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in #j5 years ago

Are Christians getting crucified in Israel by the Israeli government currently in 2020? Is America attacking Christians in Iran? | Ricky Gervais Didn't Kill Himself | Happy Elvis Presley's 85 Birthday | I was born in 85 | May of 2012 | June of 2012 | Christian Forums | I'm Almost 35. Was teaching English in Vietnam.

Ricky Gervais Didn't Kill Himself

02:42 AM - Steemit

He took it to their own house during the Golden Globes 2020. You can see it on Tom Hank's face. How many times have actors praised Harvey Weinstein? One girl even had a pet name for him. So many people are sick of the hypocrisy in Hollywood. Ricky truly took the Dave Chappelle Routine to the next level. Ricky is a liberal. Ricky hates Trump. Ricky was confronting cancel culture. See, leftists tell us that we cannot have free speech on college campuses, social ghetto networks, and in society in general. Fake News is now calling Ricky a conservative.

Everything or Nothing Love Debate

2012-05 - May - Month in Review

Facebook Abortion Debates would consume some of my time, especially in the 2010's and particularly during the first half of 2012. A ladybug shared a picture that I posted. I think it was a photo of an aborted baby that didn't look like a blob of cells haha. Facebook terminated some of my older accounts. Therefore, it is almost impossible to find out what I was doing in the 2000's and 2010's because of that. At the time, I thought this stuff would always be online. I didn't think Facebook would want to censor people until I started seeing it like in the early 2010's in particular. Justin Bieber - Boyfriend (Official Video) | Maroon 5 - Payphone ft. Wiz Khalifa (Explicit) (Official Music Video) | will.i.am - This Is Love ft. Eva Simons | Flo Rida - Whistle | Cher Lloyd - Want U Back

Why do you like me?

2012-06 - June - Month in Review

A woman named Joy wanted me to go to the Philippines to meet her. I started writing to her like on Facebook as early as maybe 2011. But Joy is not the same girl as the other Joy that I met in November 2012 in Vietnam. I didn't meet this woman who was telling me to delete some of my silly photos on social media. I started a thread to ask why she wanted to marry me. I was curious and entertained the thought. I was undecided on the matter but was contemplating it as it was a unique experience in my life. I lost contact with her. Maybe she got mad at me or something. I don't remember what happened. My Facebook was Joey Arnold. At another time, Joey Arnoldtv. But around June of 2012, it was Original Oatmeal and/or I had different accounts, pages, etc, over the years. So, in other words, I'm not actually sure. | Katy Perry - Wide Awake (Official) | Maroon 5 - One More Night (Official Music Video) | Chris Brown - Don't Wake Me Up | Obama Care Scam | Alex Jones | Infowars | 2012 Olympics in London | IRS War on Health Care

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2020-01-08 - Wednesday

Created & Published Daily

Rothschild Grand Bill Printed For 13 Cents But Loaned to USA for 100 USD Plus Interest.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.

Golden State Times

08:33 AM - 🔴LIVE: President Donald Trump URGENT Address to the Nation

Should NATO be more involved in global wars as opposed to America being more involved? I would say yes if those are the only two choices. But in life, we know that life is not black and white from our perspective. Yes, things are black and white, from our own lens, it appears quite subtle, full of shades. Would NATO have power to tell America to fight in foreign wars? That is one question. If the USA could minimize their funding of NATO, if they are funding NATO, and let NATO do what they want apart from America, then that might be better than being more involved or too involved. It really depends on the details.

Can we bring the troops home?

What did Trump say about NATO being more involved?

More involved in global wars?

Like the United Nations who is trying to hire foreigners to disarm the American people?

Choosing Water

09:00 AM - Steemit

I was about two years old when I started choosing to drink water.

Convinced vs Choices

09:11 AM - Steemit

I may or may not be convinced when I choose to do and believe something. On a conscious level, that is true, psychologically.


On a subliminal level, that is even more true. Being convinced can be emotional, intellectual, physical, metaphysical, theoretical, abstract, and/or spiritual. There are different dimensions, different levels, to all of this. We feel things. We do things. We say things.

Logically Accurate

You can be right to the extent of absolute objectivity, perhaps from a perspective of omniscience. The problem is that we may not always have a clear understanding of what is really happening.


We can be too blinded by subjectivity, etc. So, being convinced can lead to me believing certain things.


However, I can choose to defy that at the same time. I can harden my heart and choose to go against what I am convinced of. People do this all the time. People do what they do not believe in all the time.

