dreemit's journey through steemit: Three months of All of You!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

"Foryerfacious" is the property of @nonameslefttouse

Introduced in Art edition #7
who granted special permission for its use in this celebratory piece- a gift of congratulations for the following milestones:

5500+ sp, 11+ vests, 220+ followers, 2500+posts and a 66 rep

Thank you my friend!!

There may be a few things- posts and people- in this article that are out of order in terms of when they were read or when we met. The time I've been on this platform has flown by, blurring things a bit along the way.

Has it really been three months since I first stepped foot aboard this ship? Time is such an odd thing, on one hand it feels like it was just yesterday when I first approached the 'door' to this place, filled with curiosity and trepidation, but in other ways it feels like I've been here for years.

I recently wrote a comment on a great post by @stellabelle about sharing our introductions and I decided it made a good opener, so it's getting a repeat.

I landed here on November 28th, just before the last hardfork. This is a photo taken of me as I wandered the steemit halls my first day:

If you can't tell by the durpy duh look on my face, I'll translate- I was utterly clueless. The only thing I knew coming in was 'choose your name carefully because it can't be changed' and 'put your password somewhere really safe'. These were instructions given to me by my husband. To be fair he also had me watch a video...a very technical (and verryy boring) video that I heard two words of, blockchain-?durp; steem-? duhh

My husband translated: "If you write stories on this site they will be there forever, a legacy for our great great grandchildren. And steem is a new form of money that they'll pay you for writing these stories."

Okay then.

The first thing I posted was a short story. No pictures, no formatting. I had entered my 'room' and the Submit a Story had been like a beacon that I'd run straight to. When I opened up that particular door there was a blank page I just had to fill. Even though the video I'd watched had spoken about the importance of an introduction, I felt that I would never get anything up if I didn't just dive in with something, anything. And this was my first splash.

The Playground Series Episode One
(Picture I added later)

After which I started browsing and found the introduceyourself tag, and you'd think I would have opened up a few to get some ideas... but nope. I did learn how to put in a picture at least, but that's probably the best thing I can say about

my clever (if clever means clueless) introduction

But I'm getting ahead of the story. In between learning how to put in pictures (and for any newbies reading this right now, I can't stress how important that particular lesson is) and writing my rather vague introduction, I saw that I'd gained my first follower! I was super excited and clicked to find that I was being followed by paul, but not just any paul, @therealpaul

And so I entered the first room besides my own, and this room was grand! In fact it seemed to be a library, or perhaps a cozy used bookstore, I could almost smell the paper, the scent of coffee, and even a hint of tobacco. I felt instantly at home and immediately reached for a story that caught my eye.

a story by paul

I spent a bit of time reading in this fascinating place. A place where I would find myself daily over the next few months, conversing with my now very close friend. In which time I would learn that not only was he a gifted writer and a man of knowledge and truth, but an incredible artist as well.

oil on canvas

And because of his exceptional talent with paint, I commissioned him to create a new cover for my book Reborn, which he has recently completed (very exciting!) I will be making a post for that, steemit bringing writers and artists together- be sure to look for it!

Where was I? Oh yes, I hit the follow button back, reluctantly left, and once in my own room again I decided to take a peek at Replies, (this was before we were alerted to replies), and someone had left me some words! It was @therealpaul and he had written a comment about the playground series! I was extremely elated to be complimented by the very man whose stories I had just been marveling over.

I responded to his kind words then began to explore in earnest.

When I entered the place labeled new, I found myself in a vast hallway with doors as far as the eye could see. From my position I could hear noises coming from behind the doors, and I began taking mental notes as I walked along. There was an action filled story being told in the room of @ryivhnn and a podcast from @beanz, nature sounds through the door of @carrinm, and a lecture going on @ebryans. A didgeridoo played in the home of @ballinconscious, and a tour of South America with @writingamigo; there were quiet conversations @karenb54, and energetic ones @arthuradamson,
...and somewhere down the hall I heard laughter.

There were vivid colors emanating from beneath the doorway to this laughter, and I picked up my pace and stopped in front of it. The logo instructed me to STARE and the name...@nonameslefttouse? The artist/writer himself? Oh, I had to see what was inside this place.

I walked in and did exactly as the logo instructed...I stared. It was a gallery unlike any I had ever encountered, a kaleidoscope of colors decorating the walls in every direction.

