Coffee Shop | Lola's Story Part 20 | 5 Minute freewrite ~ Prompts: a ridiculous amount of fun and bamboo

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Gloria’s car came to an idle in front of the coffee shop.

“Are you sure you’re up for this?” she asked. “You don’t have to go in.”

Lola squinted her eyes and nodded. “I think I’ll be alright, it’s only an hour, right?’

“Yes, I’ll be right back to pick you up, and you can always text me if you need me sooner. I’ll be right over there at the fabric store.” she pointed in it’s direction.

Lola took a deep breath, grabbed her bag and stepped out of the car. Beautiful spring tulips were growing along the front hedge of the café, and a few bees were busy going from one to the next.

As she entered the shop, brewed coffee filled her lungs as she inhaled deeply. She hadn’t been here for months, the last time was just before Valentine’s Day.

“Lola!” Maeva called from the front counter. “How have you been? I haven’t seen you in ages, and I hear you have a little one on the way. Well, I could tell from a mile away, you are just glowing! Oh my, well it is so good to see you. Bryon, I mean Officer Pascal,” she said with a wink. “Just came in a few minutes ago, he’s sitting right over there in the corner booth. He wasn’t sure if you would make it. But I told him that you would, that these spring airs would get you out and about, and I was right!”

“Is that our Lola?” Maeva’s husband, Lawrence, rounded the corner from the kitchen and came to stand next his wife.

Lola smiled in return.

“The one and only!” said Maeva.

“How have you been,” he asked with narrowed eyes. “I know these past few months have not been right to you. Your Dad came in just the other week. Now, don’t worry, he’s not going around spreading gossip, he just let us know you were with them, and that you’re doing okay for now.”

His kind voice was resolute, and Lola swallowed the lump that had grown in her throat.

She cleared her voice and said, “My aunt keeps telling me one day at a time.”

“I bet it’s more like one moment at a time!” Maeva called out.

“Well, let’s let her get to visiting, Maeva.” Lawrence said. “Can I get you anything to eat or drink?”

“Some peppermint tea, please” Lola said.

“I’ll be right over with it.” he said with a wink.

Lola crossed the small café to the table set in the corner, where Bryon took up most of the space.

“You made it!” he beamed.

“I did.” Lola said taking a seat across from him.

“I was a little concerned you weren’t going to make it.”

“What would’ve given you that idea?” she laughed sarcastically looking down at herself.

“Oh, you look great, it was the emotional wreck I walked in on that had me concerned.”

Lola’s eyes widened in surprise, and Byron laughed.

“To be blunt, I find, is one of my greatest talents.” he said. “Sorry if it becomes too much, but I don’t see a point in tip-toeing around anything.”

Lola toyed with the leaves on the bamboo plant in front of her.

“Ya know,” she said. “We had one of these sitting in our windowsill once. I really wanted it, and Kyle,” she took a breath, surprising herself at how easily his name had flown from her lips, “had laughed telling me I wouldn’t take care of it, but he surprised me with it anyway the next day when he came home from work.”

“Was he right?” Bryon asked. “Did you kill it?”

Lola winced at his choice of words, but Byron didn‘t seem to notice.

“Yes, I did,” she said after a moment, then smiled to herself. “I forgot to water it…more than once. Eventually the brown stocks were so pitiful that we had to throw them out. I kept the bowl it came in though.”

“Your smile looks nice.” he said.

Lola looked up at him.

“It’s ok, you know, to smile. To live. To have ridiculous amounts of fun.” Byron laughed loudly. “When I was sixteen and my Dad died, I thought that was it, that I would never enjoy another moment in my entire life. And for a long time I didn’t. I was angry, and I hated everyone. I hated everyone for living and breathing because he couldn‘t. I even hated the sun for shining and the grass for growing. But then one day, before I could catch myself, I was watching the sun come up, and I took a second to think about how beautiful it was. So, naturally, I hated myself for awhile for that too.”

“When did it stop?” Lola asked quietly looking down at her fingertips. “When did the hating stop?”

“When I decided that my Dad would hate me for hating this world, and for not living it the way he had raised me to. My Dad deserved more than that.”

They sat in silence for moment, until Lawrence interrupted bringing over a hot cup of peppermint tea.

“Bryon, would you like anymore coffee?” he asked.

“Oh, I think I’m doing great for now, but I tell you what…Lola would you like a piece of Maeva’s famous banana bread?”

“I would love some,” she said secretly hoping she’d be able to hold it down.

Thank you so much for reading! I was so excited to use Friday's prompt, but it just didn't happen, so I just did two and added today's! Also, I apologize that it's a bit longer than normal, but I had a hard time stopping!

