm glad Mark is standing his ground.

Mark's a decent guy...I'm glad he's there.

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