2020-01-09steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

Jeffrey Epstein is trending on Twitter. I wrote that Trump sucks because he doesn't stop 5G which is giving children cancer. We need to impeach and remove Trump for not firing the swamp as there are too many people in the government. I hate Trump for not stopping the white lines in the sky which is damaging crops. Trump should close the borders completely or the more the better. | July of 2012 | Make friends with all kinds of people. On Twitter, I made friends with leftists today. I try to find common ground with people. If people hate Trump, then I find ways to say that I hate Trump too when Trump is NOT trying hard enough to protect the first amendment. Trump is an idiot for trying to police the world even while Israeli government crucify Christians on crosses.

Sent to Jail For Stopping a Prank Call

2012-07 - July - Month in Review

I was sent to jail for stopping a prank 911 call. The police came to my house that Friday night, the 13th of July of 2012, in Forest Grove, Oregon, USA, and the cops asked me if I did it. I confessed because I didn't know it was a crime to save them money and time. The police said they weren't going to do anything had I lied to say that I didn't interfere with the phone call. The two male officers took me to the jail in Hillsboro. I was there for two weeks. More on this below. It's a long story. Mr. Bean Live Performance at the London 2012 Olympic Games. I was working landscaping for my dad as usual. I was also working with Brent Groth on Mea Omnia, which was a website competitor to Facebook, etc. We were working on that for many months that year and beyond. Brent gave me a laptop. One time, he bought me pizza. He even bailed me out of jail for $500 one day, late in July or early in August 2012. He drove me around a few times around Oregon. We went sight seeing. Brent originally met me when we were auditioning for Comcast's Wanted Adventure Host. I'm not exactly sure when Brent got me the pizza, the laptop, etc. But I know it was sometime that year.

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2020-01-09 - Thursday

Created & Published Daily

Ricky Epstein Pedo Hollywood 2020 Golden Globe Reveal EN5P43DU0AALJS9.jpeg

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.

Fox News

12:50 AM - Tulsi Gabbard: 'Everybody knows' Hillary Clinton is a 'war-monger'

The Expanse

2020-01-09 - Thursday - 12:54 AM - 01:40 AM - The Expanse 203

The cop says you are born in the system.

The kid feels like we can change the system.

The Expanse

2020-01-09 - Thursday - 01:41 AM - 02:25 AM - The Expanse 204

They're trying to use the Mormon ship to deflect the infected rock planet thing into the sun.


Golden State Times

10:49 AM - President Trump URGENT Press Conference on Various CRITICAL issues at the White House

Rob Roy Rebel

11:07 AM - Free Square

Rob Roy must be a globalist. The Terms of Service (TOS) of Google and other tech cartel social ghetto networks violate laws. Google violates the fourth amendment among other things. That is criminal. Rob should read what Meme Art is writing. Rob must some kind of infiltrator. Rob is always trying to stop Infowars. That's very bad. Rob is not trying to help people. Rob doesn't have his own news organization. Rob is a troll who is simply trying to discredit Alex Jones. Rob is trying to persuade people to play video games all day and to not get involved. Rob must be right.

2020 is a New Decade

11:14 AM - Discord

At least Max didn't block me unlike FlagDUDE08 who did because I fixed a problem. He hated that I fixed a problem with the help of astrological time.

Watching Alex Jones.

Debating Freewill

11:39 AM - Steemit

If being convinced excludes choices, then I disagree because I believe in freewill. No choice means we are only animals governed by instinct, by reflect, by mere reaction that cannot be altered by our own will.

Logic Zombie

Logic Zombie then said: "You can still believe in freewill.

You can choose to say certain things and you can choose to do certain things.

But you can't choose to BELIEVE in something you're not CONVINCED of.

You can only choose to SAY you believe."

