[The Alternative Steem TOPs, 29.09.2019 GMT] Top Of The Pop [Newbies]

in #top5 years ago

The best posts for each of the most popular tags on steemit.

Check them out below!

What makes our list special?

  • We suffer very little influence from bots. They don't post much so whatever little influence they could get on our list fades away over time
  • Our lists have credible authority because it is indirectly curated by users who have already collaborated on the same subjects (tags).
  • Only the best content should show up on our lists, because they would have attracted more attention from reputable users on the appropriate tag.
  • Lists quality is highly guaranteed because it's curation is contantly based only on active reputable users thanks to our vote value decay system and zero influence from users' steem power, and because self votes is deleted from calculations.

How it works:

Posts from each of the most popular tags get assigned a value based on who voted on them. The ones with the highest rank are put on our lists and get a SBD reward.

How much value a user's vote has is calculated based on how many reputation points they earned thanks to their own posts on the same tag.

I have reputation 10, and you have post with tag #deutsh.
I upvote you and you get +10 for your #deutsh tag reputation (#deutsch tag XP or points).
Now you are specialist for tag #deutsch and you can influence to post rating for tag #deutsh.
You upvote somebody with tag #deutsch and this man have 10 points in rating of posts for tag #deutsch.
The best post have max points.

Steem user reputation is not reputation, it is user activity index. You make posts and got points for your activity.
Rating is something more) Active people choose good authors and add them tags reputation points. People with tags reputation points are specialists. They can recommend us good posts. It is rating idea.


Earning vote value on a specific tag:

  • Bob made three posts under the #steem tag. He earned 2 reputation points from the first, 1 from the second and none from the other. This means he ranked up 3 reputation points from posting under the #steem tag, so his vote is worth 3 points for other #steem posts.
  • Because of this, Kate posted something on #steem and Bob voted on it, giving her post 3 points for our #steem list.

Effects of voting where you have earned no vote value:

  • Even if Bob has posts from some other tags, too, he has no #photography posts, so he could not heave earned any reputation under that tag. His vote towards posts with tags that have earned him no reputation are worth zero.
  • Peter then posted on #photography and Bob voted on it too, but that gave him no points for our #photography list.

Losing vote value for inactivity:

  • While Bob doesn't post anything well curated on the #steemit tag, his influence will slowly lose value (it do other users and earn points for this tag).

Now, let's look at what we've got for the top tags!!


Best from all tags (3094 posts)

@deanliu ★ 204 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (18.152 SBD ) reward
@blackbunny ★ 58 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.299 SBD ) reward
91.839Have A Good Day (A Lesson From A Janitor)
@hanshotfirst ★ 193 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (69.963 SBD ) reward
91.14My Last Offering
@aishwarya ★ 132 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (8.006 SBD ) reward
91.115You know why it is so gosh dang hard to trade Bitcoin?
@jrcornel ★ 335 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (76.923 SBD ) reward
90.556Outgoing Votes Report 28 September 2019
@steembasicincome ★ 1510 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (26.571 SBD ) reward
90.401[Daily Update]近七日中文区活跃用户信息速览(2019-09-29)
@chinadaily ★ 72 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.531 SBD ) reward
90.351Active authors & posts under the CN category [2019-09-27]
@chinadaily ★ 72 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.733 SBD ) reward
90.304🏅 [Daily Update] Steemit Top User Report (Sep 29)
@lalala ★ 37 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.049 SBD ) reward
89.141First Actual Steem Meetup in Finland
@celestal ★ 161 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (12.805 SBD ) reward

Tag "cn" (60 posts)

@deanliu ★ 204 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (18.152 SBD ) reward
@blackbunny ★ 58 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.299 SBD ) reward
89.405[Daily Update]近七日中文区活跃用户信息速览(2019-09-29)
@chinadaily ★ 72 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.531 SBD ) reward
89.344Active authors & posts under the CN category [2019-09-27]
@chinadaily ★ 72 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.733 SBD ) reward
@hannahwu ★ 33 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (8.663 SBD ) reward
83.354#336 Guess where? (3) 猜猜这是哪儿(三)
@itchyfeetdonica ★ 143 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.364 SBD ) reward
@yellowbird ★ 83 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.767 SBD ) reward
82.513Hong Kong Tasteem (19) Local Food, Local Mood, Wing Wah Southeast Asia Cafe
@aaronli ★ 122 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.556 SBD ) reward
@softmetal ★ 105 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.578 SBD ) reward
@hqy ★ 45 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.026 SBD ) reward

