2020-02-06steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j4 years ago (edited)

You can build a computer. It is not very hard to do. I mean, you can assemble the parts. At the very least, you can take the time to understand what kind of computer you would want to buy. Now, of course, all of this can be rather complex. So, you can feel overwhelmed. Getting to the bottom of what you need to know begins with understanding what you already know as a leverage towards investigating farther. While watching Picard 103, I cried me a river. Nah, I'm not Justin Timberlake. I'm Joshing. But Picard is really Retard. They turn Picard into a jerk. He is no longer the same character. Orange Man Bad. White Men Bad. Hollywood is trying to destroy western civilization as their way of eliminating their competition. Web browser alternatives list.

Web Browser Alternatives

I'm using Firefox for some things and Dissenter for video. Here are some links to web browsers and browser lists which you can look at:

Kiwi Browser
Water Fox
Cyber Fox
Firefox 5
X Fox
Firefox Nightly
Firefox Focus
Get Station Smart Web Browser
Invisible Internet Protocol



React OS seeks to be a Windows alternative that looks like Windows


Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Silly Jobs

01:19 AM - Telegram

Ladies and gentlemen, Blood Riot Carpentry are now offering new internships. Please apply now. Must have 15 years of experience in carpentry.

Here at Wacky Joe's, we are now looking to hire dishwashers. Must be no older than 25 years old. Most have 20 years of experience.

Kobe Killer Kombuters (KKK) are currently looking to train new web designers. You must be a high school student. You must have 35 years of experience in web design. Must be teachable, otherwise, why the Hell are we going to train ya?

The Kieran Mesquita Shop is now looking for brand new baby sitters. We get very many babies here that we must sit. If, you're looking to babysit, then please apply now. Must be no longer a baby in order to be eligible. Must not actually sit on them.

BSV Trend Analyzer Position. Must be able to type 30 words a minute. Must be able to read in English. Must have ten years of experience on Steemit.

Fighting Bolton

02:05 AM - Steemit

Dear Jerry Nadler, hey, yo, but isn't Bolton one of your guys? So, why the Hell would you attack your own friend? Wasn't Bolton trying to take down Trump as well? Isn't Bolton involved in some crimes? Are you trying to expose Bolton like you did Biden?

Novel Corona Virus

02:12 AM - Steemit

This thing is different. Chinese government are shooting thousands of people and claiming those people didn't die from the 2019 Bill Gates Novel Corona Virus because they died from gunshots to the head. They are digging big holes and dumping bodies into them right now.


02:16 AM - Steemit

Does that mean you support George Soros who was rigging voting machines for Hillary Clinton who stole the popular vote from Trump in 2016?

Early 2000's

2000's HCBC Video Games Thing - Joey Arnold, Patrisha Wynne

We were playing video games at the HCBC youth group during like a video game tournament or something like that between like 2000-2004 and probably around 2002 but I'm not sure exactly at the moment.

2000's HCBC Video Games Thing Joey Arnold, Patrisha Wynne.jpg

Bring It On

2000's - Eric Koelbl, Lindsay Stone, at HCBC Youth Group

2000's - HCBC - Video Game Challenge Night - Eric Koelbl, Lindsay Stone.jpg

2000's - HCBC - Mr Dick Walker, Crystal Arnold, Shiana Paradis Nicole

2000's - HCBC - Mr Walker, Crystal Arnold, Shiana Paradis Nicole.jpg

2002 Morph - Eric Koelbl, TJ Vanderzanden

2002 Morph - Eric Koelbl, TJ Vanderzanden.jpg

West Coast Camp

2002-07 - WCC - TJ Vanderzanden - Word Of Life West Coast Camp during the last two weeks of July each year generally in California

TJ's claim to fame..."I can do unusual things with a piece of spaghetti" a la WCC 2002.

2002-07 - WCC - TJ Vanderzanden.jpg

Bus ride to WCC in 2002. You can see my glasses at the bottom of the picture. It was almost like somebody didn't want me to be in these photos as I am not tagged in many photos that I am in but am not tagged in.

