Steemalive Weekly Moderators Report for the Period 2nd May to 8th May,2022

in SteemAlive2 years ago




I greet you all my fellow steemians and community members.Your continous effort to post quality contents and engagement on Steemit is a good development and I am sure we are going to get better in the coming days.

I wish to make a report of my work as a moderator in Steemalive community.Part of my work to review posts made in steemalive community daily.

The ultimate purpose of the daily review of the posts is to check for plagiarism.Plagiarism is a serious crime here on Steemit and is never welcome here on Steemit.For people that have completed their achievement 3 post,you will notice that plagiarism was the central point there.To this end,I make effort to check post to find out if it was plagiarised or not.Plagiarised posts are been muted by me.With such effort, posting of original contents would be encouraged.


  • Checking club status is another area that I look into.It is important for our community members to be in atleast #club5050 although attention had been shifted to #club75 and #club100 .
  • There are other things that I check on a post which is to know whether the post is #steemexclusive(not written in other platforms) and whether an author is buying votes or delegating to bot services.All these points checked are written under the comment section of posts that I have verified.
  • Mentorship is another important thing I do.It is part of my activities at the training centre here in Aba city as well as awareness programs like road show and the likes.

For checking Plagiarism and Steemexclusive status,I use this tool Duplichecker and for checking club status I use this tool

See the list of post I have verified for plagiarism,club status, steemexclusive status and bot services.I will update the post as the days go by.👇


List of Posts I verified. Week 7(18th - 24th April, 2022)


UsernamePost linkPost Originality(%)


Observations, Recommendations and Conclusion

Take a look at my observation for this week.On a positive note,I observed that a lot of our members are writing plagiarism-free articles.It is just a few of posts made by newbies possess some elements of plagiarism.Also a few persons persons are in club100,while the greater number are in club5050.I recommend we sustain the habit of producing original contents and then upgrade to club75 and club100.

There are a few persons who do not know the club where they belong.Read this post LINK to know the club where you belong.

Cc:@focusnow @steemalive

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We have supported this post. Keep on making great content in our community. Always check @steemalive for community updates. Thank you being an active member.

 2 years ago 

This is a well detailed report from you great leader @samuel20

The work you are doing in the community is highly appreciated

ClubPlagiarized?SteemExclusive?Used Bidbot?

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