Tag "kr" (95 posts)

81.739화성 생명체들을 만나봅니다
@kiwifi ★ 172 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (27.496 SBD ) reward
81.649우리말 우리글 이벤트 25. 정답 발표
@jjy ★ 75 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (19.895 SBD ) reward
80.341탄자니아 커피 선물 받음!
@girina79 ★ 36 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.357 SBD ) reward
80.012[승림이네 이야기] 배부름을 달래며 간 2차 꼬치집
@seunglimdaddy ★ 61 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.280 SBD ) reward
79.552갑자기 회 먹고 싶은적 없으신가요?
@luckystrikes ★ 48 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.260 SBD ) reward
79.156곰돌이 일기장 9월 29일
@gomdory ★ 23 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.562 SBD ) reward
78.857[역대BoxOffice] 관객수를 맞춰라! - #010 (누적당첨금 3500 AAA)
@hodolbak-aaa ★ 69 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.802 SBD ) reward
78.6911년을 넘게 채굴한 코인이 결국 거품이 되었다...ㅜㅜ
@stylegold ★ 39 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.603 SBD ) reward
78.626동전노래방 여사장님(베트남생활자)
@freegon ★ 133 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (12.586 SBD ) reward
78.567英총리와 No Deal Brexit
@pys ★ 50 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.900 SBD ) reward

Tag "deutsch" (51 posts)

84.28🌈 Flieg kleiner Schmetterling flieg! │Fly little butterfly fly! 🦋
@faltermann ★ 165 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.398 SBD ) reward
81.626100.000 € pro Bitcoin klingt verrückt?
@eisenbart ★ 58 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.854 SBD ) reward
81.344My first Lotus (ENG/ PT/ DE)
@lotusfleur ★ 50 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.319 SBD ) reward
80.642Ein neuer Zyklus beginnt
@bronkong ★ 74 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.630 SBD ) reward
80.321Einen schönen Sonntag...
@xels ★ 48 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.951 SBD ) reward
80.121Renn um Dein Leben! Was ist in einer Amok- und Terrorsituation zu tun?
@indextrader24 ★ 26 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.751 SBD ) reward
78.898Ein Vogel oder ein Huhn?
@siamcat ★ 89 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.482 SBD ) reward
78.842NextColony: [Gif] Animation of Exploration
@cryptoriddler ★ 75 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.189 SBD ) reward
78.639#37 Ich hab Bock, also...
@kryptodenno ★ 48 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.645 SBD ) reward
78.08Mini Waterfall in green Gorge / Mini Wasserwall in grüner Schlucht
@johannpiber ★ 155 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (18.290 SBD ) reward

Tag "spanish" (179 posts)

81.706Code Vein Walkthrough parte 1 Primera toma de contacto
@wiriwiri ★ 222 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.904 SBD ) reward
80.279Poema: Buscando (Recetas y Algo mas) elgranpoeta
@elgranpoeta ★ 177 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (9.918 SBD ) reward
80.024Lettering Art una forma original de promocionar tu arte, oficio, profesión u ocupación.
@evacortez ★ 101 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.680 SBD ) reward
78.634Dice Que Se Va (Originarr) [Eng Sub] Primer Post En 3Speak.Online
@elisonr13 ★ 106 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (9.172 SBD ) reward
78.627Un dia de campo de mi amiga sol
@veronicabracho ★ 64 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.101 SBD ) reward
78.479Amigos animales de los alrededores
@barbarabezina ★ 98 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.344 SBD ) reward
78.311No Tengas Miedo De Dejar Lo Bueno Para Ir Por Lo Grandioso Se Feliz.
@danieli98 ★ 44 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.343 SBD ) reward
78.279Escala de las preocupaciones [Poema]
@universoperdido ★ 162 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.122 SBD ) reward
77.844Hugo Blanco Trayectoria Musical #2
@electrodo ★ 77 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.350 SBD ) reward
77.838Shun-Shun (Canción Original)
@ricardomello ★ 79 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.184 SBD ) reward