Value in Believe

My Reaction to what Logic Zombie said:

How can I say what I do not believe? What is the point of believing if believing is not the seed to choices, to what I choose to say? I have no idea what belief means to you if people can do things that are separate from their beliefs. If there is a separation, then belief is then therefore inflated towards having no purpose if it in fact does nothing.

Corrupt Police

11:40 AM - Steemit

How do we get bad cops fired?


Copyrighting Brains

12:53 PM - Telegram | Discord | Dissenter

I like the idea of Intellectual Property in theory but in practicality if it is enforced via centralized agencies with the help of the subjective and centralized copyrights, patents, trademarks, etc, which are nice in theory but the problem is in regards to the Internet as a lot of that has to do with electricity, the data that moves between computers, like water is uncountable, electricity is generally unaccountable and therefore virtually untraceable all of the time down to each molecule perhaps or extremely difficult, and even down to the micro level of electrons which are in our brains meaning that all of is potentially dangerous, a slippery slope towards that Minority Report movie, and other sci-fi films, in attacking pre-crime, what we think, in a pursuit to copyright and forbid what we do inside our minds as soon as people start connecting their brains to the Brain Net, the Internet via Brain Phones which are coming out soon, and the 1984 Big Brother Governments are always try to spy on us in order to find ways to control us more and more, etc, etc, etc.

Intellectual Property is like free health care. It is like a king saying, "Thou shalt NOT say what I said or off with your head."

Intellectual Property is extremely vague like Hate Speech. It's extremely subjective and must be somehow enforced by centralized and tyrannical government, possibly. If I say "HELLO." Is that intellectual property? People would say no. Now, if I wrote a book, then the answer might be yes. So, how many words does it take for something to become intellectual property? Since about 1995, I've been saying Ironic Mystic. So, is that my intellectual property? Since about 2004, I've been saying L4OJ. The list goes on. I like to say Hope Over Dope. I have my sayings. There was a YouTube channel that was trying to protect a single word, "REACT." There are actual people who try to stop other people from saying mommy and daddy. There are people who try to stop humans from saying Merry Christmas. You can call it Intellectual Property, Hate Speech, etc, etc. Call these different things whatever you want. But they can sometimes interfere with free speech, etc.

Fire Power Debate

01:27 PM - Steemit

It is all about supply and demand. If enough people like Tom Pappert and Will Johnson, if enough watch, if that brings in enough people to the Infowars Store and everything, if that is the best choice for Alex Jones, then the show should continue to be hosted on Infowars for sure. Ultimately, I think it is mostly up to Alex. If Alex could replace that time slot with a better show, with better hosts, then sure. But something can be better than nothing. I would rather have a fourth main weekday show over just three. But whatever is better is what I'm for. If Will and Tom can red pill enough people each day, then they should be on Infowars. If it is worth it, if they have enough staff to run the show, if they have the time, the money, and everything, then they should try. If not enough people like the show, then it might be too risky from a business standpoint.

I liked some of the interesting interviews, some of the interesting people Will interviewed. I like the passion that Will has. Will continue to grow as a host. He improved. So, there was potential there.

Copyrighting Language

01:54 PM - Steemit

Exactly. If you invented English, can you copyright every letter and every word?

If everybody owns something, does that mean everybody is then therefore liable? If liable, then what would a judge do to make all humans pay equally for something?

Blockchain Copyright

Copyrights have been benefiting cronyism, corporatism, tech cartels, monopolism, plutocracies, etc, the big guys. Now, a blockchain copyright system could be a better alternative to copyrights governed by the powers that be, the same people who are always trying to take over the world more and more each day.

Copyright has always been around but by another name.

When you go to skate, you see a sign that says, "Skate at your own risk."

When a person dies, do they sue the Hell out of the water company or whatever food that the person last ate?

When a wife breaks up with her husband at a restaurant over dinner, leading to divorce where she ends up taking the house and the kids and leaving the husband with nothing but his poor little dog, then does the husband then sue the Hell out of that restaurant? Reminds me of that Weird Al song, I'm going to sue you. Funny cartoon music video.

