Is The Whole World Run By Pedophiles- Part XXIV... My 6th Christmas- Why I Do This

in #palnet5 years ago 

I've decided to forego my post on corporate pedophilia/child sex-trafficking which involves companies such as DynCorp, Deagle, Cemex and others... these have already been covered in previous posts. Also I want to wrap this up as there are other things going on I want to write about, so after this and one more wrap-up post I can move on. In the comments I've been asked why I do this- I've also been called a "gay-hater" and for the first time in three years had my posts flagged. First off, I don't hate anyone, the only thing I hate is evil (and broccoli). What two adults do in the privacy of their home is their business, not mine. But when they put it out in the street or the public arena in front of children it is my business. Why? Because I was one of those kids.

Anyone on Steemit that knows me and has read the chapters of my book Diary of an Unbroken Child knows that after my mother died when I was five, also knows that I wound up in the hands of a pedo-sadist named Willie. This is a story I didn't include in the book... the story of Christmas when I was six years old. It was the night before Christmas and Willie decided to have a Christmas party for his gay friends. They were an assortment of gays like you would see at any gay party, some were drag queens, some were dressed normally. Willy wore a black leather jockstrap with studs, a Santa hat and boots... I wore white underpants.

Willie set up a fold-away bed up in the middle of the living-room- I was a Christmas present for one of the drag queens. I remember this night like it was last night, I could smell the cheap perfume along with the booze and cigarettes on his breath (I know this is the wrong pronoun, but I've never been the politically correct type). When he lay on top of me I could smell sweat and the foam rubber of his "falsies." When he penetrated me the pain was excruciating, it felt like my anus was on fire and my insides were about to explode. I cried and begged him to stop, my eyes searching the party-goers for help, but they were all smiling cheering him on. The pain was so intense I begged God to let me die. When he finished- which felt like hours- he got up and raised his arms victoriously to the cheers of the other people there. I remember how ridiculous he looked- his wig had fallen off and his face painted with make up made him look like a clown. Willie punched me in the side of the head three or four times for bleeding and peeing on his sheets- apparently I had urinated but didn't notice because of the pain.

The gay apologists can say that that was an anomaly, but wasn't the last time it happened, or the first... it wasn't even the last time that night. This went on for five years, until I was rescued by my uncle. This is the "gay culture." This happened over and over again- not by pedophiles, but by the everyday gay people you see every day- pedophilia is a part of their culture, part of their rejection of "normal" society. Regardless of what people like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Kinsey Report, or any other of the cadre of "experts" say, pedophilia is not good for children... it's painful and humiliating. The whole LGBTQ+/pedophile agenda is geared around grooming children. From the Gay Manifesto written by Michael Swift in 1987:

 “We shall sodomize your sons...” “We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding.” 

 And yet, public schools are enthusiastic advocates of parents changing the sex of their child as early as three years old. During Drag Queen Story Hour for kids, parents were escorted out by police for opposing drag queen's extreme sexual outfits and striptease. LGBT minions are pushing to legalize pedophilia as a sexual orientation. Your seven-year-old is a prime target.  

I've watched this play out for all of my adult life, homosexual groups pushing for more rights- more access to children. Organizations such as the Boy Scouts have become hunting grounds for homosexual predators, with feckless politicians and administrators making it easier for them to operate with impunity.

 Anna Bohach, the 500 Mom Strong leader, wrote about this movement:

Long gone are the caricatures of drag queens as clownishly quaint entertainment for a sub-group of a sub-group of sexually-isolated fetish followers. Nowadays, they want, nay, they demand, that you openly declare your support for their desires, which is focused, like a laser-beam, on your children.

You can call me names and you can flag my posts- there's no way you can damage me any more than my childhood already did. I will not stop, as long as I have the strength I will fight this evil. Pedophilia is not just another sexual orientation, it is an evil that must be eradicated. You can close your eyes, or make excuses, but ultimately that makes you as evil as they are. Dante wrote in The Inferno that: "The darkest parts of hell are reserved for those that maintained their neutrality in times of moral crisis." 



Bless You, Rich, for all You do.  I am in full agreement.  Consenting adults may do as They see fit, but children have not had the experience to give fully informed consent, and ergo, are fully off limits.  Any who would claim that a child has given consent is wrong.  Period.

We will bring Our planet back to loving balance from the state the psychopaths have created for Us here.

Love always!

Thank you my dear... as long as enough of us keep telling the truth we will prevail in the end!

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I am sorry for what you went through. It takes a lot of courage for you to share this @richq11 I am at a loss for words. I know that God loves you and we do too. Perhaps a crazy idea but had you not gone through this... would you have the same conviction to root out evil? God is using you to be a warrior of truth.

I think you're right, I had to go through this to become one of God's warriors... If you look through Biblical history He always calls the least likely person to do His bidding.

I was molested by my babysitter when I was a little boy. I used to think I was lucky because she was a beautiful young woman, but it terrifies me that any adult thinks it’s ok to be sexual with a child.

All of the gay men I know now were raped and abused by men when they were boys.

I appreciate you my brother.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'd gladly traded places! Thanks Brother!

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