Dreams Journal - 4/15/18 - Wrong Place at The Wrong Time

in #dreams6 years ago (edited)

Hello Dreamers! I am on a roll this week with remembering my dreams! Would be nice if every week was like this! Last night was a really slow night and I only had one call. This made me extremely tired from just waiting around all night so I was ready to knock out early. It made for a pretty lengthy and weird dream! I'd say it's 3 dreams mixed into one, but the transition was smooth!

Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

First I was riding to the airport with a cab driver that I know. We were on our way to get a customer. We were on a straight road that leads to the airport so we could see the entrance and could see a cab in the distance doubling back to the terminal. This made us worry that he was going to take our customer so he sped up. When we made it to the stop sign there were two cars ahead of us but he just went on the wrong side of the road, did a partial stop and ran the stop sign to get in front of the other two cars. As he sped through the terminal a lady was crossing the road and he had to slam on his breaks just to avoid hitting her. The lady actually stopped in the middle of the road like as if she wanted to get hit. When we parked and started walking inside the airport she was yelling at us but we ignored her.

Then my friend and I were driving and needed food so we decided to stop at a random holiday gas station. There were a few customers inside making orders. As I looked around there wasn't that much selection. Mostly chips and junk food. We each ended up grabbing a Danish and as we're waiting in line the store attendant starts to get mad at one of the other customers. Two of them walk out and it feels like we're about to deal with trouble.

The attendant ends up calling the cops and the cops quickly show up and arrest one of the dudes. As we continue to browse a different customer seems to be trying to steal. At this point it is my friend and I, the would-be thief and the attendant in the store. As we are browsing I notice a shelf with electronics so I walked up to it and saw a sweet weird looking camera for $200. As I picked up the camera and looked through the viewfinder, I could hear some dude call me by name and say "put the camera down and let me see your hands!". I faced him while still looking through the viewfinder and could see that it was a cop.

"I should have left 10 minutes ago!" I thought. I put the camera down and put my hands up. "I haven't done or stolen anything" I exclaimed, as the cop approached my friend and I. At this point the attendant had gotten behind the thief and had him pinned against a support beam. The cop is able to realize that we're not the problem so he walks past us and towards the thief. He takes him and then we follow them outside and stay to talk to the attendant about what just happened. The attendant pulls out a joint and starts lighting it. "I need to calm down" he says.

"What are you doing?" I asked. "The cop is still here!".

As he notices the cop car still around the corner of a different building, he puts it out. Then the cop turns on his truck, puts it in reverse and backs up and turns into a car port very aggressively and starts revving his engine.

Suddenly there's some military looking dudes coming up on us with guns drawn. We immediately start running and zigzagging to avoid getting shot as they open fire on us. My friend gets shot up in the back and I can see bullet holes all over his jacket but somehow he's bullet proof and we keep running. I can hear shotgun blasts being shot my way as I dodge them. One guy who appears to be really short is catching up to me with a giant machete. I stop to fight him and am able to block his attack and turn his own blade against him. I drove it into his gut and he fell to the ground. We kept running! Shortly thereafter we noticed no one was chasing so we stopped and just as we did there's another little guy, looking slightly different then the first little guy but looked similar like as if he was his brother. He started asking for the guy I just wasted by name.

"Where is he?" He asks as he's walking up on me.

"Who the heck are you talking about? I don't know who that is and I've been here".

He doesn't believe me and draws a machete on me. I start to run away again and he gives chase. He's keeping up so again I stop to fight him. I overcome him easily, take his machete and drove it into his eyesocket. Brutal!. He screamed with agony as we kept on running.

Then I woke up


I have no idea what any of this could mean. Why do I keep having dreams of picking up customers at the airport with a cab? I'm not a cab driver anymore, and I certainly don't pick up customers at the airport. I haven't even been to the airport. Maybe that's why. I practically used to live there and went every single day and sat in the taxi line. Then suddenly I never went back. It's like my brain still thinks it's weird.

When it comes to the thieves, I don't understand why I keep running into them in my dreams but seems all three of these scenarios have a wrong place at the wrong time feel to it. Just a few days ago I had a dream that a T-Rex was chasing me and a friend suggested that I stop running from things chasing me in my dreams. In this case that's what I did. I stopped and faced my enemy. Both of them. They were weak and I destroyed them.

I still can't exactly interpret this dream though. Sometimes dreams are just dreams, so I won't lose any sleep over not being able to interpret it.

Thanks for reading! Keep Dreaming and keep steeming!

I want to share my dreams exclusively with the Steemit community!

Dream Log


| 4/10/18 | 4/12/18 | 4/13/18


| 3/3/18 | 3/15/18 | 3/20/18 | 3/30/18 |


| 2/1/18 | 2/2/18 | 2/4/18 | 2/7/18 |


| 1/3/18 | 1/4/18 | 1/6/18 | 1/10/18 | 1/15/18 | 1/17/18 | 1/19/18 |


| 12/20/17 | 12/28/17 |

Dreams but Not Forgotten[Part 1]
A Christmas Dream
My First Dream Ever or a possible memory from a past life
A Dreams Introduction [Hello Dreamers!][Steem Your Dreams]

How to Remember Your Dreams

It is good practice to have a dream journal next to your bed if you want to remember them. That's right. Good ol' fashion pen and paper. [Okay, a laptop or your favorite hand-held device can work too] This way, the second you get up, you take 5 minutes to write down as much as you can remember before you start to forget. Spend some time re-reading, even throughout the day, and you might even start to remember small bits and pieces for you to add. If you keep this practice consistent, you will soon begin to start remembering your dreams with more detail, effectively able to write down what you dreamed.

Just remember, all it takes is 10 minutes to forget your dream. You must perform this exercise during your first 10 minutes of waking up.

When I joined Steemit I made the decision to always Power-Up my earnings. For now, payouts are set to 50/50 but you bet I will convert & Power Up! Besides internal transfers, I have never cashed out and don't plan on it! Power-Up only!


I rarely remember dreams anymore. The last one nightmarish I had was I kept thinking I had a research paper due the next day (I graduated last year though). So for me I think it is I'm feeling pressure of deadlines in general and the school assignment experience just really crystallizes that particular feeling for me.

For your thief dream it seems like you could be worried about being mistaken for someone else. Do you ever feel you are lost in the crowd? I do at times and sometimes I want to be but other times I want to be noticed and it feels disappointing to want to be recognized or credited for something and to be over looked. That's just me though! :) Thanks for sharing your dream that was interesting to read.

I think you have a point with the recognition part and being mistaken for someone else. Sometimes I feel that I do a lot and get little to no recognition in return. Then I receive recognition for something minor and it bothers me.

I cant remember many dreams I've had before I started writing them. There are times that I'll remember a dream, get up and prepare to write it down and before I get the first word out I've already forgotten it so it's actually very difficult to remember them if you don't think hard about it the second you wake up. One minute wasted on any other task and you've already forgotten at least 1/4th of the dream.

Thanks for your comment! Your interpretation makes sense and is one reason why I wanted to share my dreams -- to get others opinions, so thank you!

I'll try your advice to write it down next time. It's a good idea. Often I tell friends but writing it down might be better for longer term analysis and creativity fodder. Personally I would like to remember more good ones rather than it seems like only the bad ones are remembered. Maybe there's a way to boost memory of those.

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