If you would like to start from the beginning to see a fuller picture, I've linked all the parts below! And thank you to all my readers! @freedompoint, @cecicastor, @dreemsteem, @bennettitalia, @thefarmerswife, @thegreatdayne, @scribblingramma, @whatisnew, @quirky.countess, @angelacs, @canadianrenegade, @enginewitty, and @wordymouth!

If you would like to be added to the list (or taken off) please let me know in the comment!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Part 16

Part 17

Part 18

Part 19

If you are interested in trying a freewrite (which I highly recommend) check out @mariannewest or visit ***

"You have to make the prompts work for you." ~@borrowedearth


You are just a brain tricky person, you made me ready and couldn't get together, I really do admire your way alot. It lovely again more from you soon..

Thank you! I'm glad you liked the story!

How? How do you work these prompts in so seamlessly? I always take note of the prompt before I begin to read and wonder how I might work it in. This one looked tough, but you have such a knack for weaving them into your stories.

Also, my chest feels so heavy with Lola's emotion. You nailed it, being on the edge of grief. Knowing there is a point where you wonder if the hurt will ever dissapate and capturing that one moment, or person, who can pull you out from the darkness.

Bryon makes me both happy and nervous. I do enjoy his boisterous personality though. It makes you feel like the story is about to switch gears and Lola will find peace and happiness again. -Aimee

Ps. Thanks for feeding my addiction.

PPS. Sorry for my rambling responses. I have never been able to talk to an author directly before. Sorta makes me feel like I should be in a book club or something. Ha ha ha! We should totally have a book club in your comments section!

Haha once again, your comment has blown me away! Thank you so much!

I'm so excited that you take note of the prompts...I always wonder if anyone does! For these two, it wasn't as hard. I knew since Friday that Bryon was going to say the first one, but I didn't know it would come out like that. In one scenario that popped in my mind, he told her to have fun and she got mad and yelled. But as I was writing, I had this overwhelming feeling that he had suffered a huge loss as well, maybe it was because he had recognized her "sorrow" before. Bamboo was much easier because I pictured it immediately on a table at the shop, but it reminded me of the plants I had let die, so I thought maybe that might have been her experience too haha. It probably sounds weird when I say "mights" and "coulds", but so many times I will think about the story all day, and when I sit down to write, it comes out so differently.

PPS. Sorry for my rambling responses. I have never been able to talk to an author directly before. Sorta makes me feel like I should be in a book club or something. Ha ha ha! We should totally have a book club in your comments section!

This made me smile from ear to ear! If you started a book club on the comments...I don't even know what to say...I would just be so honored!

I love the might of and coulda and knowing that it unravelled differently. It probably makes story writing exciting for you too because it's not being forced, it's just building itself and taking you along for the ride too. 😊

I have never been a part of a book club before but I just googled how to have an online book club and I might give it a shot. You obviously have lots of readers, I am curious what they're thinking too. -Aimee

Yes! It is taking me along for the ride!

Haha I love that you googled it! I have no idea how to have one either. How would you organize it?

Well, one thing that's different about a book club is that they line up multiple things to read but we can make this whatever we want. The second part of the book club is to have questions that prompt discussions. I am thinking maybe we (or I) come up with a 2 or 3 questions and just post them in the comments to spur some extra conversation. What do you think? - Aimee

I like it! Maybe tag a couple of the commenters to their attention? How much should I be involved? This is so exciting! Haha

Tagging people is a good idea to get the ball rolling. I think you can be as involved as you want to be. If there is something you want to know from us you can always pose a question too. Do you think it's too late to start on this one? Are you on discord? Maybe you can give me a heads up before you post the next part so I can think of questions and comment right away. Do you think we will influence the story too much? If so, we can stop at any time. -A

That's a good idea. with Bryon for example...I was curious how everyone felt, if he was coming off the way I hoped. I am on discord so I can give you a headsup! And...I'm thinking we should wait for the next part because I'm hoping to get the next one out tomorrow.

Hey! I went ahead and sent you a dm...I hope it's you haha I thought it would be good to find ya first.

I do hope Lola enjoys her banana bread in nausea-free comfort!

You and me both! Haha

That just made me feel happy and hopeful.

That's great! I was wondering how Bryon would come across...does he bring people want him to stay? Is he good for Lola?

I think he brings hope...and if it doesn't turn romantic, she needs real friendship too:)

This is true! It makes me wonder if she has any close friends that she may have pushed away. Wow, thanks for bringing that idea!

This just has to be a good thing :)

I think I know more...but I don't want to give it away!

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