파전 : Wild Onion and Sea Bug Pajeon

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever eaten Pajeon? 파전 - it's the Korean word for Pancake. My favorite Pajeon is the "Hemeul- Pajeon" or the seafood Pajeon but Pajeons come in different forms and my second favorite is that with the wild onion.



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Find the rest of my recipe articles both in English and Dutch here: Some I made up or are original recipes and some I tweaked for the purpose of making them free radicals free.

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .



Wow looks so good! I want to try to make it with this recipe!! ;)

@ramengirl I made another one to snack on today
this time I used the wild onion, celery stalks, 50 gram sweet corn (organic) and mint leaves. It was much more delicious - you should try.

That looks sooo yummy!

thank you
it is :)

Thank you for posting @englishtchrivy.

Lovely photographs and clear instructions.....just really scrumptious looking. Seabugs is a new one.....interesting. bleujay will try not to say that particular term when visiting a Japanese Sushi eatery.

To answer you query with regard to pancake....yes....they are a favorite...introduced to them at a favorite Korean eating establishment.

Lovely post. ^_^

Wishing you all the best. A bientotlater.

@bleujay thank you
oh so you know what the wild onion tastes like
I love them though I love the sea food more - it has mussels, squid etc etc in it
I miss Philippines these days
there I could just go take a train or a cab and be in a Korean resto soon
here - no Korean resto i have to drive to Adam for an hour or two to get one of these plus taste very different too
luckily I can cook them so -whew saves the trouble

Thank you for your reply @englishtchrivy.

Oh yes.....it is just lovely. Seafood is a favorite. Yes....everything.

Lovely for you and your husband that you have that particular expertise.....very good food......always a winner. Whew...indeed. ^_^

.......will vote your posts tomorrow.

It looks delicious

thank you
it is

Seeing korean food makes my stomach sound. It was delicious.

@akiyoshi your account name is Japanese - you like Korean food?
what did your stomach say? churn churn?

Ha ha, is not the name not a benchmark of what we like, I do not know how to say what my stomach is saying, which is clear worms in my stomach as if the message :

  • if only the food is real I will not stop eating it like "monkey D-lutfy In the Japanese One Piece anime film".

Thank you for responding to my comments, I am very happy @englishtchrivy

@akiyoshi I get you
I have the same reaction when I get lost at some food posts too

Haha, it turns out your stomach is also not able to withstand the delicacy of food that is shared by all the Steemian.
Sorry before, i will greet you friendship @englishtchrivy
I will follow you to see interesting things about future posts.
Wish you all the best 😉😊

am a foodie I see food i get hungry
but its almost 1 am!
what? I should go to bed
I can't eat anymore hahah

I understand..
Good sleep and beautiful dreams.
See you.

Nice kind of pancakes, except them bugs... Now I want to snack something. :-)

@oaldamster oh no ..
go snack on
hahaha YOLO
I knew it you would say that about sea bugs hahaha
you dont like fish so you probably won't like this too

No snack, now I'm in bed, that is better. :-)

Indeed no fishy buggy things for me, you know me well. ;-) Yet, without that I would love to try these kind of pancakes.

And now Zzzzzzzzzz for me. Good night!

I love that you are calling them sea bugs since that old SCC challenge post. Looks fabulous and top marks for the chilli use, even doubling up in the dip!!! It's like you are drawing me to your dinner table :0D

if you were here I'll share with you
it wasn't dinner I think it was lunch or snack
can't remember booo hahaha
my articles are all just waiting to be posted
i need to buy time to get to edit and post
last night i asked my hubby to put the water marks in them
i was very very sleepy i wanted to post but dead tired i gave in to my beds yearning
the sheets were so inviting haha

Bed is a wonderful place!! Speaking of which, I'm off to mine! Catch you later!

wait!!! I haven't gone back to your turf
okay sleep tight
I'll get back to your page and read all I can hahaha
sleep tight chico !!!!

Shrimp sounds so much better than sea bugs! LOL
Upvoted, followed you.

@indmissbl thank you

@englishtchrivy nim
It's been a while.
I am glad to see you in a long time, and I was impressed that the posting was Pajeon.
No, how did you do this again.
I am a Korean but can not make Pajeon.
It looks delicious! ^^

You are appointed by the god of food.

@sochul nim kkkk..
I was only absent for 3 days I think
I had to do some weeding and harvesting in my garden
a lot of weeding kkkk..
I'm also a farmer now and loving it hahaha

thank you for the compliments
if you read my reply to @ramengirl you'll see I made a different combi of vegetables. You can make this too, you don't have to make it as OC as I did, today I just cut all the veggies in 2 inches size then mixed them altogether and I just mixed the oil in the batter, too.
Here, I cooked it the traditional way but you know you could also just make it as you wish to.

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