Dream Journal - 1/4/18 - Blended Dreams

in #dreams7 years ago

Hello Steemians! This is two days in a row that I've been able to remember my dream! I could only remember one dream but you could almost say it was more than one dream morphed into one. Hence the title! I know I had other dreams, they're at the back of my head but I just can't recall them. Sometimes the most enjoyable ones seem to slip away first!

Also, today is my fourth day of no cigarettes! Well, technically my second. I decided to quit smoking for my new years resolution. January 1st I had 4 puffs of a cig around 6:30 AM. On January 2nd I had 2 puffs of a cig around 4 PM. That was the last time I had a cig! So far, so good! I am not even stressing about it. I feel more energized. I feel like I can breathe! I will make a post about it some time today to provide a full update.


Okay so there's this tall chair with a red cushion in my house that was here when we moved in. I don't like it and we've never used it other than to hang our coats. We don't have any table or counter tall enough where one could comfortably utilize the chair and it's also kind of flimsy. The back rest as also too short so there's some kind of balance issue because when I've sat on it it feels like it's going to tip over. It must have come from a restaurant with really tall tables which makes me wonder if the people that lived here stole it.


The Morphing Chair

My dream starts off in the kitchen. Everyone's sitting around and the tall chair is the only one open for me. As I go to sit on it, it breaks. Everyone laughed like as if I had fallen, but I didn't. "Good", I thought. "Now I have a reason to throw it away!"

"Burn it!" My wife suggested. So I agreed and we all went outside laughing and excited to watch the chair burn.

When we get outside, I put the chair in the middle of the driveway and now it's a red Harley Davidson motorcycle. (Same color as the cushion!) Nobody even notices or suggests that a chair just turned into a motorcycle, and it comes to mind that it's mine and I just bought it, and now I am showing it off to everyone. The kickstand is on but it is not a normal harley kickstand. It's more like a kickstand to an older model Go-Ped (a motorized scooter) where the kickstand lifts up the back wheel and levels the bike.

I hop on like I am some kind of professional bike rider and immediately know how to turn it on. (I've never turned on a motorcycle or ridden one, but I used to work for a Harley shop and I cleaned and put the motorcycles in storage) Once it's on, I take the kickstand off and start walking it. I have a sense of pride as I'm showing off my new ride to my friends. Now these bikes are extremely heavy and are easy to drop if you lose balance. So I lost balance and almost dropped the bike but I was able to re-balance it. Only a small corner of the paint touches the ground but I catch most of the weight with my leg. One of my friends tells me that it's okay and to keep going. Just as I'm about to take off on the bike, this older lady comes running up to us and says she needs our help.

Everyone is skeptical about helping her, but I agree to help. She leads me to her back deck and points at a square black hole in her yard. There's about 40 feet between the edge of her deck and her fence, and the hole is right in the middle. We are standing in the middle of her deck as she's pointing it out to me. I take off with my friend to go get something. I can't remember what it was that I needed but before I investigated this hole I had to go get it.

The next thing I remember is walking towards her back alley with my friend and the door to her fenced in yard swings open and she comes running out.

"Are you going to follow me?" She says. She appears to be more frightened then before.

My friend says, "Are you really going ot help her? I'm just going to keep walking man."

"Please follow me!" she pleads. "I need your help!"

At this point, I've decided to follow her and my friend and I branch off. He keeps going and I follow the lady into her back yard. Once again she leads me to this weird square hole but refuses to get too close. She's staying on her deck and wants me to go investigate the hole alone. It's just a hole in the grass but it is a little weird. Her fear was intimidating enough to make me uncertain. As I walk up to the black square hole in the middle of her yard I get more anxious. "Is this some kind of trap?" I thought. The closer I got, the faster my heart pumped.

Then I woke up!

Now this dream is definitely tough to interpret and I have no idea what any of it could mean. Am I going to buy a motorcycle?

Will some lady need my help?

I do know one thing: Usually the most intense part of my dream is right when I get up. It's a little frustrating to know that I will never find out what that hole was, or what was in it.

Thanks for reading! God Bless and have a great day!


I want to share my dreams exclusively with the Steemit community!

Dream Log


| 1/3/18 |


| 12/20/17 | 12/28/17 |

Dreams but Not Forgotten[Part 1]
A Christmas Dream
My First Dream Ever or a possible memory from a passed life
A Dreams Introduction [Hello Dreamers!][Steem Your Dreams]

How to Remember Your Dreams

It is good practice to have a dream journal next to your bed if you want to remember them. That's right. Good ol' fashion pen and paper. [Okay, a laptop or your favorite hand-held device can work too] This way, the second you get up, you take 5 minutes to write down as much as you can remember before you start to forget. Spend some time re-reading, even through out the day, and you might even start to remember small bits and pieces for you to add. If you keep this practice consistent, you will soon begin to start remembering your dreams with more detail, effectively able to write down what you dreamed.

Just remember, all it takes is 10 minutes to forget your dream. You must perform this exercise during your first 10 minutes of waking up.


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