2020-01-27steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j4 years ago

Live Journal banned me. What Happened to Kobe Bryant? The Carbon Cycle is very green. A man from Europe talked about a double lawsuit to sue Facebook for one trillion dollars USD for example which is an estimate on the assumption that Facebook caused damages to millions to billions of people at an average of at least $10K per person which equals to a total of a trillion dollars. Youth group. Impeachment. Kobe. Ricky & Morty. The Expanse 410. Different teams analogy. Work hard, even when losing. Try to pass the ball. Think long-term.

What Happened to Kobe Bryant?

09:12 PM - Steemit

Not a cheap helicopter but a military grade high tech flying machine with autopilot software means it is tougher to accidentally crash a flying war cricket like that. Was Kobe Bryant Murdered? I wrote that article yesterday. I'm not saying Kobe was assassinated. I don't know what happened. In this article, I'm going to mention a few more things to add to this situation. Some people are trying to blame sex trafficking on Kobe. It is a cover story. Kobe was either murdered or Kobe wasn't murdered. Maybe it was an accident. But villains are using this situation, regardless, as a distraction from them. Some people wanted to kill Kobe. So, it's possible that the death was partly accidental and partly premeditated.

Smart Copter

The helicopter was probably remote accessed and hacked and controlled from the outside-in. It is very unlikely that it was just a mistake. But of course, I don't know either way. All I know is that this story is a distraction from the Corona Eye Virus. It is a distraction from the sex rings. It is a distraction from so many different things, either way you slice it.


All of this is a long story. I should talk more about the helicopter in future articles. It is easy to ignore the details to a story. It's valuable to live each day as if it is your last. It is also valuable to know what is going on. Education is critical. Knowledge is power. More on some of these things later.

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2020-01-27 - Monday

My Day in Review

Screenshot at 2020-01-27 15:00:23.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020

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Go With Your Gut

12:29 AM - Steemit

Your gut is your lifeline, like you said, your gut is your intuition and it is like a garden that must be kept and cultivated and developed.

Michael Jordan

01:11 AM - Steemit

I've always loved Mike. His competition on the court almost matches his fierce competition in the business world.

The Expanse

2020-01-27 - Monday - 01:20 AM - 02:06 AM - The Expanse 410

Ship drive back on because of what Miller did.

Eric Holden and friends fell 800 KM through the purple goo to the alien basement to meet the eye bomb in the previous episode. Eric climbed out and to the surface as the fall was probably not straight down.

Queen: "Bobbi, your timing sucks."

Rick & Morty

2020-01-27 - Monday - 02:23 AM - 02:45 AM - Rick & Morty 304

Drunk Rick talks about Israel and the UN but with no points attached.

Rick Saw Game.

Rick destroys everything, the villains, the heroes, the lines between them, my childhood.

How dare you says Greta.

2020-01-27 - Monday - 02:46 AM - 03:09 AM - Rick & Morty 305

Rick and the dad goes to an immortal space bar where you can't die.

She presses a button to make herself grow.

2020-01-27 - Monday - 03:10 AM - 03:37 AM - Rick & Morty 306






20 Minutes in and out.

Just kidding

Six days later, adventure ended

Saved the day

Won the medals



They remove toxins from their bodies

No, they removed themselves

They are the toxins


Stefan Molyneux

11:01 AM - Kobe Bryant Crash: A Helicopter Pilot Responds

It was military grade helicopter with autopilot software.

It was most likely remote accessed.

Kobe would have survived or would have slowly died.

Kobe was not dumb. If he was, then it would be no big deal.

Spy Tech

11:19 AM - FS

Can we catch the robot flies to study them?


12:06 PM - Steemit

English is an interesting language as it borrowed words from other languages. Would you say English probably did more borrowing and more total words than other languages? Officially speaking, maybe not. Unoffically, perhaps if you account for slang, for unoffical words that are added to English each year. Also, if you account for different meanings, variations, and everything to words. For example, Google as a noun and now as a verb. Go Google it. I mean, go google it. Some languages appear not to have suffixes and other affixes. So, as an English Teacher, I used to talk to my students about these things. So, you could count each variation of a root as a different word. But if you focus only on the roots, English still may have more total words than other languages. Unofficially, there are over like a million English words, some say, not counting archaic versions of the modern spelling of some of those words. Also, alternative spelling for different versions of English like British English and American English.

The Black Sea

12:18 PM - Steemit

Yeah, that connection between black and inhospitable makes sense. That would be the most likely reason for it being called the Black Sea.

Black Soldiers

Did the soldiers wear black or dark color clothing? If so, then as they crossed the Black River or rivers, like you said, then the river would appear black from far away. So, that makes sense.

oo7harv wrote

I also had a look online; the Greeks first naming of the sea was "Póntos Áxeinos", originating from the old Iranian name "axšaina", meaning "dark coloured", from the Old Persian "axšaina", meaning "turquoise", Middle Persian "axšēn/xašēn", meaning "blue", and New Persian "xašīn", meaning 'blue" as well. The Greeks adopted this, and called it "á-xe(i)nos", meaning "Inhospitable", later changed again to "Euxīnus", meaning "Hospitable". My guess here is that "inhospitable" is being linked to "black" in that both words inhabit a sense of darkness and loneliness.

