Not Your Normal Shepherd's Pie

in #food7 years ago (edited)

How is that so? Do you like Shepherd's pie? Oh, I used to eat that - one with beef back when I still devour red meat. So, don't be surprised that this is entitled so. Well, I have been open that I don't eat potatoes. One, cause they make me fart a lot and two, there are so many franken potatoes so I haven't really made any shepherd's pie since today.

I've been ill for a few days so I had to ask hub to grab a chicken in the grocery accross from our place. As for the "no potato" .. I had an idea of what I'll use as an alternative - celeriac. I bought it from Ekoplaza since there was a lot back then - must be in season now, too. So how am I going to do this? Normally, they just top the vegetables and meat with the potato yes? I tried pulling out a pie a real pie in a pie pan.

What are the ingredients?

For the potato alternative .. (you may also use sweet potato and other stuff)

How to :

Peel the celeriac and cut into very small pieces, throw with the rice in the food processor then churn till you get that potato texture or that celeriacked rice. Sorry what?

Add zests of lemon to add some fragrance in it.

For the filling:

How to ..

Butter your pan and throw the raisins with the salted and peppered chicken in it. Let cook for 5 minutes.

Butter your pie pan and paste on some of the celeriacked rice or form your mock pie crust. Well, we're not really trying to bake it and let it harden like normal pie crust cause I doubt that the celeriac won't bleed in the heat.

Layer your carrot ...

..followed by your cooked raisined chicken...

.. followed by the broccoli ...

and finally top it with more celeriacked rice and form a bulk like top. How did I do it? With the help of a smooth rice spoon .. works better than a spatula for me.

Throw into the oven, yes I made a bigger one cause it would be handy not to cook for dinner anymore. Let it bake for 15 minutes for the small pie pan and 25 minutes for the bigger one.

While waiting for the pie to bake prepare the sauce.

You'll need ...

I forgot to include one cup of water ... and the goat cheese with garlic is the same one I used in this recipe.

How to :

Throw the butter and onion into the pan and let the onion sweat out for 3 minutes then add the rest. Let simmer.

By this time, the pie in the small pie pan is ready so take it out .. do just that ...

Grate some cheese on it.

Serve warm with the sauce.

I had to scoop the hardened top of the crust cause as I thought the rest stayed soft and mashed potato like [thanks to the celeriac] to show you what it looks like inside. That's after I ate the delicious - sweet tasting crust, it's hard to describe it - it tasted like a creamy potato except for there was no cream nor milk added on it.

Well, I finished it and dug in for more on the bigger one which hubby halved. The other half ... we're having for dinner, though I will have to make that sauce again. It was cow licked since it tasted like a sweet and sour cheesy sauce of a lasagna. I smeared more of the celeriac rice on the pan where I cooked the sauce. Sweating despite the cold weather since we're having storm today, I had to pull the pan from hubby to make sure there would be more left.

How about you, when was the last time you cooked a shepherd's pie? Which meat did you put in it? What did it taste like? I'd very much like to know so please spill.

I took each picture with a Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition.

Find the rest of my recipe articles both in English and Dutch here: Some I made up or are original recipes and some I tweaked for the purpose of making them free radicals free.

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .



Well that's a new use for celeriac- I like it! I hope this pie didn't make you fart.

@opheliafu wahahahah - farting is tummy torture and hubby suffers too wahhaha
no this one doesn't have it - I was thinking it would due to the broccoli but since it has been well cooked the broccoli had no gassing effect haha

Well that's good to know! :D

FArt!??!!?! What?! What!! But I thought ladies... well ... I thought they didnt fart! Oh my god I am back to square one in the lady knowledge department!!!!

Hehe, but seriously thats some real ingenious celeriac crust type of making!!

@meesterboom yes! the kind that goes like a bazooka does wahahahaha I'm holding my tongue now hahahaha
I needed to make this today and I just tried combining celeriac - rice alone would make - rice cake hahaha - and glad that it worked .. tweaked the sauce, too was thinking gravy but ran out of fermented soysauce :D

It looks really tasty and amazing. I love it. I like your cooking head, it reminds me of mine whenI am short on something I just rustle up something else in its place! :O)

@meesterboom edit: thank you!
am sure you can make this - making this dish was rushed and I really don't eat potato so that celeriac really saved my butt otherwise I had to use carrot or red beets or sweet potato but I just wanted to try this one, too or something like that you'll figure out soon why ..

cooking brain has been sick - no can computer do .. hmm~~~
seems still sick hahaha
or maybe the fart moved up there hahahaha

Lol, thats my favourite thing to write but this might be a horror of a dish!! Scotch bonnet & peanut butter twists! Mmmm mmm!! :O)

hopefully by tomorrow it will have cleared and you will feel magic!

