2020-01-07steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

U.S. Tax Payers are funding Obama Trump Fake News Funds that have been operating globally as of 2020, still. Globalists are trying to use Iran to murder Trump. See if they just kill Trump, patriots will rise up against them. So, they have to try very hard to make it look like terrorists did it just like they did with 9/11. It happens in history again and again. the globalists divide and conquer. Many times in the past, the control freaks would create problems and then come in with fake solutions as the Anti-Christ. They come in like saviors. Americans must be reminded that they are always trying to distract us. They're always trying to get us to look over here while they do stuff over there. | Ricky Gervais Didn't Kill Himself | I practiced driving. I like that cartoon, Dennis the Menace. I put sand around the brick path near the front door. Help people help themselves. I like tents. Please minimize federalized welfare. They're telling people to attack Trump buildings. The Iran government is tweeting this out right now. The deep state is trying to use this as an excuse to JFK Donald John Trump. They are trying different means to end to presidency of Trump. They're trying to Epstein Trump. We must remind people of all of their tricks. They're magicians. But we are beginning to see how they do their tricks for so many centuries now. We lift the veil, the curtain, to see the little man in the Wizard of Oz. That is fundamental. Pompea continued funding the Obama Fake News Fund. Trump is retarded if he is not trying to stop that. The worse jet fuels in the world come from like three companies.

Ricky Gervais Didn't Kill Himself

Wednesday - 02:42 AM - Steemit

He took it to their own house during the Golden Globes 2020. You can see it on Tom Hank's face. How many times have actors praised Harvey Weinstein? One girl even had a pet name for him. So many people are sick of the hypocrisy in Hollywood. Ricky truly took the Dave Chappelle Routine to the next level. Ricky is a liberal. Ricky hates Trump. Ricky was confronting cancel culture. See, leftists tell us that we cannot have free speech on college campuses, social ghetto networks, and in society in general. Fake News is now calling Ricky a conservative.

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2020-01-07 - Tuesday

Created & Published Daily

Alex Jones is the MAGAlorian Baby Yoda.jpg

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.

Economics 101

12:14 AM - Telegram

Which one? Did you know there was a depression around 1921 and another that started around 1929?

In the 1930's, the U.S. government began enforcing fascism. For example, if your business was working after the mandated closing hours, these people actually came in with axes to bust down their doors. Please tell me me you are aware of the history.

Red Letter Media

12:17 AM - The Mandalorian - re:View

Black lightsaber.

Lionel Nation

01:07 AM - Live Stream: Epstein, Weinstein, Gervais, Soleimani, George Lopez and American Amnesia

5:35 - if they are testing us to see if we will response like with the Golden Globes 2020 for example in mentioning Epstein etc, then they should not have to censor us on the social networks, Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc. If they continue censoring, blocking, etc, then that is good news.


01:39 AM - Ricky Gervais Warms Up for 2020 Golden Globes | E! Red Carpet & Award Shows

If they knew what Ricky was going to say, then why did they let him say those things?


02:21 AM - Steemit

I believe that at least some of it is true, that it traces back through the Egyptians, the Babylonians, etc.

The Expanse

2020-01-07 - Tuesday - 02:37 AM - 04:03 AM - The Expanse 201 & 202

Archangel was not on the vehicle. That is, the India queen lady on earth.

First proof of alien life is the zombie virus stuff.

Extra-solar as opposed to extra-terrestrial.

Rock Hoppers

Making people believe it was their idea does not matter as it is still their idea.

In the future, there will be anti-body robots that fixes holes on spaceships instead if people.

If time is a dimension, then there must a gravity that pulls us one direction through that dimension.

VR Matrix.

