INVITATION: Collaborative Art Journey..."EXPANSION" No. 25 -- This is your invitation to Collaborate! Whatever your expression, BRING IT ON!steemCreated with Sketch.

Over 425 Masterpieces have already been created
by 87 Steemian Artists on the
Collaborative Art Journey.

What began as a simple two person collaboration (@opheliafu and me),
has turned into an incredible gallery of works from artists of many genres--
poetry, story-telling,
videos (@mariandavp), song writing, gifs, photography, drawing, painting, and digital art!

Some of our posts have been shared in Spanish (@soyjoseluis), products have been designed (@shortcut), faces have been painted (@reneenouveau), and even a 12-year old has participated @giraffeonskates).

We have the opportunity to share our incredible repertoire at Steemfest in Lisbon
in some miraculous way, which will allow others to tune into the amazing
art we have created together.
If you have any creative suggestions on how we can optimally share our art,
I would be delighted to hear about it.  
Send me a message on SteemitChat or in a comment below!

With every comment, post, upvote and resteem, our artists' community grows stronger.
We have created a very family feel that supports and upgrades our artistic abilities and our lives in general.  

Ohhhhhh--what fun it is be on this journey with you!





" E X P A N S I O N "

DEADLINE  Wednesday, August  16,  2017 at Midnight CST.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ DETAILS FOR THE NOOBS! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

1 . INVITE, COMMENT, UPVOTE AND RESTEEM this post and others.
2.  USE MY OFFERING  as the base for the collaborative piece.
3.  TRANSFORM IT as many times as you wish! - Print the image or do whatever it is you do to add to/or alter it, (i.e., including but not limited to painting, drawing, adding other photographs, collaging, altering it digitally or however you wish . . .or perhaps even adding a tune, poetry, a story, a gif, a video, a book, or other imaginative play.  
4.  MAKE A POST ABOUT IT (not required but of course preferred)  to share your process.
5.  TAG YOUR POST with #CollaborativeArtJourney and #art (and of course any other tag that fits your finished piece).
6.  SHARE YOUR LINK in a comment below.
7.  DEADLINE  Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at Midnight CST to be included in the FINALE post.
8.  PAYING IT FORWARD  - I will be donating rewards from this post to the  eco-village @gardenofeden. I encourage you to check out what's happening now at our cutting-edge community where I am a full-time volunteer.  I'm also making Steemfest posts to raise funds for my @gardenofeden family to attend Steemfest with me.
9.  POST IN THE CHATROOM  "Art-Collaborations-Links-and-Creative-Inspirations".   Other collaborative works are also welcome there.  Please use this chatroom ONLY for collaborative work.  No individual posts please.
10.  GRANTING PERMISSION - Important!!! --  If you play you grant permission to have your art used in some other way (perhaps a show, printing them, making a gift of them, or otherwise at my discretion).  Credit will be given where credit is due. 



Thank you all for sharing yourself with us!!


In the spirit of making Steemfest2 more accessible to more Steemians, please consider making a donation to the t-r-f (travel reimbursement fund).  We can help each other make it there to meet in the flesh!


A sample view of our early collaborative works:
Steemian Collaborative Art Journey - What the Heck Are We Building?


Finale of Ribbon of Hope - 17 artists and 18 masterpieces
Finale of Reflections of a Blessings - 15 artists and 23 masterpieces
Finale of Tangled Webs We Weave  - 23 artists and 27 masterpieces
Finale of Power Spirit   - 23 artists and 26 masterpieces
Finale of Life Stands Still   - 18 artists and 29 masterpieces
Finale of Ingrained - 18 artists and 17 masterpieces
Finale of Beyond the Veil - 18 artists and 19 masterpieces
Finale of Sliver's Edge - 12 artists and 14 masterpieces
Finale of Shadow Mandala - 19 artist and 28 masterpieces
Finale of Ethereal Presence - 17 artists and 19 masterpieces
Finale of On the Ball - 9 artists and 10 masterpieces
Finale of Wisdom of the Ancients- 17 artists creating 36 masterpieces
Finale of Rejuvenation- 20 artists creating 27 masterpieces
Finale of Do You See What I See - 14 artists creating 19 masterpieces
Finale of Shattered Rainbows - 17 artists creating 31 masterpieces
Finale of All Fired Up - 18 artists creating 19 masterpieces
Finale of No Strings Attached - 17 artists creating 29 masterpieces
Finale of Artist's Eye - 16 artists creating 21 masterpieces
Finale of Midnight Sky - 7 artists  creating 8 masterpieces
Zentangle Art Collaboration - 4 artists creating 3 masterpieces
Building community through Art Collaboration - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece
Collaboration using Ned's Head - 5 artists creating 4 masterpieces
Collaborating with @opheliafu:  Madam Kali - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece
Collaborating with @opheliafu: Bird on a Wing - 2 artists creating 1 masterpiece


This piece really amazes me. I love how you combined the ink with the colors. I'm really surprised this is colored pencil. Thanks for being a part of this journey. I love opening your presents and being taken by the surprise.

:) Everyone who sees that drawing thinks that is a Donut and I tell them that it is a chopped eye in the middle and half empty besides that there is a carrot nailed by a sushi stick ... O_O Your image has inverted the Colors .... when I saw the ovals I thought of an eye .. !! It is always good to participate here, it fills me with joy and Happiness.

Your imagination is awesome! I love what you share. It's great that people see different things and interpret through their own filters. So many things to so many people! That's one reason I love this collaboration, everyone's own perspective shines through. Thanks for participating @uysaymon. I love your expression!

This is awesome!!!