Tag "pt" (16 posts)

76.593487 - Algumas Moedas de 10oz - Parte 6
@ronaldoavelino ★ 165 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (20.846 SBD ) reward
75.702Espaço da natureza em meio a cidade - Nature space in the middle of the city
@josferod2 ★ 78 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.379 SBD ) reward
@josferod2 ★ 38 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.293 SBD ) reward
74.15Vila Itororó
@teu ★ 18 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.159 SBD ) reward
73.215As minhas fotos de hoje / My photos today #PT
@revelim ★ 24 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.065 SBD ) reward
72.841Observador — 29 Setembro 2019 — Cotação Steem/SBD + Relatório de curadoria
@riscadox ★ 29 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.162 SBD ) reward
72.823O Steem é uma moeda proibida de subir de preço
@discernente ★ 53 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.249 SBD ) reward
72.289PTGRAM RELATORIO DE UPVOTES 28-09-19 (ontem e anteontem)
@ptgram-power ★ 13 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.013 SBD ) reward
@marfonso ★ 104 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.892 SBD ) reward
70.162Mooooooortal Kombat!
@wiseagent ★ 28 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.082 SBD ) reward

Tag "ru" (17 posts)

65.064My Actifit Report Card: September 28 2019
@lologom ★ 30 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.099 SBD ) reward
@funt33 ★ 7 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.057 SBD ) reward
55.614Beautifulsunday. Amazing colors of the park on the last Sunday of September)/ Чудові фарби парку в останню неділю вересня
@ir3k ★ 78 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.536 SBD ) reward
54.894Music / музыкальная подборка
@vladisss ★ 7 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.009 SBD ) reward
54.076Универсальный самолёт Flyter - детали
@sterh ★ 10 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.016 SBD ) reward
52.771Нет надежд, нет планет
@ruslan125 ★ 10 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.912 SBD ) reward
52.752Счастливая жизнь состоит из счастливых моментов
@fintechandcrypto ★ 4 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.008 SBD ) reward
51.489Детское пюре"Бабушкино лукошко"
@goldsphex ★ 2 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.000 SBD ) reward
32.024Как делают кленовый сироп
@abrikoss ★ 10 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.371 SBD ) reward
@greencmetaha ★ 2 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.001 SBD ) reward

Tag "japan" (4 posts)

51.498The deer of Nara
@stefenne ★ 80 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (8.130 SBD ) reward

Tag "photography" (318 posts)

@deanliu ★ 204 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (18.152 SBD ) reward
86.095[EN/中文]DailyPetPhotography submissions "每天寵物攝影" 圖片 Day 631
@dpet ★ 51 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.723 SBD ) reward
85.392 🌄 Photography 🌄 "" Nature ""
@sulepower ★ 569 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.427 SBD ) reward
85.321First Actual Steem Meetup in Finland
@celestal ★ 161 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (12.805 SBD ) reward
84.965Inside looking out
@tarazkp ★ 291 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.907 SBD ) reward
84.418Vanilla Cake
@milaoz ★ 107 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.255 SBD ) reward
84.007Towards the polar night.
@harkar ★ 118 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.673 SBD ) reward
83.642One-hour walk for an autumn color and texture collection
@kalemandra ★ 76 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.738 SBD ) reward
83.633[PHOTO] Hats, Rooftops & Street Art
@soyrosa ★ 245 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (14.789 SBD ) reward
83.487🌈 Flieg kleiner Schmetterling flieg! │Fly little butterfly fly! 🦋
@faltermann ★ 165 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.398 SBD ) reward

Tag "busy" (234 posts)