Freewill vs Determinism

So, life has freewill. If what you are saying endorses predestination and no freewill, then you are in fact promoting human-robotism or some kind of intellectualism to say that once you convince somebody of something, then they will do what commanded them to do perhaps.

That Map

09:25 AM - Steemit

In that case, we need more places like that. It looks like, according to that map, these 2A sanctuary cities or regions or counties are pretty rare at less than like 10% of the United States, am I right?

Sanctuary Twist

So, I was triggered by that term, "Sanctuary City," and inverted what you were saying. I understand what you mean now. We have to do what we can to protect sheriffs. Globalists and others are trying to murder the sheriffs. That is one of their plans.

Evil United Nations

The United Nations are trying to hire foreigners in their attempt to steal guns and firearms and everything from people in the USA. After that, they will try to away our water, etc.

Marshall Law

They want us to react with violence so that they can enact Marshall Law and/or whatever else as an excuse to say that we are like a bad Iranian militia or a bunch of terrorists, etc.

Non-Violently Engaged

We have to be engaged politically, culturally, online, offline, locally, as much as possible, each one of us, before it is too late, if we want to impact the course of course, the course of our future. That is what I try to do each day.

Leaving Vietnam

09:34 AM - Facebook

I ended classes in 2014. Correction, also in 2016 as well. Technically, what happened in 2016 was a different type of situation. So, I have my excuses. I have my reasons. But long story short, regardless of what I felt was a life or death kind of situation, I did what I did. I'm not saying I was totally wrong in the choices I made in 2016 as well apart from the perspective of the students those choices affected perhaps.

Aldrich Plan

09:43 AM - Telegram | Dissenter

Exactly. But you said it was a reaction. But 1910 is long before 1933. So, how can a reaction be prior to 1929?

Convinced vs Choice

09:47 AM - Steemit

Smokers may say they are convinced that smoking is bad. But some smokers choose to continue smoking.


09:52 AM - Steemit

I was watching what Trump said this morning, live on YouTube. So, did Trump say something about inviting NATO to be more involved? Does that mean Trump wants America to be less involved or for other NATO nations to share the load in global wars?

Reducing USA Involvement?

09:54 AM - Steemit

Did Trump say he wants NATO to be more involved and America less involved?

Reducing Tyrannies

10:16 AM - Discord | Dissenter

People need to march to the White House like they did in the 1970's to cry out that we want to stop wars. We need to reawaken the hippies to talk about love and peace again. Bring back the seventies. Anarchy is dangerous but the promotion of anarchy can sometimes attempt to balance the world in a pursuit to put pressure on the ever expanding roles of governments globally. We don't live in hypothetical vacuums of absolute anarchy, free markets, socialism, a Utopia of theoretical fantasy, etc. We are always approaching different levels of tyrannies, authoritarianism, monopolies, cartels, plutocracy, etc. We will never have global socialism apart from God perhaps. We will also never have and have never had international free markets apart from cronyism, etc, or even absolute anarchy apart from local communities, families, tribes, networks, etc, in little pockets here and there which is actually not anarchy by specific definition. When I say anarchy, I generally mean whatever that can minimize federal government, globalism, tyranny, etc. By the way, what Alex Jones is saying on his show about the value of privacy is crucial for people to understand.

Sea Monster

10:32 AM - Steemit

The sea monster reminds me of Yu-Gi-Oh.

Extending Application

10:43 AM - Steemit

I wonder if any of this applies to laptop batteries and even smaller batteries like non-rechargeable AA batteries and others for example.

Chemistry & Electricity

What you're saying, Eco Alex, makes sense and reminds me of my high school science and chemistry classes which dealt with acid and sometimes electricity.


You talked about those two things and the interaction between the two. In microbiology, we can see relationships between electrons, electricity, etc, with cells and things like that. Your article reminded me of some of these things. SO, I should try to research some of these more. I'm not currently living off the grid. I don't have solar power yet. Someday perhaps.

Thoughts vs Beliefs

10:58 AM - Steemit

My thoughts are not always beliefs. There are differences between intellectual thought and choices from the soul.


11:00 AM - Steemit

Advertisements generally works on a sub-convincing level.

Rebelling Against Truth

11:03 AM - Steemit

True, but they still may say it. So, our understanding of being convinced is skewed at times. Plus, we do in fact rebel against what we know is right at times.

Pastor Sam

11:37 AM - Discord

I met Pastor Sam in 2019 near Seattle. I like what Sam does. Spreading Infowars to Latin America, especially in Spanish, is critical. Sam has been helping people for a long time. I endorse that kind of spirit.

Flag DUDE 08 blocked me.


