Luna cautiva-Captive moon-Original poem - 100 days poetry challenge- Day 29

in #poetry7 years ago

Saludos, Steemianos hispanohablantes.
Estamos en el día 29, en dirección a cien días de poesía. Agradezco a las personas que me apoyan y que han leído lo que estoy creando para el ciclo de 100 días de Poesía, convocado por #steemitschool. Siempre esperando su gentil mirada y que les guste. Continuamos sin desmayo.

"El tiempo es muy lento para los que esperan, muy rápido para los que temen, muy largo para los que sufren, muy corto para los que gozan; pero para quienes aman, el tiempo es eternidad"

William Shakespeare

Luna cautiva

Atrapada en el goteo del tiempo.
Tan perfecto que espanta,
tan lento para el gusto de muchos,
para ti, incluso.
Apareces esclavizada por una imparcialidad latente,
que horada tu paciente tránsito
en nosotros, tu raza ingente.
La alquimia humana, tan predecible,
se quedó en tu plata,
no termina de quitar el velo invisible
que cubre tu mirada y hechura.
Luna de tensa calma y de tormentas.
Luna agujereada de miríadas
de ojos inconscientes
que no quitan tus grilletes, los aprietan.
Ese tiempo de eternidad inclemente
vibra en el encantado y coercible
temperamento de nosotras, tus criaturas.
Atadas como tú, a la luz reverberante y ardiente.

Greetings, Steemians and colleagues from #steemitschoolpoetry.
We are on day 29, heading for a hundred days of poetry. I thank the people who support me and who have read what I am creating for the cycle of 100 days of Poetry, summoned by steemitschool. Always waiting for your kind look and that you like them. We continue without fainting.

My musical theme that I connect to, between lines, with this creation is: Rag'n'Bone Man - Arrow

"Time is very slow for those who wait, very fast for those who fear, very long for those who suffer, very short for those who enjoy, but for those who love, time is eternity"

William Shakespeare

Captive moon

Caught in the trickle of time.
So perfect that scares,
so slow for the taste of many,
for you, even
You appear her enslaved by a latent impartiality,
that pierce your patient transit
in us, your great raza
Human alchemy, so predictable,
stayed in your silver,
does not finished removing the invisible veil
that covers your appearance and composition.
Moon of calm and storms.
Moon traversed by myriads
of unconscious eyes
that do not removed your shackles, they squeeze them.
That inclement time of eternity
vibrates in the enchanted and coercible
Temperament of us, your creatures.
Tied like you, in the reverberant and fiery light.

Original poem by @zeleiracordero

Reading notes:Intermediates

The images are by Pixabay

Summary of my latest publications:
The broken mirror-Day1 / The habit of the monk-Day2 / This skin that I live-Day 3 / Guest I - Day 4 / Guest II - Day 5 / Guest of light - Day 6 /Eternal guest - Day 7 / Gift of flows - Day #8 / Waning moon - Day 9 / The sanchez ear - Day 10 / Numen - Day 11 / Divergent -Day 12 / Trascend-of you-Day 13 / Identit-Day 14 / The wrong theory-Day 15 / Insight - Day 16 / Cirineo / sand castles - Day 18 / sigh of your skin -Day 19 /limbo underwater -Day 20 / Dualidad fractal-Day 21 / Revelation - Day 22 / Whisper -Day 23 / Corresponding Rhetoric-Día 24 / Distant Muse -Day 25 / Renaissance - Day 26 / Scarlet moon-Day 27Criatura de luna-Moon creature -Day 28

April 04 , 2018

Thanks to @d-pend and to #steemitschool for the creation of this space to share our creations.

And, very especially, to my invaluable friend @onthewayout.

If you have not yet joined the Steemit School Discord, do it now:Discord

For accompanying me, reading me and always being there ... Simply THANKS

Por acompañarme, leerme y estar ahí...6985591ee86eebb8920d6ce133a86550 simplemente gracias.jpg


La felicito por este desafío de 100 días.
Siempre leo sus poesías, me parecen interesantes y muy lindas.

Gracias gigantes por la compañía, amigo @leomolina.¡ Un abrazo!

Excelente poema. La luna siempre ha tenido un influjo en nuestra imaginación. Con temor a sonar machista, me pregunto si cuando dices "nosotras tus criaturas" te refieres a las mujeres en particular. Lo digo por el ciclo lunar de 28 días que controla las mareas y a los seres mágicos como ustedes.

Lo dejo a tu propia imaginación, mi estimado @sansoncarrasco. Ja,ja.

El poema es escantador. Misteriosa luna. Saludos hermana.

¡Gracias, hermano! Me encanta que te guste.

Moon of calm and storms.
Moon traversed by myriads
of unconscious eyes
that do not removed your shackles, they squeeze them.
That inclement time of eternity
vibrates in the enchanted and coercible

Wonderful penning, Zeleira. I really enjoyed:)

Thanks, friend Pryde. The enjoyment of this route of 100 days of poetry has made us more sensitive, deeper in the words and fibers ... right?

Beautiful lines, I like how you used the moon as a captivating tool, it made me imagine looking at the moon and it’s slow trod through the night

Thanks for reading and feeling it part of you, friend @dmilliz.

the moon may be captured, but I feel this too, your words pulling me into a deeper sleep and a night where the moon is pinned to the sky. <3

Always grateful for the constant support, dear @carmalain, I am touched by your very so true impression.

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