88.73Outgoing Votes Report 28 September 2019
@steembasicincome ★ 1510 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (26.571 SBD ) reward
87.787You know why it is so gosh dang hard to trade Bitcoin?
@jrcornel ★ 335 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (76.923 SBD ) reward
@deanliu ★ 204 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (18.152 SBD ) reward
86.657Have A Good Day (A Lesson From A Janitor)
@hanshotfirst ★ 193 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (69.963 SBD ) reward
86.098Under Bridge
@chorock ★ 61 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.786 SBD ) reward
85.853호국 영웅의 불편한 진실-故 심일소령 공적진위 확인-19
@ilovemylife ★ 94 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (18.321 SBD ) reward
85.148Chicken Noodle Soup Music..
@kingsmind ★ 161 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (11.657 SBD ) reward
@blackbunny ★ 58 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.299 SBD ) reward
84.617🏅Daily TOP posts & authors and stats in the past 7 days (Sep 21 to Sep 27)
@chinadaily ★ 69 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.003 SBD ) reward
84.441🏅 Daily TOP comments(replies) & repliers and stats in the past 7 days (Sep 21 to Sep 27)
@chinadaily ★ 57 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.266 SBD ) reward

Tag "life" (258 posts)

90.268Have A Good Day (A Lesson From A Janitor)
@hanshotfirst ★ 193 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (69.963 SBD ) reward
86.409kleiner mittags Snack .... wenn der Bauch knurrt hilft nur was zu essen.... also ...
@homeartpictures ★ 58 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.483 SBD ) reward
86.261Why are the fat people the sexiest?
@podnikatel ★ 880 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.757 SBD ) reward
85.927My Last Offering
@aishwarya ★ 132 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (8.006 SBD ) reward
85.444On Seeing That You Don't Know Yourself: Or How I Deal With Traumatic Events
@siavashgh ★ 93 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (9.008 SBD ) reward
85.372[PHOTO] Hats, Rooftops & Street Art
@soyrosa ★ 245 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (14.789 SBD ) reward
@blackbunny ★ 58 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.299 SBD ) reward
83.872The Steem Sister Show - Episode 128 // Meaningful Conversations
@steemsistershow ★ 157 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (27.664 SBD ) reward
83.536Change of Pace: A Day in Nature! (Ulog No. 39)
@denmarkguy ★ 134 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (9.087 SBD ) reward
83.377Fay Canyon At Night
@irvinesimages ★ 27 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.529 SBD ) reward

Tag "art" (106 posts)

87.073My Last Offering
@aishwarya ★ 132 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (8.006 SBD ) reward
86.288Art Explosion Week 73 Winners! The theme was HYBRIDS: 20 STEEM, PAL and CCC in prizes!
@juliakponsford ★ 142 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.822 SBD ) reward
83.858So, how good are the cameras on the iPhone 11 Pro?
@kommienezuspadt ★ 188 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.524 SBD ) reward
82.982My ArtVenture: Pastel painting”A Secret Door”
@stef1 ★ 100 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (8.387 SBD ) reward
82.49The Oracle - (finally) finished
@katharsisdrill ★ 85 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.183 SBD ) reward
81.557[PHOTO] Hats, Rooftops & Street Art
@soyrosa ★ 245 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (14.789 SBD ) reward
81.321Showcase Sunday- Greatest hits and B-sides - video
@ammonite ★ 117 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.672 SBD ) reward
80.714A new Season NextColony
@bronkong ★ 31 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.980 SBD ) reward
79.208Fay Canyon At Night
@irvinesimages ★ 27 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.529 SBD ) reward
78.294Artzones' Sunday Music Vibes.
@artzone ★ 57 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.536 SBD ) reward

Tag "steem" (127 posts)