12:11 PM - Steemit


2012-02-02 - Thursday - 11:43 AM - The second of February of 2012 | Marilyn Morehead Arnold Mitchell wrote:

Joey ArnoldTv was in the 2007-2008 Revolution Hawaii team

My Facebook

At that time, and for a while, my Facebook display name was Joey ArnoldTv. Now, I've had different accounts over the years, different usernames, URL web addresses, profiles, pages, groups, etc. Facebook terminated some of my accounts, etc, at times. So, I've been unable to find some of my older accounts from 2006-2014. Well, my current Facebook is still active as of 2014-2020, these past seven years and the previous eight or nine years not so much or not at all in some cases or most cases.

2012-02-02 - Screenshot at 2020-01-08 12:06:46.png


Dishes. Recycling outside is now full. The new brickway that I worked on yesterday is ok. Good job. Good for people to go out and about. Private property rights. A bow or a gun and not both? Hunting regulations?

Is America killing Iranian Christians?

Is Israel murdering Palestinian Christian in Israel, in Palestine, on crosses?

Are they crucifying people right now?

The Kennedy Center

01:44 PM - Dave Chappelle Acceptance Speech | 2019 Mark Twain Prize

Be a Gree-Oh, a walkting talking librarian.

Star Wars Theory

01:48 AM - Why Obi-Wan COULDN'T Force Heal Qui-Gon but Rey can Heal Kylo - Star Wars Theory

Dark Side users can use Force Healing. That is what I say.

I agree that Yoda or people prior to Yoda decided to hide and discontinue teaching newer Jedi Force-Healing in order avoid becoming doctors, the Superman Clark Kent Saving People Syndrome Dilemma, as the Old Jedi Order may have feared that it could turn people against Jedi and it could also be too tempting in that Force-Healing might be too power for the Jedi to have some might argue and perhaps they were wrong and perhaps Kenobi, Yoda, and Luke Skywalker, began to see how the Old Jedi Order was wrong about their views on Force Healing and other force abilities as seen in the ancient text. If anything, that is the most probable explanation, if force healing is a thing, then it was forgotten long ago due to like the fear that they had of it being a powerful leverage over people as it can give Jedi a God complex in deciding who lives and who dies as they would not be able to save everybody and would have to pick and choose as they could not be everywhere in the universe all at once perhaps, some might argue.

Child Porn

03:26 PM - Steemit

Child Porn is a Symptom and Not a Root Cause of Child Rape, Sex, Murder. In other words, looking at the images is not directly or specifically or exactly equivalent to trafficking and killing kids. Not all crimes are created equal. Bigger crimes should have a higher priority and penalty over smaller crimes. Long story short, the mere viewing of Child Porn does not create a time machine to go back in time to create the actual porn in the first place. The bigger crime is the source of the video. In other words, the actual making of a bad video is ten times worse than streaming the bad video. Now, yes, distributing bad videos is worse than just viewing the bad videos. So, there are three levels to it, the making of it, the distributing of it, and then the watching of it. Each level is worse than the next and should be treated as such.

It seems that people are going after people who watch it while endorsing and promoting the very people who are creating the videos in the first place.

Seed of Choices

04:25 PM - Steemit

If conviction means belief, which is the seed of choices, then I agree. Agreed, that subconscious conviction is generally the driving force of anthropology, psychology, sociology, intuition, emotionalism, our instincts, individualism, to how we react in situations, in what people do, generally speaking, historically, on average, most of the time by default to some extent.

Wheels Within Wheels

Sounds like the Internet in that a wheel is like data running around a a circle, like a CD, a compact disc, inside a hard drive, and that wheel can be inside a larger wheel being the Internet in that data runs around in a circle like a wheel as it drives and goes places like a wheel on the road of information.

Under Water River Cities

04:48 PM - Steemit

I've never really thought about under-ocean rivers that may have been not under the sea long ago. It is true, like you said, that they find things under the water in different places around the world, including places in Europe as well.

History in the Water

There is so much history in the water.

History in the Earth

Beyond that I would love to see what might be inside caves and deep inside the earth. It may be a little hollow and probably not flat but who knows. I really would like to investigate what might be found alongside under water rivers as modern big cities and ancient cities and civilizations would generally be near rivers.

Cities Near Underwater Rivers

That means we can probably find cities near rivers inside the ocean even.

Winco was Kmart in Hillsboro, OR. I should investigate the dates.

Fair Use allows you to show copyrighted clips. But YouTube is like, "I don't care."

Salon of Media Matters

06:34 PM - Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson can’t get anything right - This article states that Paul is wrong, that feminists are beautiful. That got big boobs like Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider. They're hotter than conservative women with guns. They aint got struck with the ugly stick, no way, Jose. Jihadism is dangerous.