My cooking brain has come back after a few days off. Will be putting up something horrifyinh or yummy later lol. I hope you are feeling totally better!

Farts in the head, Aiyeeeee!! lol

@meesterboom looking forward to that
I thought you wrote crime or horror :D

feeling better than yesterday but still heavy headed - as if there's air or water in my skull but there's none just feel like it :D

Looks delicious I would like some please

@happyhousewife thank you
unfortunately - it's all cleaned up
nothing left :D
but surely you can make this
I used a silvervlies rice as we call it - ggle translates it as brown rice but it's not I can't find it sorry

Thank you. Have a great day..

Thank you for posting @englishtchrivy.

Lovely photographs and instructions....have not tried to cook celeric..looks like you were able to get it to work beautifully. Do you think turnips worth trying as a substitute for potatoes?

On a side note....there is Shepherds pie and there is Cottage pie with the distinction that Shepherd's Pie is made with lamb...and Cottage Pie with worries...everyone gets them mixed up.

The addition of lemon zest and raisins sounds lovely.

Sorry to hear you have been poorly....hope you are feeling better now.

Wishing you all the best. A bientot. ^_^

@bleujay yes, turnip would do
you're absolutely right about the cottage pie and shepherd's pie love I appreciate you pointing that out

and yes you are right about shepherd's pie being originally made of muttons
not sure I spelled it right

but these days .. there's a lot of versions of shepherd's pies you'll be shocked
:D I guess people have starting adjusting food to their preferences so the many versions came out

Still a bit unwell but recovering .. would still be resting anyway


Thank you for your reply

Yes, are right.....perhaps it would have helped if bleujay had said technically...because many versions are out there. This was on bleujays mind as some friends...and yes they are British......were shocked when they received a Shepherd's Pie... ordered at a restaurant.......that had lamb as the meat and they found themselves unhappy with their choice.

Glad to hear you are better....take care of yourself. ^_^

All the best. Cheers.

@bleujay I experienced that with my Irish friend I still remember the look on her face when she saw chicken and turkey shepherd's pie on the menu
not to mention the choices of the sauces.

Originally, it was only mutton a long time ago but these days - quite a lot and there's even vegetarian and vegan, too - saw shrimp in France on the way to Spain :D that was also unusual :D

thank you for wishing me well, you are so sweet <3 !

Looks delicious! Maybe too much cheese for my tastes though :)

@liberosist thank you,
I tried to pull off a pie but it bled so I didn't remove from the pan hahahaha
don't worry I only grated cheese on top
and the sauce was balanced ;) that cheese with garlic gave it more of a creamy taste - too much cheese will make me fart a lot too hahaha


@foxxycat oh you're still here .. am glad to bump into you again!

@englishtchrivy glad to be back :) last month, my business occupied all my time :) glad to "see" you again :)

@jumowa thank you very much. Include the process of your food post ... it would be paying off if you do. There's always next time :)

This in addition to healthy looks very nutritious, I admire your passion for the art of cooking, congratulations on this great work dear friend @englishtchrivy

@jlufer thank you
that's very kind of you
prefer a half cooked veggies though this one went more of - if it was a lamb - "well done".

In the south of my country patagonico lamb is made to the stake
See ud @englishtchrivy itself

@jllufer holy cow! I mean lamb!
this is a bit morbid :O!
shocking ! not judging - just my 1st reaction :D

This is patagonico lamb roasted to the stake, then it is cut and sive asi

Great choice of ingredients @englishtchrivy, I bet it tasted so goooood!

@woman-onethe-wing yes, it was delightful
you know somehow you and @rebeccaryan has influenced me on making stuff out of these.. I used the other knobs on smoothies though .. then I can benefit more from their enzymes plus tastes really refreshing. They look like a monster but they're actually healthy and blends well with fruits specially.

That's why I never read recipes in books or online, as I think it can limit the ways you think of using ingredients. Like loads of people would never think of using something other than potato on top of shepherds pie... it just wouldn't even occur to them they could use things like celeriac and rice! But then once you start seeing the potential of ingredients then your creations can be limitless and so exciting for your tastebuds!!!

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