84.811Make Steem Fun Again COMMENT RAID!
@steemitqa ★ 81 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (18.217 SBD ) reward
84.327STEEM - Start of a down move already stopped
@cryptopassion ★ 186 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (21.430 SBD ) reward
83.65First Actual Steem Meetup in Finland
@celestal ★ 161 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (12.805 SBD ) reward
83.526Are We A Few Years Too Early...?
@jongolson ★ 210 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.960 SBD ) reward
82.833Steem "Downvote" Explorer
@emrebeyler ★ 136 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (26.073 SBD ) reward
82.35Random Ass Radio Starts Now
@aggroed ★ 431 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (23.627 SBD ) reward
81.351Inside looking out
@tarazkp ★ 291 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.907 SBD ) reward
80.926Steem experiment: Burn post #351
@burnpost ★ 121 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (31.102 SBD ) reward
80.103The Road to Steemfest Business or Pleasure
@celestal ★ 99 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (30.635 SBD ) reward
78.956How to stay positive in a bear market
@conradt ★ 24 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.214 SBD ) reward

Tag "stats" (14 posts)

87.167🏅 [Daily Update] Steemit Top User Report (Sep 29)
@lalala ★ 37 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.049 SBD ) reward
87.167Daily Top voter [2019-09-27]
@lalala ★ 36 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.968 SBD ) reward
84.559[Daily Update]近七日中文区活跃用户信息速览(2019-09-29)
@chinadaily ★ 72 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.531 SBD ) reward
84.557Active authors & posts under the CN category [2019-09-27]
@chinadaily ★ 72 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.733 SBD ) reward
84.557🏅Daily TOP posts & authors and stats in the past 7 days (Sep 21 to Sep 27)
@chinadaily ★ 69 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.003 SBD ) reward
84.557🏅 Daily TOP comments(replies) & repliers and stats in the past 7 days (Sep 21 to Sep 27)
@chinadaily ★ 57 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.266 SBD ) reward
74.495【第 陆玖玖 期】CN 中文区每日【点赞收益年化率】【YY银行利息统计】 (2019-09-29)
@dailychina ★ 59 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.328 SBD ) reward
74.418【第 柒零零 期】CN 中文区每日【财富总值】【活跃统计数据】 (2019-09-29)
@dailychina ★ 60 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.321 SBD ) reward
73.587Daily Top 30 Authors Payout in the Last 7 and 30 days (2019-09-29)
@dailystats ★ 60 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.353 SBD ) reward
73.547Daily Cryptocurrency Trending (2019-09-29) 每日 虚拟货币行情走势【第 陆壹肆 期】
@dailystats ★ 58 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.322 SBD ) reward

Tag "palnet" (838 posts)

80.635Outgoing Votes Report 28 September 2019
@steembasicincome ★ 1510 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (26.571 SBD ) reward
79.027Under Bridge
@chorock ★ 61 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.786 SBD ) reward
77.724Showcase-Sunday: The mark of Chain (A fictioned reality)
@tarazkp ★ 355 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (21.956 SBD ) reward
77.62Are We A Few Years Too Early...?
@jongolson ★ 210 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.960 SBD ) reward
76.284Make Steem Fun Again COMMENT RAID!
@steemitqa ★ 81 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (18.217 SBD ) reward
76.251OCD Daily: Issue #422
@ocd ★ 438 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.862 SBD ) reward
76.079Have A Good Day (A Lesson From A Janitor)
@hanshotfirst ★ 193 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (69.963 SBD ) reward
75.828Random Ass Radio Starts Now
@aggroed ★ 431 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (23.627 SBD ) reward
75.65Inside looking out
@tarazkp ★ 291 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.907 SBD ) reward
75.569Steem "Downvote" Explorer
@emrebeyler ★ 136 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (26.073 SBD ) reward

Tag "bitcoin" (115 posts)

88.367BTC - Progressing in a new triangle - Break Out soon
@cryptopassion ★ 179 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (14.992 SBD ) reward
87.776You know why it is so gosh dang hard to trade Bitcoin?
@jrcornel ★ 335 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (76.923 SBD ) reward
79.494Start Mining Epic Cash Today.
@hilarski ★ 90 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.105 SBD ) reward
76.78Buying Coffee isn't the best use case for Bitcoin
@jondoe ★ 27 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.028 SBD ) reward
76.102Smart move
@steemychicken1 ★ 89 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.439 SBD ) reward
75.617WATCH: Inside the LatAm Crypto Market With the Founder of SatoshiTango
@cryptonized ★ 24 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.742 SBD ) reward
75.615Bankers Start to Recognize Bitcoin’s Role in Financial Evolution
@cryptonized ★ 22 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.791 SBD ) reward
75.292How many Bitcoins do you own?
@stayoutoftherz ★ 129 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.450 SBD ) reward
74.509100.000 € pro Bitcoin klingt verrückt?
@eisenbart ★ 58 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.854 SBD ) reward
73.239Should We Worry About Institutions and Intermediaries Holding Bitcoin? Yes
@nikkitoo ★ 6 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.237 SBD ) reward