Got out 2 empty egg cartons from the big garage. Put the red cooler near the big freezer.

Published my reviews for May and June of 2012.

Central Banks

08:23 PM - Telegram | Dissenter

I understand their cover story, their excuses, as central bankers, for why inflation, etc, is necessary. People fall for their lies.

People don't want to learn history.

Which serves them right for what they get.

Meaning they can be screwed over.

And won't know what hit them until it's too late.

And you can't help them after that, generally.


On YouTube, you can click on a video and it will sometimes say it was blocked or removed on copyright grounds. However, unless if there are Internet Courts, that is inaccurate. Unless if judges are making decisions on the fly without trials, it is not true. In America, we are supposed to have trials first. See, you go to court and the judge makes a decision. But YouTube lies and skips that process. People fall for that lie. Fair Use can allow you to include copyrighted clips in your videos. But Google is like, "I don't care."

I have appealed copyright claims on YouTube, and the claims were rejected, I deleted those videos, and yet, still, four of my YouTube channels were terminated. That appeals process is illegal. I wrote articles about these things for years on Steemit. But I'm not the only person talking about these kinds of things.

People are going after social networks, like you said, and they may get paid like you said, and it can take many years, as it can be a slow process, and it can cost millions of dollars, and it is not just about the money, but it is expensive to battle tech cartels, etc.

You can reach out to Laura Loomer.

How To Be Saved

10:05 PM - Christian Forum

Step one is in understanding the problem. It is generally harder to know how to be saved if one does not understand what one must be saved from.

I'm a Christian But Selected Other

10:26 PM - Christian Forums

So, I'm not able to interact with the Christian Only forums and threads because I clicked on the wrong options while registering for an account on Christian Forums (CF). When I registered for an account here, I clicked on other. So, I notice that I cannot interact in the Christian Only forums and threads. I am a Christian and I didn't know that I have to click on Christian to be allowed to interact in those forums. I would like to change my faith on this forum to Christian.


10:31 PM - CF

My five years in Saigon was good. I like rice. Now, is there a way I can change my settings, my faith, from freethinker to Christian on this CF forum website?

Why People Die Before They Get It

10:45 PM - CF

The meaning to life involves seeking after what we want and need. But sometimes, people die before our time perhaps because of freewill.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


Love it.

Crazy world bro. I used to live in Portland. Dantes.

Rob Roy must be a globalist. The Terms of Service (TOS) of Google and other tech cartel social ghetto networks violate laws. Google violates the fourth amendment among other things. That is criminal. Rob should read what Meme Art is writing. Rob must some kind of infiltrator. Rob is always trying to stop Infowars. That's very bad. Rob is not trying to help people. Rob doesn't have his own news organization. Rob is a troll who is simply trying to discredit Alex Jones. Rob is trying to persuade people to play video games all day and to not get involved. Rob must be right.

It is all about supply and demand. If enough people like Tom Pappert and Will Johnson, if enough watch, if that brings in enough people to the Infowars Store and everything, if that is the best choice for Alex Jones, then the show should continue to be hosted on Infowars for sure. Ultimately, I think it is mostly up to Alex. If Alex could replace that time slot with a better show, with better hosts, then sure. But something can be better than nothing. I would rather have a fourth main weekday show over just three. But whatever is better is what I'm for. If Will and Tom can red pill enough people each day, then they should be on Infowars. If it is worth it, if they have enough staff to run the show, if they have the time, the money, and everything, then they should try. If not enough people like the show, then it might be too risky from a business standpoint.

The main difference between Owen Shroyer and Tom is that Owen would take it to the next level every once in a while. Like Alex Jones, Owen can get passionately angry. He can rift a bit like Alex. So, Owen had some experience hosting in the sports world before he joined Infowars. Owen would appear to be more confident than Will. Well, Will does have a different style to some extent. And Will has potential. Sometimes, when Will tried to yell a bit like Alex and Owen, it felt like he was possibly uncomfortable, possibly not going all the way. It kind of felt fake to an extent, not to say Will is fake. But Will appeared to be stuck in a metaphorical box maybe. But perhaps he needs more practice to improve at the job of hosting which can be tough to develop as a skill. Possibly too nice. Tom Pappert is generally at the top of his game when he is on fire, when he is ranting. The problem can and might be, in part, when Tom and Will would be a bit too nice which is nice in real life but not necessary for a show in some cases it seems to some extent depending on the show I guess.

Exactly. If you invented English, can you copyright every letter and every word?

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