A person can die, generally. A corporation can generally outlive people. So, when governments grant corporations the rights that only individual should have, then, like you said Poly, copyright can overreach.

I like Fair Use, Public Domain, Safe Harbor, the 4th amendment, etc.

Walt Disney did steal some things from people he worked with around the 1920's or so, for example.

That is why I hesitate when @satishluintel talks about Intellectual Property, because of all of these things that we have been talking about.

Desires vs Beliefs

02:17 PM - Steemit

There are different kinds of desires. So, you are right about certain kinds of desires. You are inaccurate when talking about the other kinds of desires that are actually beliefs. Yes, you're right that you can suppress desires that you may or may not be CONVINCED of. You can choose to desire something that is repulsive. Well, maybe not subjectively repulsive to the person. It can be hard to stop bad habits, addictions, lifestyles, those desires that interfere with what you believe. So, you ask Christ to help you. Also, you tell other people and get help. It is possible to change the course of your life, the ship that you are piloting. You can turn that boat around.

It depends on who drew and owned that character on that boat who was like the precursor to Mickey Mouse. I think that was the main item that was probably stolen.


Steamboat Willie of Ub Iwerks whom Walt Disney stole. They were best of friends since 1919 but then had a divorce later on.

In Jail

04:37 PM - Minds

I was in my house in 2012 in Oregon. My dad's GF got mad at me and called the cops. She was drunk as usual. So, I took the phone from her. Cops came and asked what happened. I told them. They said they were not going to do anything had I lied. But because I confessed to breaking a law that I didn't know about, I had to go to jail. I was almost sentenced to a year in prison plus up to $5,000 USD in fines. But the DA made a deal where I pleaded guilty to sexual harassment which I didn't do which gave me a sentence of 14 days in jail and one year probation.

As in about three days before my trial, I took the plea deal thing.

So, before that, I was intending to plead not guilty to what I told the cops I was guilty of.

But they surprised me with a secret law.

My defense would have been that it was not a real emergency call. But legally speaking, the judge could have disagreed with me. I was planning on fighting for what I thought was right. So, I was preparing myself mentally to remain in jail for twelve months or longer had I lost that case. But three days before my trial, I decided to take the plea deal instead.

But the justice system can be so corrupt that even if the 1871 thing is correct, judges may still rule differently.

Mark, when I say 1871, I am referring to common law as well. But the legal system can so corrupt that they can violate common law.

I've heard that when police pull over Americans (in their cars) in the USA, sometimes when an individuals says they are national citizens as opposed to slaves of the 1871 USA Corporation thing, I've been told that cops are told to watch out for these kinds of people and to treat them as dangerous, as threats, like as enemies of the state. So, it is possible that cops have battled those individuals in those special cases, maybe even with their guns in some cases or legally via corrupt judges. So, I'm saying that it can be dangerous to take that route even if it is correct.

I could have resisted arrest.

Knowing what I do now, had that thing happened today, when the cops go to question me to ask what happened, I would have said, "I was cooking dinner in my house. This woman was drinking. This woman was yelling at me, She called the cops." That's it. I would not have added that I tried stopping that phone call. That is not important. What is important is that she was verbally abusing me. She was harassing me inside my house. It was not her house.

Can we get some people to make some educational videos that can train Americans on what to say and not say when police and FBI questions us? Should we always plead the 5th amendment? Should we always say that we want to speak to our lawyers?

I should have went into my dad's room and told my dad who was sleeping when the cops came. The cops separated me from Robin Baker. The one cop told me to step outside. I should have said nothing and stood there perhaps. When the cops tried talking to me, perhaps I should have stared at them with a blank face and said nothing. But it is possible that they could have put hand cuffs on me, right there in that kitchen. Perhaps it depends on the police. Had I not confessed to the crime, stopping a 911 call, they would have had nothing to arrest me on. They said they only arrested me because I confessed. So, had I not confessed, it is possible that they would have simply left.