Tag "blog" (130 posts)

84.818My Last Offering
@aishwarya ★ 132 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (8.006 SBD ) reward
82.377Another couple of mistakes today, they are starting to add up. Thanks Menopause.
@karenb54 ★ 57 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.777 SBD ) reward
81.711Nice Cylinder Found At Sunday Market, Boxhagener Place Berlin
@lichtblick ★ 77 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.912 SBD ) reward
@blackbunny ★ 58 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.299 SBD ) reward
81.009Smart move
@steemychicken1 ★ 89 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.439 SBD ) reward
81Wake Me Up When October Descends
@generikat ★ 23 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.815 SBD ) reward
80.846Beautiful Flowers In Autumn Meet #Colorchallenge On Appics
@lichtblick ★ 98 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.375 SBD ) reward
80.787Steem Knightsで遊んでみました
@shogo ★ 72 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.522 SBD ) reward
80.315Simple activity all you can perform in two steps. Common Give it a try.
@rockonbhai ★ 14 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.649 SBD ) reward
78.436@hajevoy60 presents: pumpkin pancakes - a recipe of the ancient...
@hajevoy60 ★ 27 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.983 SBD ) reward

Tag "nature" (76 posts)

82.036 🌄 Photography 🌄 "" Nature ""
@sulepower ★ 569 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.427 SBD ) reward
@lyubovbar ★ 29 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.071 SBD ) reward
80.54Life #1
@lyubovbar ★ 29 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.043 SBD ) reward
80.442Change of Pace: A Day in Nature! (Ulog No. 39)
@denmarkguy ★ 134 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (9.087 SBD ) reward
80.203Wake Me Up When October Descends
@generikat ★ 23 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.815 SBD ) reward
79.991One-hour walk for an autumn color and texture collection
@kalemandra ★ 76 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.738 SBD ) reward
79.704Towards the polar night.
@harkar ★ 118 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.673 SBD ) reward
79.441🌈 Flieg kleiner Schmetterling flieg! │Fly little butterfly fly! 🦋
@faltermann ★ 165 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.398 SBD ) reward
78.307A Beautiful Sublime Sunday at Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge
@debralee ★ 212 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.573 SBD ) reward
77.577Beautiful Flowers In Autumn Meet #Colorchallenge On Appics
@lichtblick ★ 98 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.375 SBD ) reward

Tag "cervantes" (54 posts)

81.217Posts votados por el equipo @ramonycajal: 28.09.2019, 23:00 / 29.09.2019, 23:00
@ramonycajal ★ 122 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.586 SBD ) reward
80.893Posts votados por el equipo @fridakahlo: 28.09.2019, 23:00 / 29.09.2019, 23:00
@fridakahlo ★ 109 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.792 SBD ) reward
79.693La hormona del amor "Oxitocina"
@felixrodriguez ★ 126 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.015 SBD ) reward
79.499Poema: Buscando (Recetas y Algo mas) elgranpoeta
@elgranpoeta ★ 177 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (9.918 SBD ) reward
79.417Calendario DIY Carrera: Medicina Calendar DIY Career: Medicine
@iamsaray ★ 59 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.555 SBD ) reward
79.375Te Extraño
@knahilyn ★ 79 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.457 SBD ) reward
78.972Tejiendo sueños
@purrix ★ 115 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.853 SBD ) reward
78.513Amigos animales de los alrededores
@barbarabezina ★ 98 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.344 SBD ) reward

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thanks @felipejoys for help in rating explanation text)


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