Military Helicopter

12:23 PM - Steemit

But it was a special helicopter. Not a normal helicopter. Do you understand that? Kobe didn't have a cheap helicopter. Kobe had a military grade helicopter with autopilot software. It is very hard to accidentally crash it. Therefore, it can't be an accident or it is very difficult for it to be just a mistake.

Not Murdered?

12:30 PM - Steemit

I'm not saying Kobe was murdered. So, I don't know anything except that Kobe did not have a cheap helicopter which means it is harder to crash high-tech helicopters than it is to crash normal helicopters.

Operating System

12:34 PM - Steemit

Part of the problem might be relating to your operating system. I avoid Microsoft and Apple operating systems (O.S.) and stick with things like Ubuntu Mate 16.04.

Remote Hacking

12:46 PM - Steemit

Kobe didn't have a cheap helicopter. Kobe had a military grade helicopter with autopilot software which means it is tougher or possibly almost impossible to accidentally crash it. Not impossible but very hard to because the software can correct manual pilot errors, normally. This means it is more probable that the helicopter was remotely hacked.

Black Box

12:48 PM - Steemit

I will keep my eyes open for black box information relating to this case.

Three locks. Trailer park like. Black metal braces.

Is Kobe Bryant a cover story for real rapists or worse villains out there?

Circular Reasoning

01:30 PM - Steemit

aoc circular power

That is an excellent circular reasoning illustration.

Screws. Boards. Pile. Screw in. Different colors. Black. Brown. Two. Truck. Trailer. 2 screws on one side. A washer. Near wheel. Soup on potatoes around 01:00 PM for lunch.


02:18 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Monday - 1/27/20

They told Dwight Eisenhower about the plans to plug people into the Matrix, into brain phone, almost a century ago in the mid 1900's. They were working on Internet systems. They were working on post-human societies, that is transhumanism. Most of it was classified which means when Eisenhower gave private speeches where he was vague because of how classify it all was and he was say that these crazy people, mostly scientists, had some crazy and very dangerous plans and ideas for civilization. We are seeing a lot these things fleshed out and developed in the 2000's especially, these past two decades and now even more so in an acceleration in the 2020's. We have to always push back and tell people about these things before it is too late. The Kobe Bryant Death is a distraction to get us to forget about transhumanism and the bad vacines and the 5G and the tech cartels and CPS and Big Pharma and geoengineering and the Federal Reserve and other things as well.

Chinese Internet Kill Switch?

03:05 PM - Steemit

Is China taking down those articles and websites? Is it related to like an Internet Kill Switch? Did this article mention Bill Gates and how he funds groups behind things like the Coronavirus for example?

Why Grandma?

04:03 PM - Steemit

It's like a "Meet Me Half Way" kind of thing. We can only dumb it down so far. In other words, we can always try our best, but if a person doesn't get it or want to understand it or whatever, then it might be on that individual. As long as you do your best, that is all you can do. Don't try too hard, in other words. Love this title, this meme, this idea. I agree. it made me laugh.

Team 1 are hard working but loses. Team 2, sore losers. Team 3, winning big like the Bulls in 1996. Team 4 winning a little big but in sharing and passing in basketball. Cake like. Thank you God for sloppy Joes. 2 new ones. Will Smith in the house. Afro. School. Bruce Wayne. Piano. Chips. Buns. Tag hide and seek. Try your best. Share. Good attitude. Talk about Kobe a little.

Conservative Resurgence

07:55 PM - Pam Bondi Destroyed the Democrats Narrative on Joe & Hunter Biden

What Happened to Kobe Bryant?

09:12 PM - Steemit

Not a cheap helicopter but a military grade high tech flying machine with autopilot software means it is tougher to accidentally crash a flying war cricket like that. Was Kobe Bryant Murdered? I wrote that article yesterday. I'm not saying Kobe was assassinated. I don't know what happened. In this article, I'm going to mention a few more things to add to this situation. Some people are trying to blame sex trafficking on Kobe. It is a cover story. Kobe was either murdered or Kobe wasn't murdered. Maybe it was an accident. But villains are using this situation, regardless, as a distraction from them. Some people wanted to kill Kobe. So, it's possible that the death was partly accidental and partly premeditated.

Smart Copter

The helicopter was probably remote accessed and hacked and controlled from the outside-in. It is very unlikely that it was just a mistake. But of course, I don't know either way. All I know is that this story is a distraction from the Corona Eye Virus. It is a distraction from the sex rings. It is a distraction from so many different things, either way you slice it.


All of this is a long story. I should talk more about the helicopter in future articles. It is easy to ignore the details to a story. It's valuable to live each day as if it is your last. It is also valuable to know what is going on. Education is critical. Knowledge is power. More on some of these things later.


Second Amendment Meme

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

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I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam

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Kobe Bryant's dead was already predicted at 28/12/2017 in a animated TV show

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The Fake News Complex and the Coronavirus... An Exercise in Deceit

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Great Lakes and Climate Change - Fact-or Fraud - Please Share This Video - Enjoy with Troy!

Homeless meal for January is tomorrow, and tonight I am cooking 20+pounds of roast for the stew!

Wuhan citizen tells the truth

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eyebrows raise and lower in repetition #shallnotbeinfringed #gunrights #boogaloo #bogigloo #bigluau

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