Dreams Journal - 4/12/18 - Here For The Show

in #dreams6 years ago (edited)

Today I woke up and went to get my fishing license and even got a line in the water. Luckily I was able to remember a dream and I wrote it down. It's been a bit of a busy day so I'm behind schedule but better late than never!


Here For The Show

All I can remember is waiting to watch some kind of movie or show. I was in an auditorium. The announcer asked if everyone was ready but for whatever reason I wasn't. This gave me 5 minutes.

I went outside and this dude I used to know called me and I guess he wanted me to get him weed. I told him sure and gave him the address of where I was. This was way out of character for me as I wouldn't do that, muchless help that guy cause he's nothing but trouble.

After that I went back into the auditorium. The entry was a wide staircase lined with red carpet that narrowed as you walked down and it lead down to the seating area. I remember sitting first row and the show began.

The show was about me and we were having some kind of family get together at my grandma's apartment but for whatever reason it had a yard and it wasn't my grandma's apartment but my friends house. The friend with all the animals.

There was an alligator in the yard and I didn't know why. Then a wolf sprung out of a hole and the alligator quickly ate it. Everyone was relieved and someone said "You see? He was right to tell us not to go out there!". I don't know who he was.

Then I remember getting a closer look of the alligator and it had a rope tied to him. He was literally pulling a lawn mower. This gator was their lawn mower and was friendly like a dog. I began to pet him saying "wow I've never pet an alligator before! This is weird!". As I reached my hand out the alligator lifted his head and opened wide but he wasn't trying to bite me. I pet his head like a good boy and then went to pet his back. It wasn't scaley and reminded me of seal skin or something. Then I said "too bad I forgot my camera again, this would make a nice photo!". When I glanced at the yard I could see that the gator had done a terrible job and the yard was striped with lines of long grass and cut grass.

Suddenly we we're all interrupted by my visitor. The one that was looking to score. He was with the cook of the burger joint I've been eating at so it was kind of weird.

He hands me a small bag of weed and turns around discretely and points to his back pocket. "Put the weed in there hurry up"

As I stood there dumbfounded as to how he expects me to give him a big bag of weed in exchange for a smaller one I begin to ask "Wait I don't need this I thought you did?"

He gave me a frustrated look and said "Quit wasting my time man let's go," as he's still pointing for me to put the drugs in his back pocket.

At this point the dude he is with gets frustrated and asks me "do you have what we want or not?"

I responded, "well I guess I can try." Just as I said this they both got pissed off and walked away out of frustration.

Then somebody slammed my front door and I woke up.


I am not sure what this dream could mean! There was so much going on. I have been thinking about my grandma lately but I wonder why it turned into my friends house. What's with someone asking me for drugs? I run a sober driver service so perhaps it was a look into my life if I wasn't required to stay sober all the time.

Thanks for reading! God Bless & Steem on!

I want to share my dreams exclusively with the Steemit community!

Dream Log


| 4/10/18 |


| 3/3/18 | 3/15/18 | 3/20/18 | 3/30/18 |


| 2/1/18 | 2/2/18 | 2/4/18 | 2/7/18 |


| 1/3/18 | 1/4/18 | 1/6/18 | 1/10/18 | 1/15/18 | 1/17/18 | 1/19/18 |


| 12/20/17 | 12/28/17 |

Dreams but Not Forgotten[Part 1]
A Christmas Dream
My First Dream Ever or a possible memory from a past life
A Dreams Introduction [Hello Dreamers!][Steem Your Dreams]

How to Remember Your Dreams

It is good practice to have a dream journal next to your bed if you want to remember them. That's right. Good ol' fashion pen and paper. [Okay, a laptop or your favorite hand-held device can work too] This way, the second you get up, you take 5 minutes to write down as much as you can remember before you start to forget. Spend some time re-reading, even throughout the day, and you might even start to remember small bits and pieces for you to add. If you keep this practice consistent, you will soon begin to start remembering your dreams with more detail, effectively able to write down what you dreamed.

Just remember, all it takes is 10 minutes to forget your dream. You must perform this exercise during your first 10 minutes of waking up.

When I joined Steemit I made the decision to always Power-Up my earnings. For now, payouts are set to 50/50 but you bet I will convert & Power Up! Besides internal transfers, I have never cashed out and don't plan on it! Power-Up only!

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