Dreams Journal - 3/15/18 - I'm a Cabbie Again

in #dreams6 years ago (edited)

What's up Steemit! I haven't been able to remember a dream in 12 days. This has been bothering me! This makes the second dream I've been able to remember all month! There's been a lot of stuff going on in real life that has more or less kept me distracted. One of those things is Steemit. I got into a weird habit of checking steemit from my phone the second I woke up. This caused way too much distractions upon waking up and it made me forget any dream I might have been able to remember, but I couldn't put any of them into context anyways.

Last nights dream could almost pass as a nightmare, because I feel I have upgraded from being a cab driver. I would never want to go back to that!


I'm a Cabbie Again

I pulled up to the airport in my cab. My friend was following me in his cab so we were a two cab fleet ready to sit at the airport and get fares. It was out first time showing up with our cabs.

My old business partner was there and he approached us.

Him: "You're really gonna come sit at my airport"

Me: "stfu dude. This isn't your airport. You don't own it."

He went on to say I can't be here so I smacked him. Then he grabbed my hand and just looked at me with hurt cause I smacked him

This was kinda weird. I took my hand back and he continued to say that I can't be there.

"I can be here!" I said. "Nothing you can do so just get back to your cab!"

I remember seeing some guy waiting for his loved one observing the argument. He looked at me and I said "He doesn't like me so he wants me to leave".

The guy nodded in understanding.

I looked back to my old business partner an he was still there. "Where's your cab dude? Go stand by it and get away from me."

As I looked around I could not see his cab so I started to walk around looking for it. I remember yelling across the terminal at him. "I don't know why you're so worried about me when Uber gets more fares out of here these days then you do!"

As I got back to where I was parked I realized that my cab was gone and so was he.

"Did he just steal my damn car?" My friend was still there and goes "I watched it drive off but I'm not sure who took it... You should know not to leave your keys in the cab at the bird!"

I started to dig for my phone to make some calls only to realize that I had left it in my cab. I was pissed. The owner to a different cab company was there, so I approached him. He wasn't trying to get involved, but I just wanted to tell him to call my old business partner and tell him to bring my damn cab back or I'm calling the police.

As I walked back to where my cab was, he finally shows up but he's on foot. "Where's my car dude?" I ask him.

"It's I put it by the key store next to my house"

This was like 13 miles away... I was pissed and immediately dropped him on the floor. I considered just getting a ride from my friend but all I saw was red and I wasn't about to just let it go. At this point, the dream felt very real and I didn't care about getting into trouble.. Just as the fight continued is when I woke up.

I have no idea why I would dream that I was at the airport driving a cab again. This would be the second time. I sure hope that it's not some kind of sign that I'm going to be a cab again, but I wouldn't mind running a cab company as long as I don't have to sit at the airport!

I've also spent the last few days fixing my old cab which was crashed about a year ago (not by me) and I can finally afford to fix it. It's already in the shop getting some mechanical issues fixed and then I have to take it to the body shop to fix the damages from the accident. I think my brain is excited to drive my Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor again. Driving it to the shop felt great but it wasn't enough!

God Bless! Steem On!


I want to share my dreams exclusively with the Steemit community!

Dream Log


| 3/3/18 |


| 2/1/18 | 2/2/18 | 2/4/18 | 2/7/18 |


| 1/3/18 | 1/4/18 | 1/6/18 | 1/10/18 | 1/15/18 | 1/17/18 | 1/19/18 |


| 12/20/17 | 12/28/17 |

Dreams but Not Forgotten[Part 1]
A Christmas Dream
My First Dream Ever or a possible memory from a past life
A Dreams Introduction [Hello Dreamers!][Steem Your Dreams]

How to Remember Your Dreams

It is good practice to have a dream journal next to your bed if you want to remember them. That's right. Good ol' fashion pen and paper. [Okay, a laptop or your favorite hand-held device can work too] This way, the second you get up, you take 5 minutes to write down as much as you can remember before you start to forget. Spend some time re-reading, even throughout the day, and you might even start to remember small bits and pieces for you to add. If you keep this practice consistent, you will soon begin to start remembering your dreams with more detail, effectively able to write down what you dreamed.

Just remember, all it takes is 10 minutes to forget your dream. You must perform this exercise during your first 10 minutes of waking up.

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