Bright Side

09:53 AM - Scientists May Have Turned Back the Arrow of Time

Driver's Ed

10:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Dennis took me out driving today. We drove around Shelton for several hours. I practiced parallel parking via his truck. I've practiced several times with two other guys in 2019 for a total of several hours or so several during the course of several different days last year. Before 2019, I only practiced driving like a few times period. Not so much outside of video games, bicycles, motor bikes, go-carts, John Deere tractors, etc. So, driving can be like go-carts. It is important not to keep your legs too close to the gas pedal. That means you should pull or push your seat back and make sure you can rest your foot on the floor so you are not kicking the gas pedal. You have to ease into the pedal. Backing up is like flying an airplane in that you have to think in reverse. Sometimes, you should turn the steering wheel all the way clockwise and sometimes completely counter clockwise. That is called a hard turn. It is helpful in parallel parking for example. We stopped at a club behind Moe's for lunch. This club talks about outreaches that helps the community. Somebody talked about trying to buy tents for the homeless. Somebody else talked about like the Boy Scouts or something and camping and things like that. Somebody talked about food. So, they are involved in different like organizations, ministries, churches, etc, I'm guessing. We had the pledge of allegiance. We sang the American Anthem and the Canadian Anthem. We prayed. I had a burger with fries. ALso, coffee. It was good. Nice waitress. Nice to meet the people there. Imagine driving those longer extra long Tri-Met buses. They may still have them in Seattle but probably not in Portland, OR. I remember going on them and wondering if it would get split in half or not. It can be tough to drive them. Yeah, you would need plenty of practice to drive them. It depends on the route. We walked by a youth place. Also walked by some people we knew and said hello. In the Bible, there was a man named Abraham who had a son named Isaac. Interesting. I try to be open minded in life. I like sand.


03:00 PM - 06:20 PM

Dishes. Put boxes in the big garage. Got the mail. It was raining. Put sand on a new brick sidewalk path thing by the front door. Talked to mom about gold inside our bodies. We talked about history, psychology, anthropology, governments, sociology, grace, helping people, the Bible, theology, health, the future, planning ahead. I wonder where that Fort Knox building is. Fort Knox = United States Bullion Depository. I try to have an open mind about the future. It is good to help people help themselves. Adults are not kids. So, don't treat them like adults. Interesting what America did to itself in the 1930's to damage free markets. I try to work my best for a better future.

Leaving Vietnam

06:44 PM - Facebook

Some classes continued for three years. Some, less than that. So, some groups came and went. Some lasted for a few months and some longer. Similar to what dad would do with different yard clients. It was just that one year that I forced a few classes to end or to relocate to where I was. My decision to do that was ok from my point of view. But yeah, people do drop out. Many different things happen depending on the student. Some students do end up coming back. You can approach it from a business mindset or from a ministry mindset. At times, I was looking at it more on the former and less on the latter as I was making sure I could pay my bills and everything which I understand. I learned my lesson and I spent my last three years looking at it from a business approach as well as a ministry at the same time. I was trying even harder to take a balance approach on it. I tried my best to leave Vietnam on the best of terms in regards to the relationships I built with my friends, with my students, and everything.

Nena Lavonne

06:54 PM - NEGATIVE MINDSETS TO FINALLY BREAK IN 2020 - gain control of your thoughts and change your life

I just went back in time to watch this video. I saw your comment on Bright Side. Oh, nice videos you got. Yes, our thinking is the pilot of the ship we call life, keep up the good work, Nena. We love you.


06:57 PM - The Alex Jones Show Tue 01/07/20 Full Show

Deep state is trying to use Iran to murder Trump and divert a civil war to international war. If they just murder Trump, then the MAGA people and the U.S. military would take out the swamp in the United States. So, they have to make it look like they didn't do it. So, they are trying to use Iran as a possible way of getting that done. Their goal is to dethrone Trump to get back on this Game of Thrones by any means possible.

The Naked Activist

07:23 PM - Steemit

You can find nudity, etc, on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc, meaning complete hypocrisy and selective enforcement of alleged and extremely vague rules that changes all the time. Kaylen is creative and is helping people. So, that means Facebook is Pro-Fire. Facebook might as well join Iran.

Nudity On Facebook

07:25 PM - Steemit

And there is nudity on Facebook, etc, meaning Facebook selectively enforces rules, meaning huge hypocrisy which they deny.

Predestination vs Freewill

07:39 PM Steemit

I believe in a combination of freewill and predestination. I love the number seven. I need to study numbers more.

Freelance Goddess

07:43 PM - Steemit

Hello Freelance Goddess, I'm in love with your transformation. I love natural remedies. I love Gorilla Mindset. My dream involves helping people with theirs. Crypto is key for this current decade, the 2020's.

