Dreams Journal - 1/19/18 - Working at the Bird

in #dreams7 years ago

Hello Steemians! Tonight I am posting my dream pretty late. When I got up yesterday, I woke up to a computer crash and had to restore my system. This took a few hours and by the time I was done I was tired so I just went to bed instead of making any posts. I've also been very on edge because I haven't had a cigarette in two weeks.

When I woke up today I had to deal with real life stuff throughout the day and then I got a call for work so I had to take care of that and I stayed out and about for the rest of the night. It's the wife's birthday too so I have to run to the store before I get any sleep. I figured I'd make at least one post! Get my Steemit Fix! :) I'm just glad I was able to write my dream down earlier!

I have a friend that helps me with my company. So in my line of work I take patrons home from the bar in their vehicles. We show up together and I drive the patrons car. Sometimes we are not together when the phone rings and there's not enough time to wait on him to come get me so we meet up somewhere. I get in his car and we go get our customer. It's a Designated Driver Deliver Service.

This is how my dream started.


Working at the Bird

I was driving to meet up with my friend to get a work run. I pull into a parking lot and park. He's already here and I get out of my car. We are now both standing in the parking lot talking waiting on our customer. Then, we see another one of my employees. He helps me on the weekdays. He's an older gentleman and I can see what appears to be my customer following him to his car. He's walking like a 90 year old man really slow, with the customer slowly pacing behind him. The customer looks confused because he's so old.

"Are you sure you can drive?" he says.

I could feel that I was getting a little angry because my employee was stealing my customer and giving him what would be considered an illegal cab ride. I was certain that I was going to fire him.

At this point, it's like I've forgotten what I'm there for and now we are all taxi drivers except for the old man. He's simply taking a customer. I state "That's not a taxi", as the customer is hesitating. He pulls out his credit card and says, "I need a ride downtown" but neither of us attempt to take him, we just watch as he followed the old man walking slowly to his car.

We are laughing a little because of how slow he's walking and continue to say "That's not even a taxi!"

The guy gets in anyways and we don't really try to stop it and they take off. I hop in my friends car and we start driving. Turns out that the parking lot we were in was at the airport and now we've pulled up to the taxi line at the airport. We get out to just chit-chat and wait for the next flight to come in when another taxi driver pulls up in line behind us in a van.

"There's Brad pulling up in his stupid van! Why'd he have to bring a van up here?"

This van was the same exact van that my friend drove a few years back. The friend I am with. He's put 14 passengers in that van before so we were aware of the room inside the van. This might be why we were complaining about the van pulling up.

I could see he had a big beard and mustashe as I looked in through the windshield. Suddenly I realized what was happening. I'm with my friend and his taxi waiting on the next flight. "Wait a minute", I thought.

"My cab isn't even here...how am I supposed to make money? I should have driven my cab up here too!" I said.

My friend goes, "Yeah, well now you're stuck here! I'm not leaving first up. I need money!"

At this point all I can think about is how I can go get my taxi so I can sit in line at the airport as well. This is the most I can remember of my dream.

The End

I was annoyed. One second I'm running my business as normal, the next I'm at the airport in with a friend while he's working. I don't like to waste time, because time is money. So being there without my taxi was very frustrating. I'm glad that it was just a dream though. I drove a taxi for 5 years and I spent hundreds if not thousands of hours sitting at the airport waiting for the planes to come in. "Burn and turn" we called it. It's the act of getting a fare out of the airport and coming straight back for the next flight or maybe even a straggler.

What made it a little nightmarish is that I feel I've graduated from all that, as my business model is better than a taxi. It could also be some kind of prophetic dream that is telling me I may be registering my company as a taxi so I can make more money. This would leave less time for me to spend at home though. Less freedom. I am not sure I like that.

Keep Dreaming!


I want to share my dreams exclusively with the Steemit community!

Dream Log


| 1/3/18 | 1/4/18 | 1/6/18 | 1/10/18 | 1/15/18 | 1/17/18 |


| 12/20/17 | 12/28/17 |

Dreams but Not Forgotten[Part 1]
A Christmas Dream
My First Dream Ever or a possible memory from a past life
A Dreams Introduction [Hello Dreamers!][Steem Your Dreams]

How to Remember Your Dreams

It is good practice to have a dream journal next to your bed if you want to remember them. That's right. Good ol' fashion pen and paper. [Okay, a laptop or your favorite hand-held device can work too] This way, the second you get up, you take 5 minutes to write down as much as you can remember before you start to forget. Spend some time re-reading, even throughout the day, and you might even start to remember small bits and pieces for you to add. If you keep this practice consistent, you will soon begin to start remembering your dreams with more detail, effectively able to write down what you dreamed.

Just remember, all it takes is 10 minutes to forget your dream. You must perform this exercise during your first 10 minutes of waking up.

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