House Construction Blog Day 65 / Hausbau Blog Tag 65 / (en/de)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #building7 years ago

This construction diary is a detailed description of my house construction in 2013 and I am glad about your questions, your vote and especially a resteeming.
Dieses Bautagebuch ist eine detaillierte Beschreibung meines Hausbaus von 2013 und freue mich über Deine Fragen, Deinen Vote und ganz besonders über ein Resteemen.

Day 65 /Tag 65

The living room is finished tiled!
Das Wohnzimmer ist fertig gefliest!


The storeroom serves as a storage of the materials, also it is already finished tiled. Our work space, on the other hand, is getting smaller and smaller since the cutting work for the tiles is not to be carried out on the new tile floor.
Der Abstellraum dient uns als Ablage der Materialien, auch der ist schon fertig gefliest. Unser Arbeitsraum hingegen wird immer kleiner, da die Schneidearbeiten für die Fliesen nicht auf dem neuen Fliesenboden ausgeführt werden sollen.




Every free minute I use to further lime, soon this is also done and all rooms are then painted four times. Furthermore, I'm busy with painting the ceiling, here bio-color is used.
Jede freie Minute nutze ich um weiter zu kalken, bald ist auch dies geschafft und alle Räume sind dann vier Mal gestrichen. Weiterhin bin ich damit beschäftigt die Decken zu streichen, dazu kommt eine Biofarbe zum Einsatz.



The view from the living room into the kitchen, which is also already tiled. The tile work must be done at the transitions before the doors can be installed, tomorrow we will do it.
Der Blick vom Wohnzimmer in die Küche, die ebenfalls bereits fertig gefliest ist. Die Fliesenarbeiten müssen an den Übergängen fertig sein bevor die Türen eingebaut werden können, morgen werden wir das schaffen.


Tag/Day 1 | Der alte Garten und Planung / The old garden and Planning
Tag/Day 2 | Aushub, Fundament / Excavation, foundation
Tag/Day 3+4 | Fundament, Anschlüsse / Foundation wall and connections
Tag/Day 5 | Innenraum auffüllen / Interior filling
Tag/Day 6-7-8 | Bodenplatte / Base plate
Tag/Day 9 | Außenmauern /Outer walls
Tag/Day 10 | Außenmauern /Outer walls
Tag/Day 11 | Außenmauern /Outer walls
Tag/Day 12 | Außenmauern /Outer walls
Tag/Day 13 | Innenmauern /Inner walls
Tag/Day 14 | Ringanker / Ring anchor
Tag/Day 15 | Innenmauern /Inner walls
Tag/Day 16 | Dach / Roof
Tag/Day 17 | Dach / Roof
Tag/Day 18 | Dampfsperre / Steam barrier
Tag/Day 19 | Dachziegel / Roof tiles
Tag/Day 20+21 | Wandschlitze/ Wall slots
Tag/Day 22+23 | Elektro Leerrohre / Electrical empty pipes
Tag/Day 24+25 | Sanitär / Sanitary
Tag/Day 26 | Windows
Tag/Day 27 | Pre-plastering
Tag/Day 28+29 | Facing walls and window-boards
Tag/Day 30 | Facing walls and window-boards
Tag/Day 31+32 | Interior plastering
Tag/Day 33+34 | Floor construction
Tag/Day 35 | Electricity, telephone and Internet cables
Tag/Day 36+37 | laying out of heat conductors
Tag/Day 38+39 | Exterior plaster
Tag/Day 40+41 | Foundation for the heat pump
Tag/Day 42+43 | Outside tissue plastering
Tag/Day 44+45 | Heating system and tiles
Tag/Day 46+47 | Tiles and water connection
Tag/Day 48 | Sewer connection
Tag/Day 49 | Completion of the sewer connection
Tag/Day 50 | Sanitary equipment and roof insulation
Tag/Day 51 | Doors expansion
Tag/Day 52 | Some additions
Tag/Day 53 | Power connection
Tag/Day 54 | Inside electric connections
Tag/Day 55+56+57 | Roof insulation
Tag/Day 58 | Staircase and roof insulation
Tag/Day 59 | Tiling work
Tag/Day 60 | Tiling and liming work
Tag/Day 61-64 | Liming work

Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!

Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!

original content by @schamangerbert in 4000x3000 quality shot with Canon Ixus 255 HS

Schaman GerbertIMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


Excellent construction blog dear @schamangerbert! Thanks a lot for sharing!

It is my pleasure when you like it!

Living room finished! It's a perfectly tiled! Thank you very much for this guidance! People do different different types of posts! But you are awesome! One of the great guidance ever!

(My voting power is still regenerating, therefore please allow me four more days to provide 100% upvotes for your posts)


Very important information of house Construction.
Great post . 100% like and resteem

Warum habt ihr euch entschieden die Küche zu fliessen?
Also das nimmt mich wirklich wunder. Ich finde Fliessen zwar einfacher zum Putzen aber Holz liegt mir selber mehr :)

Holz ist nicht so gut mit einer Fußbodenheizung.

@schamangerbert - Love your work, and, i'm impressed by your knowledge of construction Sire. Actually it is very nice and neat. So this could be more useful, and also, can get a clear idea about how we doing this kind of work without any hesitation. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post Sire.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

You are welcome!

amigo #resteemia at your service

'I'm busy with painting the ceiling, here bio-color is used' what did you mean by bio-color? nice & clean construction @schamangerbert

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

It is a color with no bad chemicals in it. In Germany we call everything bio-.... if it is natural product.

It's amazing to see every single step and what needs to be done! I can imagine how much time a house construction takes, but I'm sure it's worth it in the end :)

Absolutely! My best decision so far to build my own house.

Its's not easy to build a home. In fact any construction. Thank you for sharing your construction diary.

Thanks! I am happy if it gives any value to you.

Good info is Ground Tile Processing. Great post.

Looking very amazing now :)

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