A Beautiful Sublime Sunday at Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge

in #beautifulsunday5 years ago

Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge.png

We have not gotten enough walks in this summer but we took a beautiful one yesterday! It had been years since I stepped into Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge. I appreciated being able to again.

The park is full of thick nature and the beauty of it all is breathtaking, to say the least.

This is one of my favorite shots from the day.


I recognized the spot, because I took this photograph there in 2007.

Picture 010.jpg

It was neat to come home and be able to compare the two photographs. So much growth has happened over the years. Although, I did notice there was less water in the area this year.

My next favorite of the day is the bright green in this little pond of water. It was a brilliant color to take in.

brilliant green.png

I loved running across these beautiful little flowers. I wish I had of notice the little orange bug to the right in the photo when I took it though.


Past that, we just enjoyed the beauty buried in the various paths and on the lake. It was a beautiful way to spend the afternoon!

paths lake.png

A big thank you to @ace108 for hosting the #beautifulsunday and to @c0ff33a for hosting the #sublimesunday tags each week!

If You Are Reading This, I Hope You Have An Awesome Day!

Photographs are owned by @debralee
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Something about being in nature is just good for the soul!

It really is. :)

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Does look like the same trees were there in 2007.

This is one of the shorter trails. I had forgotten about that photo until I looked up and seen those same two trees. It seemed to catch my eye like it did in 2007.

I think I need to tag the photos I take but it's too time consuming.

I lived close to this park for 13 years, that is why its in my memory. lol

What a lovely, tranquil place to get to enjoy before the cold weather sets in. I wish we had places like that nearby to enjoy. Beautiful photos dear.

Thanks! We are lucky to have so many places, most of them pretty nearby.

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You seem to have so many wonderful places to take talks in. Very nice!

We really are lucky in that way. Indiana is filled with state parks and such. <3

Indeed so beautiful and yes Sublime thaks for sharing this beautiful spot with us

Howdy debralee! What a great place to visit and take in some gorgeous natural sights! It looks like Fall hasn't hit there yet.

Fall is creeping in but its doing it slowly. :)

Are you guys Fall and Winter people? I know some folks love the cold temperatures!

I actually like summer but Fall is a close second.

What about winter and all that beautiful snow? And ice and bitter cold winds and high heating bills and wrecks caused by the ice! lol. Getting snowed in can be fun though.

Ha! Right. :P We usually don't get enough snow here in Indiana to get snowed in. And even if we did, most employers here would still want you to try to come to work. lol

Ok, I lived in Bluffton for a few years and we got snowed in a couple times but these things are cyclical. yeah, those companies expect everyone to own a big 4 wheel drive!

This surely made my day awesome! It's nice to go back to places and see again what made you like it the first time.

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I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

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