Dreams Journal - 2/7/18 - I Remembered Two

in #dreams7 years ago


Good Evening Steemians! I've had an extremely slow week so far. I haven't had any calls since last Saturday, so my income so far this week is all crypto and no fiat. Other then that, it's business as usual, and I am here to share another dream with you! When I woke up this morning I had actually forgotten everything, but then everything came back to me once I got my day started.

Held up at Gunpoint

All I can remember is walking towards a building that resembled some kind of bus or train station. There were a lot of people walking inside with the entry in the middle. Everyone was basically ahead of me as I was still maybe half a block away from the door. I walked by a group of four would-be thugs, but I paid them no mind. They were the only people I could see that were not trying to go inside the building. When I passed them, they started to follow me. They were uncomfortably close.

One of them said something to the other that seemed non-chalant like there was nothing to worry about on my end. I knew though. I had a bad feeling about this, so I started to walk a little faster in order to create some space between us. They sped up with me, so I started to run.

They gave chase but I was basically already at the building. One of them cut me off so I had to stop. I stepped to the side as he approached me. It was like I got too close to the crowd for them to do anything bad (so as to not raise suspicion). The other three walked by me holding guns and kinda laughing. They were waiting for everyone to go inside so they could do whatever they planned on doing. The one pulls out his gun and he's pointing it at me and the other three just go inside.

I'm pretty intimidated at this point. "Now that no one's here to see you, say your prayers!", he says.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see this woman walking up to us but her head is down. Eyes buried in her phone, she is completely oblivious to the situation and continues walking towards us along the side of the property that the building sits on. "Well, there's someone over there" as I point to the woman. He turns around and notices, and somehow this seems to spook the thug and he literally hands me his gun and proceeds to run into the building as well.

Now with all four of them inside the building, I'm not going in there. Still with my newly acquired gun, I turn around and start walking away. I was still on the side of the property and the property was lined with a concrete wall. As I approach the front of the property that the building was standing on, I step onto the sidewalk and make a right. Seems there was a fifth and he runs to the corner of the concrete wall and says something to me and pulls out his gun.

I point mine at him and he shoots but misses. I paused for a second because I wasn't sure if he hit me or not, and then I shot at him. I am not sure if I hit him or not because at this point I just turned around and started running. I could here him yelling for his crew so they can chase after me. I'm zigzaging through a neighborhood and cutting through yards trying to lose them, as I am assuming they are chasing me.

The rest is pretty blurry and I can't quite put any context to it.

I remember waking up, but just slightly. It wasn't quite morning yet so back to bed I went

A shot of the Blatnik Bridge, taken from the Duluth side

I gotta go get this run

It feels like I am at home with my wife and kids but we are not actually at home. We could be staying somewhere nearby because we're still in my city. It's night time, so I'm open for business and as expected I get a call. It's a regular of mine and they need a ride. My customer has a very business-like mindset and doesn't like to be let down. He likes that we are prompt on time and dependable. I tell him 30 minutes as I look at the clock and all I can remember is that it was the top of the hour. Let's just go with 10:00 PM.

I call my driver to either come get me or meet me somewhere, whichever is most convenient. There's no answer. "Damn it!" I thought. "How am I going to do this run by myself, it's too cold outside to walk!"

My wife offered to help me. I was a little reluctant to accept her help because right now she doesn't have a drivers license. This is something we literally just found out last week

"Okay." I said. "Let me get dressed then!" While I start looking for clothes, I can't find any. I'm already wearing my thermal clothes, so all I need to do is put on my suit, tie and hat. Easy as pie and I can usually be ready to go in under 3 minutes. I'm looking everywhere and I can't find any of my suits. This is where the thought that I'm not actually at home comes to play. It's like I only have access to one suit and one dress shirt, but I can't find anything.

I'm walking back and forth looking for my clothes and I can't find them. At some parts, I just stop looking altogether and keep pacing back and forth. "Why am I so scatter brained? I can't find anything!"

