My House Construction Blog Day 49 / Hausbau Blog Tag 49 / (en/de)

in #deutsch7 years ago

Day 49 /Tag 49

We continue with the completion of the sewer connection. The brown ceramic tube was connected to the main duct and the revision shaft. The green PVC pipe comes from the house.
Weiter geht es mit dem Abschluß des Kanalanschlußes. Das braune Keramikrohr wurde an den Hautpkanal und den Revisionsschacht angeschlossen. Das grüne PVC Rohr kommt vom Haus.




Now the pipes are sanded in and the upper part of the shaft is set up.
Nun werden die Rohre eingesandet und das obere Teil des Schachtes aufgesetzt.



The lid ring is carefully inserted with the excavator.
Der Deckelring wird behutsam mit dem Bagger eingesetzt.





The lid is also positioned with the help of the excavator, and I am amazed how it goes with the big shovel.
Der Deckel wird ebenfalls mit Hilfe des Baggers in Position gebracht, und ich staune nicht schlecht wie der das mit der großen Schaufel macht.




In the meantime, the drying of the screed is in full progress in the house, and the water drains of the drying machines can finally drain off via the freshly connected channel.
Inzwischen ist im Haus die Trocknung des Estrichs in vollem Gange und die Wasserabläufe der Trocknungsmaschienen können nun endlich über den frisch angeschlossenen Kanal abfließen.



In the bathroom, the drainage of the sewage was laid through the roof into the open air.
Im Bad wurde die Entlüftung des Abwassers durchs Dach hindurch ins Freie verlegt.


It will continue with the interior finishing. I would like to present the most detailed description of a house construction with this construction book and I am glad about your questions, your vote and especially a resteeming.

Weiter geht es mit dem Innenausbau. Ich möchte mit diesem Bautagebuch die detailierteste Beschreibung eines Hausbaus abliefern und freue mich über Deine Fragen, Deinen Vote und ganz besonders über ein Reesteemen.

Tag/Day 1 | Der alte Garten und Planung / The old garden and Planning
Tag/Day 2 | Aushub, Fundament / Excavation, foundation
Tag/Day 3+4 | Fundamentwand und Anschlüsse / Foundation wall and connections
Tag/Day 5 | Innenraum auffüllen / Interior filling
Tag/Day 6-7-8 | Bodenplatte / Base plate
Tag/Day 9 | Außenmauern /Outer walls
Tag/Day 10 | Außenmauern /Outer walls
Tag/Day 11 | Außenmauern /Outer walls
Tag/Day 12 | Außenmauern /Outer walls
Tag/Day 13 | Innenmauern /Inner walls
Tag/Day 14 | Ringanker / Ring anchor
Tag/Day 15 | Innenmauern /Inner walls
Tag/Day 16 | Dach / Roof
Tag/Day 17 | Dach / Roof
Tag/Day 18 | Dampfsperre / Steam barrier
Tag/Day 19 | Dachziegel / Roof tiles
Tag/Day 20+21 | Wandschlitze/ Wall slots
Tag/Day 22+23 | Elektro Leerrohre / Electrical empty pipes
Tag/Day 24+25 | Sanitär / Sanitary
Tag/Day 26 | Windows
Tag/Day 27 | Pre-plastering
Tag/Day 28+29 | Facing walls and window-boards
Tag/Day 30 | Facing walls and window-boards
Tag/Day 31+32 | Interior plastering
Tag/Day 33+34 | Floor construction
Tag/Day 35 | Electricity, telephone and Internet cables
Tag/Day 36+37 | laying out of heat conductors
Tag/Day 38+39 | Exterior plaster
Tag/Day 40+41 | Foundation for the heat pump
Tag/Day 42+43 | Outside tissue plastering
Tag/Day 44+45 | Heating system and tiles
Tag/Day 46+47 | Tiles and water connection
Tag/Day 48 | Sewer connection

Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!

Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!

original content by @schamangerbert in 4000x3000 quality shot with Canon Ixus 255 HS

Schaman GerbertIMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


Full 100% upvoted and resteemed :-)

That kind of support is amazing and will push me to reputation 65 in a few minutes!!!

Na da voten wir auch nochmal deinen Kommentar dass es bald mit dr 65 klappt ;-)

Jetzt steht es bei 64.944 :) Dankeschön!

Awesome sir i wish you complete your house without any problems.

Thanks my friend! It was build 2013, and I am living in it since then, everything went smoothly.

ok dear nice i thought it is in process of building.

It's finally coming along , day by day :D

Less then 3 weeks to the finish line :)

Thanks for the updates:D

1st I wish you a great luck ahead and hope you can build your house in planned time, under planned budget.
Actually I have learnt few things today and today is the 1st time I have visited your blog. Hope to read your previous posts too. Coz I am willing to build my dream house, so this will be very useful for me!

Thanks for sharing this great knowledge with us!


Thanks my friend! I can say that everything went ok, it was built in 2013.

Oh it was built! That's great!

Hoffe es steht noch alles wie es soll :)?

Aber klar doch :)

Great,slowly and steadily everything going good.
Learning many things about construction for sure after reading
your post :D

Thanks! I try to catch every step in detail, so it is for me also a great reminder.

I wish to see more update <3 future. best wish dear.

No worry :) I will update soon.

It is kind of you and I am so Happy . Thank you @schamangerbert

work in full power mode ON :)

I had set the time frame to 3 month for building and it took 3 month and 2 weeks, every day was full of different tasks.

best wishes for your hard work my friend. this is something like a motivation post, thanks for sharing it with us.

work going good

The brown ceramic tube was connected to the main duct and the revision shaft. @naz722

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