Peaking Eyes ~ Stranded Part 3 ~ 5 minite freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Anna looked around her at the small home they had been able to create in the short amount of time they had been on the beach shore.

Their two separate lean-to’s sat side-by-side, a fire ring set just to the front next to a cooking station made up of a slab of rock, empty coconut shells and a small pointy rock they used as a knife. A roughly cleared path to the stream laid directly behind, where they tried, without much success, to clean themselves up.

She looked down at her clothes. Her khaki shorts were more brown than tan, her white shirt was dirty and tattered. She was relieved that at least she had gotten it for 40% off on it, but what was really bothering her was the sand that was embedded in her hair.

“Blake!” she called to the shore where he was manufacturing a net “I’m headed to the river to clean up.”

She trudged the short way there through the high brush of the jungle floor, and paused at the rushing stream. She hadn’t bathed completely yet, but she couldn’t go one more minute with sand caked in places it should never be. She quickly undressed, and slid into the cool water closing her eyes. She scrubbed at her scalp first, loosening as much as possible. She longed for some soap.

As she poked her head back out of the water, there was a rustling sound behind her.

If Blake really thinks we‘re going to bathe together… she thought to herself, but as she turned around she saw a small pair of eyes peaking over a large leaf.

Thanks for reading! If you'd like to try a freewrite please visit @mariannewest!

Here is Part One!

And Part Two


Well, if there's one thing I've learned from reading your stories, it's that you can't go very long without leaving us on a cliffhanger ;D I'm not going to sit here and pretend like I don't love it, though- keep it up!

Hahaha it's how I get people to want to come back for more! 😂 I'm glad you liked it! Thank you!

You re leaving us hanging again! You have such a talent for it! LOL

LOL I would say I don't do it on purpose...but that's just not true...haha Thanks for reading it!!

Ooooh.... so they're not alone after all! -A

Haha nope!

See, that was an easy prompt. ;-)

What?????? Somebody was watching????? Oh no!!!

I hope it turns out okay!

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