Thank u @pyrowngs :)

This is definitely a winner!!! :-)

One of my favorite things happening on Steemit!

Hahaha--YES! One of mine too! <3

I have finished my entry! It's a self portrait!

Post here:

Thank you so much for all the inspiration!

Wow love it!

Thank you quinneaker, I love participating in these 😁

I feel this is one of the best events going on in Steemit!
SO many creative people creating beautiful things together. Love your piece, again very nice!

Yeah me too I get excited when I see the post come up, I always surprise myself too with what I make. It's a different process to have a starting image to work with!

Yes totally!
It really helps inspire the creative flow to be a part of a collaborative project like this. Love seeing the wide range of art that is inspired!

It is amazing that so much can come from just one image. The artistic abilities and creative spirits here on Steemit are astounding. It's soooo much fun to be hosting such a well-received initiative. Thanks for your comments and presence here with us @quinneaker.


I'm so glad I get to be a fun part of your day @juliakponsford....and that you are a part of mine! You have quite the talent and inspired artistic ability to do great things. I love seeing what surprises flow through you.

Wow! You really did it again! This is really a magnificent piece @juliakponsford. I'd like to know a bit about your process, and by what means you added yourself into this image. Great work!! Thank you so much for the gift!

I semi answered in the other thread but i will expand here! I took a portrait (photo) that I took ages ago as part of a series but never used and then took your image and cut and warped it to make all the coloured elements, I added a small bit of digital painting like adding the blue back into my eyes, because the pic was black and white, it is made up of many layers :)

Aha! So it was a portrait photograph--I thought it looked like a drawing! Interesting to know! Thanks for expanding and giving us a little insight into your process @juliakponsford.

Something really powerful is happening in there!!! You really gave meaning to this theme that shoots power in all directions!!! I LOVE this @motivator. Blessed by another brilliant contribution from you!

Oh so glad for your play and jovial side @pyrowngs. This is one very happy image-- your dancer with a sweet look on her face! I love how you tied this into your past and brought to life something that hasn't been used. Thanks for having such a great imagination and for sharing about yourself too! I appreciate you!

Whoa! Just scrolled through... You are getting some really interesting collaborations with this one! Amazing!

Such diversity and all of them amazing!!! It's great to being experiencing art through each other's artistic perspectives. We're the bomb together! <3

What???? Here you are and I missed seeing and commenting on this post @verbal-d!!! Whoooooosshhhh is right!!! Yayayayayay--you're here and so am I and grooving to this soul moving sound right now...very grounding and the repetitive beat is very meditative. I'm so glad I love your music so much as it sets the tone for all of our finales. The good feeling vibes you embed really enhances my gratitude for you. Thank you so much for bringing your best to the table, all-ways!!

You're most welcome my dear friend, so glad to keep providing you music that you truly enjoy. I am currently in the process of moving, so hopefully I'll be able to participate in the future collaborations in the coming weeks but we will see what happens :)

Always blessed by your creations! How far are we from the finished album?

I think once I catch up on what I had missed previously, then the 25 collaborations makes it a 25 song album, idk if it would all fit on one CD, but maybe a 2 part, one with 12 tracks, the other with 13, but I'll catch up first on the missed CAJ's and then see where we go from there. But then we are finished for sure.

I'm super duper excited about this. Is there any possibility of it being finished for sharing at Steemfest2? Oooo...that would be freakin' amazing!!

I'm pretty sure that is more than possible :) Yeah I'm excited for it to be finished as well :) I'm on it

YAYAYAYAY! Just imagine a big projector sharing our works while your sound sets the tone. Feeling the magnificence of that already!

I'm soooooooo excited about this already- i love that image. Oh the colours!!!

hahaha love seeing you and @everlove collaborate!

I love that you're so excited about--from that I know great things will come!!

WowWow!! Yet again you bring another potent piece to this collaboration and to Steemit @opheliafu. The lips may just be my favorite part, so simply defined and well placed in this image. Thanks for including your words in this art, you have a way with them both! <3

Never did it before, but this time I think I should accept the challenge:) Exactly for the reason it seems so hard to me:)

Oh yes @inber! Please do take the challenge. I feel you will find that it will flow much easier than you think. Many artists here have experienced expansion of their skills, and most of all their confidence. I have no doubt your contribution will be a good one. Can't wait to see what flows through you!!

I'm not that sure in my forces, I used to create the pics from the very start, yet never changed someone else's art:)

Well then this is a great opportunity to engage new and powerful facets of your abilities!!! This may be your best skill yet!!!

Go for it!

Resteemed. I will do my best to produce something (it's been a while.) well done. This has been a great continued collaboration.

Thanks for the resteem dear one. And thank you for creating something of such potency. It's amazing how difficult times can give rise to powerful realities. Great job engaging your passion and going deep to heal from within. Much love to you.

Spent this lovely Sunday afternoon working on my submission. I'm not sure what it is, but it made me happy to make it!

You just gave me a great giggle @dayleeo ~ so genius you are to make such a off-the-road creation! I love kaleidoscopes and have seen MANY, though have never seen one quite like this before. Way to go to bring on some laughter by sharing your artistic inspiration. I so love that you are here with us. Thanks for engaging this artists' community and adding to our gallery of inspired works. Truly grate for you!

I'm beaming. Thank you! So glad I was able to share a few laughs. Sometimes we take our art too seriously, I still have no idea what it is but I'm glad I made it, and that's the point!

Happy to be here, looking at the other submissions I'm in amazing company <3

It appears you've brought yourself to the right place. A little laughter and lots of love goes a very long way. Thanks so much for increasing the awesomeness of our company!! <3

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