Wake Me Up When October Descends

in #life5 years ago

A Wedding Anniversary Like No Other.

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The current state of my driveway.

Yesterday marked something pretty spectacular in my realm, I have officially been married for twenty years! It really doesn't seem like that long ago that I ran away to the county court house, clad in purple polyester bell bottoms and eloped with a man eighteen years my senior. Someday I will probably chronicle that saga, as it contains no small amount of drama including an entire town persecuting my husband and I for having the audacity to get married, but that is a tale for another day, today I am talking about celebration not past narration!

We awoke yesterday morning, Saturday, September 28th, to a blizzard. I'm not gonna lie, even though I am used to the snow as I live in a snow belt, September is a touch early for the white stuff, at least to me it is. If I could have stayed inside clad in fleece wear and snuggled up next to the fire, the snow's arrival wouldn't have been too unbearable. Instead, we had to go out into the northeastern wind blowing snow fest and attend my son's football game in Post Falls, Idaho. Boo.

I mean, my poor animals haven't even had a chance to grow their winter coats yet, so after dumping out an obscene amount of food for the beasts, we hopped into Rufus and headed to the football field. After watching the forecast all week, I was prepared for what awaited me as a good mom-tator. I had on under armor, a hat and a hood, my winter jacket, a scarf, gloves and no less than three blankets packed. For a small amount of time I considered wearing one of our military sleeping bags, but then thought that it might be awkward.


The not small creature kicking the pig skin into the snowstorm is my 12 year old son, the Bobo.

Two lip blue-ing hours later we escaped the football field with one very frozen and exhausted child. I was actually kinda happy that my boy plays iron man football because at least he was able to keep moving the entire time. The rest of us were not so fortunate and huddled under a popup clad in all manner of wraps whilst the blizzard pounded down upon us. The joy of watching my baby gorilla crush people was the only warmth to be felt on that field.

Later, after we had tossed our kids out at the house, we found ourselves barreling up the highway towards Newport, Washington. Our destination was The Inn At The Lakeon Diamond Lake. After getting our butts kicked this year by Life, the hubs and I didn't really feel like traveling anywhere. What we really wanted was a little bit of an escape, a quiet little retreat complete with Chinese food and a jacuzzi tub.


We found exactly what we were looking for at the Inn. Jody, the establishment's proprietress, was the most welcoming, amazing person ever. She led us to our "Mountain Romance" suite on the top floor of the Mediterranean style villa and my frozen form started warming as I took in the canopy bed covered in rose petals, the giant two person jetted tub, the private terrace with a view of the lake, and the complete and unrelenting privacy that was to be ours.

Jody took one look at my frozen red nose and blue tinged lips and walked me right into the bathroom. "You get in that tub right now, here's the bath salts!" she admonished. In that moment I told her that I loved her and that I would probably never leave. She smiled and gave me a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie.

My hubs and I picked up enough Chinese take out to feed at least two teenagers and after a carcass warming bath, we sat down at our little iron bistro table and chairs and enjoyed a twentieth anniversary feast of house chow mein, Szechaun prawns, and crispy, spicy chicken. It's nice because even after twenty years we still kind of like each other:)

Oh, and during our stay it kept snowing, and snowing, and snowing.

This is what I awoke to this morning:


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I also awoke to a fantastic breakfast of huckleberry, blackberry, blueberry crossaint cream cheese stuffed bread pudding, bacon, melon, and fresh squeezed mango juice. It still hurts my soul that I left the Inn.


The aftermath. That berry pudding stuff was so awesome that you only get a picture of its picked over carcass.

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But, leave we did. The snow wasn't relenting, and we figured we better get back to the homestead and check on the kids and the animals. All in all, yesterday was the perfect day to celebrate twenty years of wedded bliss, for the blizzard, combined with parenting, combined with the all out enjoyment of each other really was a perfect representation of my time with my big Hawaiian. I can't wait to see what the next twenty will bring!


And as almost always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's still probably shivering and strongly considering snowbirding iPhone.


