House Construction Blog Day 66 / Hausbau Blog Tag 66 / (en/de)

in #building7 years ago

This construction diary is a detailed description of my house construction in 2013 and I am glad about your questions, your vote and especially a resteeming.
Dieses Bautagebuch ist eine detaillierte Beschreibung meines Hausbaus von 2013 und freue mich über Deine Fragen, Deinen Vote und ganz besonders über ein Resteemen.

Day 66 /Tag 66

We finished the tile work today. Thus tomorrow the doors can be installed. Grouting is only made later when the screed is completely dried out. This prevents cracks and the screed can still set.
Die Fliesenarbeiten haben wir heute abgeschlossen. Somit können morgen die Türen eingebaut werden. Die Verfugung wird erst später gemacht, wenn der Estrich völlig ausgetrocknet ist. Damit werden Risse verhindert und der Estrich kann sich noch setzen.


A total of 4 different tiles were laid: in the living room large square, light brown marbled.
Insgesamt wurden 4 verschiedene Fliesen verlegt: Im Wohnzimmer große quadratische, hell braun marmorierte.


The entrance area and ensuite guest toilet, got large bright tiles.
Der Eingangsbereich und anschließende Gäste-WC, bekamen große helle Fliesen.


Kitchen and bathroom got the same only in a slightly brownish tones.
Küche und Bad bekamen die gleichen nur in einem etwas bräunlichen Ton gehaltenen Fliesen.



The storage room, my cellar and store, was designed with these square bright tiles. All tiles are high quality Italian tiles which I had got as remaining stock for the half price, since I had only small surfaces.
Der Abstellraum, mein Keller und Speicher, wurde mit diesen quadratischen hellen Fliesen ausgelegt. Alle Fliesen sind hochwertige italienische Fliesen die ich als Restbestände für den halben Preis bekommen hatte, da ich ja nur kleine Flächen hatte.


Tag/Day 1 | Der alte Garten und Planung / The old garden and Planning
Tag/Day 2 | Aushub, Fundament / Excavation, foundation
Tag/Day 3+4 | Fundament, Anschlüsse / Foundation wall and connections
Tag/Day 5 | Innenraum auffüllen / Interior filling
Tag/Day 6-7-8 | Bodenplatte / Base plate
Tag/Day 9 | Außenmauern /Outer walls
Tag/Day 10 | Außenmauern /Outer walls
Tag/Day 11 | Außenmauern /Outer walls
Tag/Day 12 | Außenmauern /Outer walls
Tag/Day 13 | Innenmauern /Inner walls
Tag/Day 14 | Ringanker / Ring anchor
Tag/Day 15 | Innenmauern /Inner walls
Tag/Day 16 | Dach / Roof
Tag/Day 17 | Dach / Roof
Tag/Day 18 | Dampfsperre / Steam barrier
Tag/Day 19 | Dachziegel / Roof tiles
Tag/Day 20+21 | Wandschlitze/ Wall slots
Tag/Day 22+23 | Elektro Leerrohre / Electrical empty pipes
Tag/Day 24+25 | Sanitär / Sanitary
Tag/Day 26 | Windows
Tag/Day 27 | Pre-plastering
Tag/Day 28+29 | Facing walls and window-boards
Tag/Day 30 | Facing walls and window-boards
Tag/Day 31+32 | Interior plastering
Tag/Day 33+34 | Floor construction
Tag/Day 35 | Electricity, telephone and Internet cables
Tag/Day 36+37 | laying out of heat conductors
Tag/Day 38+39 | Exterior plaster
Tag/Day 40+41 | Foundation for the heat pump
Tag/Day 42+43 | Outside tissue plastering
Tag/Day 44+45 | Heating system and tiles
Tag/Day 46+47 | Tiles and water connection
Tag/Day 48 | Sewer connection
Tag/Day 49 | Completion of the sewer connection
Tag/Day 50 | Sanitary equipment and roof insulation
Tag/Day 51 | Doors expansion
Tag/Day 52 | Some additions
Tag/Day 53 | Power connection
Tag/Day 54 | Inside electric connections
Tag/Day 55+56+57 | Roof insulation
Tag/Day 58 | Staircase and roof insulation
Tag/Day 59 | Tiling work
Tag/Day 60 | Tiling and liming work
Tag/Day 61-64 | Liming work
Tag/Day 65 | Tiling and painting work

Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!

Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!

original content by @schamangerbert in 4000x3000 quality shot with Canon Ixus 255 HS

Schaman GerbertIMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


Mit dem Verlegen der Fliesen wird das Ganze ja fast schon wohnlich ;-)

Ja, jetzt noch die Türen und fertig :)

I like tiled surfaces! Great work and excellent result dear @schamangerbert!

good finishing of ground tile insulation. 100% like and resteem

I was looking for the price of Italian tiles when you said High Quality Italian Tiles. we have tiles only one bathroom. But I think my brother might know where it from .

loved seeing the house construction great going :D

The last steps are coming ....

Run as you may! You cannot escape...the Almighty Bunghole!

@schamangerbert - Sire, it's a perfect work of tile installation. Love your experience Sire. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post Sire.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Great idea is house construction and ground tile development.

@amigo #resteemia at your service

'We finished the tile work today. Grouting is only made later when the screed is completely dried out.' i thought grouting is done with tile installation. impressive work @schamangerbert

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

According to your post, you have used four different tiles! That's a great idea! Thanks for sharing! It has a lot of things to get! Really appreciate your effort!


You are welcome!

Schade, dass der Bau schon gelaufen ist. Ich hätte dir ein bißchen Lehmputz verpasst. lg

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