Robin called and said to the 911 operator, "Joey is yelling at me. He told me to go to my room. He doesn't wash the dishes. He has dirty clothes. He's a slob.... He is 27 years old and still lives at home. He took the phone from me....." Now, that was not accurate. But she complained in the phone call. When the police came, she continued complaining like drunks usually do.

Robin told them that I took the phone and that she had to pull out her other phone.

Robin threatened to call the cops on me. So, I said, ok.

My lawyer said the DA has the testimony from the one cop who wrote it down in his report that I confessed to stopping that 911 call.

But hey, I was young then. I was trying to be perhaps too honest in that what I said was not the most relevant thing to say.

Guilty of Not Stopping The Call

2017 ORS 165.570¹ - Improper use of emergency communications system

Had I not stopped Robin, I would have been guilty of breaking this other law as follows:

"If you knowingly allow another person to use communications equipment owned, rented or leased by or under the control of the person to make an emergency call or call the tip line for a purpose other than to report a situation that the other person reasonably believes requires prompt service in order to preserve human life or property."

So, I was stuck in the middle of two laws.


04:53 PM - 🔴 Trump Rally LIVE: President Donald Trump Holds Rally in Toledo, OH 1-9-20

The Expanse

07:50 PM - Twitter

Like Star Trek but just our solar system set in the future by like a century or so. So, kind of like Battlestar Galactica but without warp speed. So, people live on the different planets which are like different countries. So, they try to avoid going to war with each other.


#InsteadOfMoneyPleaseSend Trump to jail because Trump does nothing as the United Nations hires foreigners in an attempt to take our 2a arms from us.

Stefan Molyneux

10:15 PM - I AM NOT A LIBERTARIAN!?! Freedomain Call In Show

Kids need to touch things. So, keep them away from anything you don't want them to touch.

Christian Forums

11:29 PM

I grew up attending a Baptist church. When I registered here, I clicked on other I think because I thought that would be more open minded. I attended Bible colleges. I have attended Church of Christ, Salvation Army, some Pentecostal churches, etc. I've visited Seven Day Adventist. Theologically, I'm aligned with with what Baptists believe except that I am open minded about miracles. I believe miracles can happen if God wants them sometimes. I'm not Benny Hinn. I'm not charismatic to that extent.

I want to be able to interact in Christian only threads because I'm Christian as I believe that we are saved by grace through faith, Ephesians 2:8-9.

So, I choose the Christian category.


11:38 PM - CF

Started in Bac Ninh, Hanoi, Hoa Binh, Thanh Hoa, my first two months, and then five years mostly in Saigon.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


2020-01-08 - Wednesday
2020-01-09 - Thursday
2020-01-10 - Friday

My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography

New Friends

Đặng Trần Quỳnh Hương

Banning Oatmeal

Amanda Sielen made some art and shared it on Infocomms, the Infowars Army Community Forum thing in 2019 and I shared that to other websites, etc. I gave her credit. I didn't say it was mine. I didn't steal it. I've written articles and posts about this since 2019, for months now, talking about this. I tried to be respectful. I was trying to promote her and Alex Jones and patriots and America First, etc. Maybe I was trying too hard. My heart was in the right place. I cited where it came from. I sourced it. I referenced it. I linked it. There were hyperlinks. You click on the links go back to the source. I didn't lie about it. I didn't say it was my drawing. I documented it for the record. You can research everything I'm saying for the record. I tried many times to let people know what happened. I shared it on Steemit and other places. People got mad because I got some Steem cryptocurrencies for sharing it. Well, that is not a bad thing. That is life. It is worth it. I did a service. I sold it so to speak. I was advertising for her but for free. I was partly compensated thanks to Steem. Was paid like a penny worth of Steem. But cryptocurrencies are not money so to speak or in some ways. It's a long story. More on this later. To be continued.

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I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam

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