Are you sure it was your marriage being persecuted and not the fact that you actually own purple polyester bell bottoms? Now Kat I am certainly a fashion disaster but even I have limits.

Congrats on the 20th anniversary and I wish you many more.

HA ha ha! Yes, fashion persecution! Ahh, Chops, I am sorely tempted to dig out my day glow blue bell bottoms and an neon pink paisley shirt, in your honor, because I care, lol lol!

How on Earth are you a fashion disaster? Is there some sort of Rural Northeastern Chic style that I don't know about?

Thanks for the well wishes:)

Congratulations on your 20 years together, @generikat! Here's to many, many more, too! And enjoy your snow -- it's sure better than the dry autumns and wildfires of the past couple years.

HH! I have missed you! It's so, so good to hear from you, and I totally agree, bring on the moisture! I was so happy to actually spend an August outside this year without hacking from the smoke.

And thank you so much for the congrats!:)

I taught only in Alberta can happen something like this.
Greta is wrong. Proven again.
Oh, and great post btw.

Ah, but your province is magical and one of my favorite places on the planet, so I am glad that Idaho is in good early snow company lol!

Thanks for the kind words and more than a few giggles!

Your writeup was perfectly crafted according to October's vibe

This post has been appreciated and featured in daily quality content rewards. Keep up the good work.

Wow! Thank you for the seriously awesome sentiment, you are so, so appreciated:)

Ah, my little buddy of the 'brare motif, I am so glad to be able to say hello, and congratulate you on a most excellent, non-adventurous for once, anniversary time in the warmth and bask of warmtub delight. Sounds quite divine, and much needed. Congratulations on the big 2-oh, and many many more spans of 20 to come. I am sure it was a good story, your weddin, so I look forward to hearing it one day. Though I just wish folks would leave other folks business alone, purple tights or no tights fit for a king, involved. What a concept, eh? (The leaving other's alone, not the skin tight, concord colored leggings of yon royalty....those I'd LOVE to see. Pictures, please ( :

I also think it would be a hoot to see an oversized GK offspring plowing through the offensive line of other teams, wreaking havoc on the hapless running backs and such across the oblong leather piglet. Even in the snow. I hope that has abated a bit by now.
Well, my furry friend (as in Kat), I hope all is well out yonder, and you are doing well. One day soon I shall be back on this site, putting out my dddiatribe, but life is too busy at the moment. I barely have time to vote, and I'm not even very good at THAT, most days. I missed a few of your'n recently. Large sigh
Cheers to you and yours, and keep on smiling,
-The Flat Pan of Some Sort Of Renown

Ah, my friend of the domestic skilletness, I have missed you! It was truly delightful to not have shenanigans of the trauma and/or take care of something kind on our nuptial remembrance day. You know, I don't know if there are any pictures of my wedding, but there should be some of me clad in my spun polymer finery somewhere. One of my teachers referred to me as the Polyester Princess. Honestly, I inherited a collection of 60's and 70's wear from my auntie, and let's just say everyday I went to school it was Party like it's 1999 time. Heh. I think I miss the orange moon boots most of all, my small statured self loved the 6 inches in height attained.

The snow has finally melted, and my largish offspring has recovered from his game, tis amazing what an Epsom salt bath will do. Smashing stuff, Epsom salt. If they ever figure out how to make bell bottoms from the stuff I would so rock a pair...Sorry, I diverted, been doing that a lot lately, I blame the bovines, we are going to get three of them this weekend! Three!

Seriously though, I am so glad that you are wandering through the digi-weeds again and blessing us with your Flat Panness of awesomeness again. Hopefully things will slow down a touch and you can hang out a bit more, your blog posts are legend!

Peace out Renown-town

Congratulations on your twentieth anniversary! Your day certainly had its contrasts, from freezing at a football game to toasting in a hot tub. The food sounds delicious. I think I need to go there.

Kudos on your re-celebration and remembrance of your nuptials! Twenty is a nice, round number...

We celebrated some 47 this year... :)

Your getaway lodge looks and sounds absolutely divine, and I must confess has stirred up not a little jealousy in my semi-regenerate heart.



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