2002-07 - WCC - Bus Ride.jpg


2003 Teens Involved - Matt Dooney, Lindsay Stone, Colby Caperon, Rachel Gasser

I was lucky enough to know these talented souls at our HCBC youth group from 1999-2004. This was my favorite youth group. At the time, I was totally sure about that. Looking back, I am positive. Yeah, I attended other youth groups, clubs, etc, too, off and on around that time, but the one I attended the most and wanted to attend the most was this one. I was probably too quiet around them. I probably should have tried being friends with them more.

2003 Teens Involved - Matt Dooney, Lindsey Stone, Colby Camperon, Rachel Gasser.jpg

Morph 2004

2004 - Morph | Blog

I wonder if I was not invited to this thing or if I was working at the Word of Life Ranch in New York during this event. I don't know or forget what Morph is. It's possible that I chose not to go if I was invited. I don't remember. This photo includes some of the youth in our HCBC youth group which I attended, 1999-2004.

2004 Morph - Eric Koelbl and others.jpg

WCC 2004

This was at WCC in July of 2004. I was on this quiz team but was in New York at that time in July.

2004 HCBC Quiz Team - Pink - at WCC.jpg

The Black Team. We had two team, pink and black. I was on the black one. Rachel chose the color, pink. She said real men wear pink lol.

2004 HCBC WCC Black Team.jpg

Looks like the pink team and/or some of the members won prizes, awards, during Teens Involved (TI) at WCC 2004.

2004 WCC HCBC Pink Quiz Team Wins Trophies, Prizes.jpg


2007-06-17 - HCBC Alumni Hand Prints Photos | BW | Blog

I was in this same youth group, 1999-2004. So, I put my hand prints up there in 2004 alongside Eric Koelbl and others who graduated that same year.

Star Trek Picard

2020-02-06 - Thursday - 04:08 AM - 04:51 AM - Picard 103

Flashback 14 years ago to show Picard before he retired.

She calls him JL.

They accepted his resignation.

In the intro, a piece of the sky falls through the vineyard, Borg, and then onto Picard's face to complete his puzzle face.

The black girl cries about how bad of a friend Picard was over the years as he never said hi.

Picard on a ship.

Picard back on earth.

They attacked Picard at her house.

They fight back.

Doctor girl shows up to help.

They get on the ship and Picard says Engage.

Episode ends with the familiar music.



2020-02-06 - Thursday - 04:53 AM - 05:44 AM - Suits 907

Lewis pretends to be Harvey.

Who's Gandalf?

What, you never heard of Gandalf?

Hey, you know I'm not a sports fan.


You owe me one business is silly.

Samatha went to see her real dad for the first time as she was adopted and found out her mom died when she was two and that she was taken away and not given up.

Lewis told the guy who also played the dad in That 70's Show and the criminal in RoboCop that Lewis was Harvey and he was still able to help the man.

Lewis said he prefers being himself over being Harvey actually.


Golden State Times

11:21 AM - WE CAUGHT THEM IN THE ACT: Trump URGENT Speech at The White House

Crash Course

11:30 AM - Steemit

I used to watch a lot of Crash Course. Oh, this must be a new video. I love these kinds of videos.

Facebook Stopped My Growth

11:33 AM - Steemit

Also, YouTube and Twitter, similar things.

Facebook Hell

2020-02-06 - Thursday - 11:44 AM - Steemit

Sixth or 6th of February or Feb of 2020, the second or 2nd month of this current year, 2020, by Oatmeal Joey Arnold Rasp Morehead WOLBI ABC Mitchell Cunningham Pickett Pickell Hocking Vanderbyl FGHS Vietnam Oregon Cool Kid Mea Omnia and Apoly Mask.

