House Construction Blog Day 76 / Hausbau Blog Tag 76 / (en/de)

in #building7 years ago

This construction diary is a detailed description of my house construction in 2013/14 and I am glad about your questions, your vote and especially a resteeming. Day 75 describes the timeframe from 22 May to 7 August 2014. The penultimate article of this series!
Dieses Bautagebuch ist eine detaillierte Beschreibung meines Hausbaus von 2013/14 und freue mich über Deine Fragen, Deinen Vote und ganz besonders über ein Resteemen. Tag 75 beschreibt den Zeitrahmen vom 22. Mai bis zum 7. August 2014. Der vorletzte Artikel dieser Serie!

Day 76 /Tag 76

The power cable is now finally laid outside my property. To do this, the walkway is torn open and the cable ring with my connection is connected to a new power cabinet.
Das Stromkabel wird nun endgültig außerhalb meines Grundstückes verlegt. Dazu wird der Gehweg aufgerissen und der Kabelring mit meinem Anschluß an einen neuen Verteiler angeschlossen.




The two cornerstones of the previous fence. Due to carelessness, the fence was moved 45 years ago in the wrong place and I now get 21 sqm additional ground to my property.
Die beiden Eckpunkte des bisherigen Zaunverlaufes. Durch Unachtsamkeit wurde vor 45 Jahren der Zaun an der falschen Stelle verlegt und ich bekomme nun 21 qm zusätzlichen Grund zu meinem Grundstück hinzu.



In the hardware store I buy the material for the new fence and am ready to build it up.
Im Baumarkt decke ich mich mit dem Material für den neuen Zaun ein und bin bereit ihn aufzubauen.



So I order an excavator and let it remove this little tree and two of the hedge plants. In addition, the old fence posts of the excavator are quickly ripped out and everything is taken away on a truck. I keep two posts for the entrance, which I will build anyway in the future. I now have access to my new part of the property.
Also bestelle ich einen Bagger und lasse diesen kleinen Baum und zwei der Heckenpflanzen entfernen. Außerdem werden die alten Zaunpfosten vom Bagger schnell rausgerissen und alles auf einem Laster weggebracht. Zwei Pfosten behalte ich für die Einfahrt, die ich irgendwann bauen werde. Damit habe ich nun einen Zugang zu meinem neuen Teil des Grundstückes.




After I have dug the earth, I start to set the fence. The posts are set quickly and within half a day the fence is already finished. In the pictures you can see also the new telephone and power cabinets, which had to be offset by 2.3 m. With the next post this house building blog is coming to an end!
Nachdem ich die Erde umgegraben habe mache ich mich ans setzten des Zaunes. Die Pfosten sind schnell aufgebaut und innerhalb eines halben Tages ist der Zaun dann auch schon fertig. In den Bildern sieht man auch die neuen Telefon- und Stromschränke, die um 2,3 m versetzt werden mussten. Noch ein Post, und dieser Hausbaublog geht zu Ende!





Tag/Day 1 | Der alte Garten und Planung / The old garden and Planning
Tag/Day 2 | Aushub, Fundament / Excavation, foundation
Tag/Day 3+4 | Fundament, Anschlüsse / Foundation wall and connections
Tag/Day 5 | Innenraum auffüllen / Interior filling
Tag/Day 6-7-8 | Bodenplatte / Base plate
Tag/Day 9 | Außenmauern /Outer walls
Tag/Day 10 | Außenmauern /Outer walls
Tag/Day 11 | Außenmauern /Outer walls
Tag/Day 12 | Außenmauern /Outer walls
Tag/Day 13 | Innenmauern /Inner walls
Tag/Day 14 | Ringanker / Ring anchor
Tag/Day 15 | Innenmauern /Inner walls
Tag/Day 16 | Dach / Roof
Tag/Day 17 | Dach / Roof
Tag/Day 18 | Dampfsperre / Steam barrier
Tag/Day 19 | Dachziegel / Roof tiles
Tag/Day 20+21 | Wandschlitze/ Wall slots
Tag/Day 22+23 | Elektro Leerrohre / Electrical empty pipes
Tag/Day 24+25 | Sanitär / Sanitary
Tag/Day 26 | Windows
Tag/Day 27 | Pre-plastering
Tag/Day 28+29 | Facing walls and window-boards
Tag/Day 30 | Facing walls and window-boards
Tag/Day 31+32 | Interior plastering
Tag/Day 33+34 | Floor construction
Tag/Day 35 | Electricity, telephone and Internet cables
Tag/Day 36+37 | laying out of heat conductors
Tag/Day 38+39 | Exterior plaster
Tag/Day 40+41 | Foundation for the heat pump
Tag/Day 42+43 | Outside tissue plastering
Tag/Day 44+45 | Heating system and tiles
Tag/Day 46+47 | Tiles and water connection
Tag/Day 48 | Sewer connection
Tag/Day 49 | Completion of the sewer connection
Tag/Day 50 | Sanitary equipment and roof insulation
Tag/Day 51 | Doors expansion
Tag/Day 52 | Some additions
Tag/Day 53 | Power connection
Tag/Day 54 | Inside electric connections
Tag/Day 55+56+57 | Roof insulation
Tag/Day 58 | Staircase and roof insulation
Tag/Day 59 | Tiling work
Tag/Day 60 | Tiling and liming work
Tag/Day 61-64 | Liming work
Tag/Day 65 | Tiling and painting work
Tag/Day 66 | Finish the tile work
Tag/Day 67 | Inner doors, electric and sanitary finish
Tag/Day 68 | Old house move out
Tag/Day 69 | Move in!
Tag/Day 70 | External work
Tag/Day 71 | External work gravel (Kies)
Tag/Day 72 | External work earth
Tag/Day 73 | External work earth
Tag/Day 74 | More External work: earth
Tag/Day 75 | Front garden and tomatoes

Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!

Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!

original content by @schamangerbert in 4000x3000 quality shot with Canon Ixus 255 HS

Schaman GerbertIMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


Congratulations on a new home filled with happiness

I hope that your new home will become for you a place filled with joy and happy moments.

Thanks! It is great to have it now for 4 years and it is wonderful!

great job.

it's amazing

Thanks for sharing

I am looking power cables connect under the floor. It`s difference with our country. I think you respect natural environment. It seems from your garden photography..
Upvote/ Resteem

In Germany everything is regulated :) Even the ground under your feet :)

Is this your house constructions project? You entered methods step by step from your diary. Also your posts i can get ideas how will construct and repair our homes and buildings.
Upvoted and Resteemed

Thanks for stopping by. Yes it is!

@schamangerbert - Sir, this is a wonderful diary of your house construction. Now it's very interesting, because now you are sharing about gardening experiences of yours. Love it Sir <3

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

It's awesome! You were planned everything perfectly! Wow that's great friend!


Amazing and awesome post

Thanks to share this post☺☺☺

You are welcome.

Still love these posts. I couldn't follow them all however.
What is this hut that can be seen in the picture here:

In post Day 73 are two links to the construction of the yurt.

wow everything coming along nicely thanks for the update :)

finde ich echt toll von dir! sehr fleißig sowie bemüht.. danke das mit uns diese erfahrungen teilst. lg

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