Save Millions of Dollars

08:12 PM - Discord | Dissenter

Decentralize Bandwidth to minimize costs via IPFS, Bit Torrent, P2P, etc, etc, to save yourself millions of dollars. If you don't try to do these types of things, etc, etc, then you will in several years from now. You might as well start now. By 2025, you probably will be doing some of these things, etc, etc, etc. What are you waiting for, @AlexJones#3810, assuming that Infowars is not or has never ever possibly or potentially tried some of these things to any extent at all at any time ever, period, possibly, actually or theoretically, already, or not, if you have not already tried to do some of these things already, etc, then what are you waiting for?


10:48 PM - Ricky Gervais Calls Out Hollywood Pedophile Predators At Golden Globes

Worse Three Jet Fuels

There seems to be a monopoly in the jet fuel, about three main ones, the patents from like 1993, and most of the fuel in the world or at least north America is from like three companies, those three, and these fuels may be the worse kind. So, go after these companies, those fuels, if any, as they are the worse it seems.

Who Caused The Great Depression?

10:59 PM - Telegram | Dissenter | Minds | Facebook

Mark, @Havin_a_daydream, who told you that about the Great Depression? Whoever told you that lied to you. See, yes, you are right that some people made bad speculative investments like you said. However, that's not the whole story. Therefore, too misleading, inaccurate, incomplete, because what you said is more the symptoms. You said the government took advantage of the depression of 1929 as it began banning gold in 1933 and yet you failed to mention what the government did twenty years before that which did in fact create the depression in the first place. And there is more to the story than just that. And they were not just taking advantage of it if they were in fact doing things to cause it twenty years prior to it.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


2020-01-06 - Monday
2020-01-07 - Tuesday
2020-01-08 - Wednesday

My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography

An there was
ton of
ella to pay
at fred meyers

vietnam oatmeal joey arnold joeyarnold joeyarnoldvn shelton was usa oregon WA washington america vietnam ojawall morehead rasp pdx fgor97116 fgor163 my blog joseph scott donald marilyn mitchell cool kid
I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam

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Banning Oatmeal - Part 25

Chill With The Notifications

1913 Created 1933? Twenty-Year Pattern Theory

Is 2020 The Beginning of a New Decade?

Three Year Old Oatmeal - Do Not Eat This

You do not "choose" your beliefs. You are (EITHER) CONVINCED (OR) UNCONVINCED.

Is The Whole World Run By Pedophiles- Part XXIII... The Educational Establishment- Weaponizing Education To Groom the Next Generation of Pedophiles

Medical Alert - Animal URINE called “urea” is found in today’s dirty vaccines, including the Varicella immunization jab

Yeah, world war 3 memes are pretty funny but overall I am still wondering how anyone would side with Iran.

China's New Sovereign Crypto in 4 minutes


Trump 2011 vs Trump 2020

I am not on board with this idea...

Protecting The Tapestry Of Tomorrow - The Fabric of Children - Enjoy with Troy!

I bought a new toy this weekend, so now I need to take it to the range....

Dangerous Tyrant Order Follower Found in Abilene, TX Officer Shaeffer Makes Threats to Citizen

"Ima Virgin of Crypto" - Let me introduce myself :)

Instagram Bans Model Who Raised $500,000 in Donations for Wildfires by Sending Nudes

What is Christmas? Where does it come from?

Facebook Bans Kissing

Ricky Gervais Didn't Kill Himself


With you I am updated again. I.do not know if this is always a good thing. 🤔 Happy day 💕

Child Porn is a Symptom and Not a Root Cause of Child Rape, Sex, Murder. In other words, looking at the images is not directly or specifically or exactly equivalent to trafficking and killing kids. Not all crimes are created equal. Bigger crimes should have a higher priority and penalty over smaller crimes. Long story short, the mere viewing of Child Porn does not create a time machine to go back in time to create the actual porn in the first place. The bigger crime is the source of the video. In other words, the actual making of a bad video is ten times worse than streaming the bad video. Now, yes, distributing bad videos is worse than just viewing the bad videos. So, there are three levels to it, the making of it, the distributing of it, and then the watching of it. Each level is worse than the next and should be treated as such.

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