At this point my mind is racing and instead of doing actual looking, I'm just wasting time. "Okay, calm down!" I thought. "Let's start by looking for one object! My shirt!" This let me concentrate a little. I finally find my shirt.

The arms on the dress shirt are tucked in, so I have to pull them out and I am having trouble with this. When I finally get the shirt on, I'm not wearing my thermal underneath anymore. I can't go out like this, I'll be too cold! (I have a system, and I like to be warm in this weather). So now I'm looking for my thermal.

I find my thermal and put it on, but I realize I just put it over my dress shirt. "Damn it, this won't work! What is wrong with me?"

I take both shirts off and put the thermal on first. Then my dress shirt. "Ugh, how did I end up putting my thermal over my dress shirt?" My mind is still racing because at least 15 minutes have gone by and I'm still not dressed while my customer waits.

Suddenly the phone rings. I answer the phone. "Hello?"

Customer: "Hey it's so and so, just calling to make sure you're still coming? I'm ready when you are buddy!"

All I can remeber is :18 as I took a glance at my phone screen to check the time and give him a proper wait time. It's been 18 minutes and I'm not even dressed! WTF!

I tell him "We should still be on time for that 30 minute wait time I gave you. Should be about 10 more minutes, 15 at the most!"

Customer: "Okay, see you soon!"

We hang up and now I'm in a bit of a panic.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, I am fully dressed and I'm not even at home or where ever we were staying! I'm outside, walking down the street. I'm basically waiting on my wife to pick me up now instead of being at home ready to go with her. As I wait for her, I figured I'm gonna start to head towards my customer on foot, but again, it's like I'm pacing back and forth, worried about being late but not actually getting anywhere.

I'm in Superior, WI and so is my customer, but I'm on the road that leads to a 2 mile long bridge over to Duluth, MN, and I start running up the bridge to get across.

"My customer isn't in Duluth what am I doing?" I thought.

Just as fast as I start running up the bridge, I stop and turn around. I notice a car driving past and a man is driving it. He's staring at me with a curious "What the hell are you doing?" face.

"Damn it! I am so scatter brained, what the hell is seriously wrong with me today?" As I start running back down the bridge and in the correct direction. At this point it feels like my customer's been waiting an hour. The feeling of letting my customers down is really upsetting.

Then I woke up

I can't imagine why I would have this dream. I've had quite a few since I started writing down my dreams about some sort of attack. There always seems to be some kind of bad guy out to get me in my dreams.

Could it be my insecurities? Perhaps. I am not sure, but as always, I am happy that this was just a dream.

As for the work related dream, it's pretty normal to have those. The panic mode was not fun though. It was almost nightmarish, and more nightmarish then getting held up at gunpoint since it seemed to have turned into a video game. I feel like I don't get a good nights rest when I dream about work.

I thank you for reading! God Bless!

Keep on Dreaming and Steeming on!


I want to share my dreams exclusively with the Steemit community!

Dream Log


| 2/1/18 | 2/2/18 | 2/4/18


| 1/3/18 | 1/4/18 | 1/6/18 | 1/10/18 | 1/15/18 | 1/17/18 | 1/19/18 |


| 12/20/17 | 12/28/17 |

Dreams but Not Forgotten[Part 1]
A Christmas Dream
My First Dream Ever or a possible memory from a past life
A Dreams Introduction [Hello Dreamers!][Steem Your Dreams]

How to Remember Your Dreams

It is good practice to have a dream journal next to your bed if you want to remember them. That's right. Good ol' fashion pen and paper. [Okay, a laptop or your favorite hand-held device can work too] This way, the second you get up, you take 5 minutes to write down as much as you can remember before you start to forget. Spend some time re-reading, even throughout the day, and you might even start to remember small bits and pieces for you to add. If you keep this practice consistent, you will soon begin to start remembering your dreams with more detail, effectively able to write down what you dreamed.

Just remember, all it takes is 10 minutes to forget your dream. You must perform this exercise during your first 10 minutes of waking up.

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