Rey Kisses Kylo.jpg
Facebook Deleted This Photo & Said It Contained Nudity

I've been put in Facebook Jail for a month at a time many times especially in the 2010's for the record and some of my accounts were permanently terminated forever which means I had to register for new accounts after that, each time, again and again and again.

Still Hanging In There

I'll have to check today to see if I'm still on there via one of my accounts. Yes, Facebook told me that a photo of Kylo Ren kissing Rey Palpatine (Nudity NSFW Alert, Just Kidding) in Star Wars Rise of Skywalker contained nudity but it did not. That is only one example. Like you said, @apolymask, sometimes they don't tell you what you did and yet they still say you did something but won't even show you what you did. This is happening on Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, etc. I was even banned on Live Journal.

Facebook = Communism
Soph - Part 0001
Is censorship worse than firing staff?
Alex Jones - Banned From His Own Trial
Censored For Dumb Questions
Flagged For Welcoming New Users
Google Gaggle
Trading Masks

Fake Facebook Accounts

12:21 PM - Facebook

Jerry E Smith, do you want me to write some articles and make some videos about what you are saying? I can write books about these things and probably already did. Ian FäZr, all of this is a long story. I have so much I can say about these things. It is very complex, Jorge Peralta. Very complex. It is not that simple. I need to make ten more paragraphs with ten more points addressing these different things. I don't have time right now to talk about how the 4th amendment has already been violated in alliance with the abuse of the tenth amendment. I don't have time to talk about how the Internet does not actually have privacy and how people already make fake accounts of other people no matter what you do. To be continued, Jerry. At least your last name is not Nadler haha lol. I love Oatmeal.

Dislike vs Downvote

12:58 PM - Steemit

Steemit should replace downvoting flagging with dislikes which does not hide the posts, the comments, according to how Steem works and everything. Hypothetically, downvoting would be fine depending on the details, the structure, the nature of a website, assuming that a website could be like private property and not public which websites tend to be for a few reasons. I don't have time right now to talk about how tech cartels violate the 4th amendment. I don't even have time right now to talk about how downvoting can interfere with free markets, in the exchange of goods, services, ideas, assuming that the government has been funding Facebook, etc, assuming that the CIA, etc, have been spying online, and especially assuming the nature of how servers and data runs around the Internet meaning that it becomes more difficult for something to be strictly private property when it is omnipresent within some aspects of communism, socialism, etc.

I agree that they should replace downvoting with dislikes which is what YouTube and Reddit has.

Being Governed

01:04 PM - Steemit

Most people prefer being governed. That is why I prefer spending time with the minority, people like you.

Better Steem

01:08 PM - Steemit

Steem is still my favorite place for now, but I encourage people to draw me away to better places.

Dishes. Mail. Eye in the sky check. White seat adjust on patio. She is still canning. Doing good.

I find the history of OpenVMS to be interesting as it goes back to 1975 and as it relates to decentralization.

I am writing an article describing the map of the Internet.

Can P2P / mesh networks survive DDoS attacks or what can be done? I don't remember if we talked about this already or not. I was thinking about this while reading about the DDoS attack on ProtonMail in 2015. I use ProtonMail and I worry about stuff like DDoS and wonder what DDoS could do to Bit Torrent, IPFS, Bitcoin, Steem, Ethereum, etc.

Been working on a post on the map of the Internet and also a list of alternative web browsers.

Hour nap at 08:30 PM.

Washed the dishes twice today.


The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat
My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography
Click here to watch Alex Jones & Other Infowars Shows
Some of my Top Favorite News Websites
How do we promote Steemit on social networks?
Coin Tree - List of my Crypto Addresses

Early 1990's
Terry Hoeft
Katie Hoeft
Mazie Hoeft Magnum

Carmell Seeling
Shiana Nicole Paradis
Waldo F Libby
Megan Morse Knutson
Amanda Steele Leckvold
Danielle Stone Martin
Jessice Westberry Nusbaum

XPS 8930 Tower Desktop | PC Mag

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66521.28
ETH 3454.20
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67