Rhubarb Juice An Alternative to Lemon Water That You Can Turn Into A Mocktail

in #food7 years ago (edited)

"Are you on Rhubarb?"

...asked one of my friends, who's shared this with me days before I got sick when I was goofing around and not making any sense doing and blabbing some funnies. She can't ask me whether am drank or not knowing that alcohol would do me much damage and she actually wanted to ask whether am high on rhubarb mocktail but since we were with a group of other friends and since just the two of us actually tasted this, she blurted out so.

Rhubarb's in season and I have one in my garden and my kitchen has given birth to many Rhubarb containing recipe experiments like this one.


The first time I served it to my friend, I told her it's a margarita with watermelon squeeze in it harharhar ~~~ (laughing like Cruela)...

If you feel like having just the juice minus the bore, adding a strawberry, cucumber and slices of red radishes give that refreshing taste instead of those gingered honey ice cubes.

So I wonder.. would you give it a try?

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Find the rest of my recipe articles both in English and Dutch here: Some I made up or are original recipes and some I tweaked for the purpose of making them free radicals free.

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .



Heb je de bloemen wel eens laten uitkomen?

jazeker .. maar wel geknipt anders wordt het rhubarb domination daar .. :D

Wow, what a nice drink :) That icecubes look awesome too.

@yoganarchista thank you

It looks very tasty!

@oaldamster with the ice cubes yes but just rhubarb juice alone - like lemon water but pink haha
have you ever taken a mountain dew? with the right amount of ginger and honey it would taste like that but if you add more ginger my husband said it tastes like Limoncello whatever that is haha and another choc with liquor on it from Leonidas ..it sounds like French so I can't remember

Never had mountain dew or the others you mention. It has been a long time since I tasted rabarber.

@oaldamster lemoncello dan ..
as for the rabarber okay .. when you come over I'd make sure to prepare you stalks to bring home ..

Looks delicious!

@kus-knee thank you!

looks awesome, question,what is lovage?

@debyte thank you
lovage is an herb they also call it the "maggie plant" perhaps more familiar?

EDIT: I labeled it on one of the pics - 3rd pic I guess.. sorry to get back late ..I guess I just gave myself a hard time posting much tonight i have to go around return ups per post

@englishtchrivy, I'd never taste rhubarb juice but last strawberry, cucumber and slices of red radishes, I think it must be refreshing..

@helene I only had it when I moved here. I'm not sure whether we have it there in Asia but maybe?
It's pretty expensive too 3 euro for 4 stalks tsk tsk too much but I got it for free thanks to the garden :)

@englishtchrivy, oh, I think rhubarb is mainly used in medicine in China. Your garden is a real treasury. :)

I see, I was thinking the Orient may have it because its cold. It is plus it gives me much work out too haha am starting to have muscles in my skinny arms I love it ^ ^

EDIT : where are you?

@englishtchrivy, oh, I must try it if I have a chance.
now I live in the north of China, ShenYang , Liaoning province.

You know what really spices up a mocktail and takes it to the next level? Vodka ;0)

@meesterboom chico you can easily make this
I used the tag ;) tripple wink

Well there you go, I am sorted!! :0D

the tormenting's over .. I hope ...totally quiet like the sea for weeks already .. as if it died

lol I should go to beddd hahahha

Me too, in fact I am. Goodnight!!

thanks, this looks delicious, im going to try this recipe. i have Rhubarb in my allotment :-)

@pcste good luck :)
you might want to adjust the amount of honey or all of the ingredients
my taste preference may vary from yours .. I should put that on the next recipe posts I suppose

That looks so healthy I'm really interested in healthy food these days. Thanks for sharing! btw, those icecubes are super cute!! :)

@ramengirl Hiya!

I like this freezing idea of sourcing the drink.

@ace108 I would prefer it if the tray isn't made of plastic though this one doesn't really expand anymore so I won't be taking chemicals in it anymore - its the 1st time I tried it - i actually like it

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