@nonameslefttouse spectacular art edition #4

Mesmerized I found my feet carrying me to the source of the laughter and Holy Shit! A Green Man was speaking to a crowd of people who were doubled over in hysterics. This Man was a spectacle. This Man was a comedian. This was a Man I had to meet!

This Man does Charts

I sat down with the rest of the crowd and soon found myself doubled over with them, and when it came time to leave, I had to hold my aching side.

_If you have not yet entered this room, I advise you to do so now. But I must warn you it is not for _ the politically correct, or anyone lacking a sense of humor. (Some of the comment sections alone will split your sides.)
And it is in this room that I would eventually meet my darling friend @kiwideb, who shares my evolved sense of humor (if evolved means slightly reminiscent of a twelve year old boy,), and makes my day by telling me she starts out hers by reading my newest chapter. If you're looking for tips on nutrition and excellent recipes to try she provides them here or if you've grown tired of your same old music list check out her suggestions here

I have made a number of wonderful connections through interactions in comment sections, and I will probably reiterate this, but I feel it is so important. I greatly appreciate every one who votes up my comments, as it serves as a recognition of this sentiment. A special thank you this week to @abit and @stellabelle for that recognition.

Now because I was following @therealpaul and @nonameslefttouse I could step right into their rooms from my own, consequently I spent an inordinate amount of time in these rooms before I ventured out into the 'new' hallway once again.

More notes as I walked along and heard a werewolf story being told @michelle.gent's, while a steampunk song played @neoxian's, there was a family outing with @jrcornel, and here was a joyful lady working late @karenmckersie...
...and here an intellectual debate @sigmajin. I nearly passed this room as I couldn't imagine what I could possibly add to a discussion about a place for which I knew so little. Then I realized what I could add...was questions. And over the course of the next several weeks I asked many. Thank you @sigmajin for the gift of your knowledge and time. (patience of a saint)

Then once more I heard a crowd and laughter drawing me to a new room, and I opened this door into a world of chaotic fun. There was a party going on in this place, and I walked smack into the middle of it. It was wild. It was strange. And it was obviously a place for the community to mingle. The host of this room was one cool dude, and he encouraged me to get involved...so I did!
My first attempts at contesting
And he is still at it, so if you want to have some fun and meet some really great people then check this out

And if @papa-pepper is the community man, than @merej99 is the Woman, and what a woman she is! Not only is she the welcome wagon for newbies This one features a really cool newbie at the time she also hosts fund raisers for anyone on the site in need of a little help. A pay it forward initiative Barn Raising Style I can't say enough about this amazing woman and friend!

And it was due to that barn raising post that I met another fine member of the community--and learned what a witness is.

This guy always has steemit's best interest at heart!
a witness update by klye Don't forget to vote for @klye!

Did I mention I can't say enough about the amazing @merej99? Because in addition to her altruism, she is also an artist: Check out her newest piece here and because of her art I stumbled upon another artist, @opheliafu whose graceful pictures and words are like a soothing whisper in a field of wildflowers. She made this lovely piece for @merej99 and the community to enjoy:

For another example of her delicate work Click Here

Since we're on the topic of art, I suggest you check out this amazing woman @reddust Pen and Ink and her uniquely beautiful visions of the earth and world we live in.

And if you enjoy cartoons that have the power to make you laugh you'll want to add this cool guy to your list- @rigaronib- whose daily holi art is a favorite of mine- starts my day off with a grin ;)

To see the Tooth fairy in full color Click Here

Anndd I got ahead of myself again, so I'll go back. Now at this point I was getting the hang of this place, and began searching for specific interests. And being a fictional writer it's no surprise that I'm also an avid reader of fiction. When I opened that fiction door one of the first places I came upon was the wonderful @ezzy's. You will be hard pressed to meet a kinder, warmer individual, who has a fine piece of Science Fiction for us all to enjoy. His novel Symbiotic Protocol Though if there is another as kind and warm, then it's @jlufer, who often shares fantastical pictures:

and is an extraordinary man of legends. Thank you @jlufer for the kind words you leave on every one of my posts, you are a most honorable friend.

Speaking of words on posts, I recently wrote a short piece about the importance of comments. This has never been more apparent than in the instance of someone who is a brilliant writer and a loyal friend. I discovered him in the comment section of @ezzy's book, writing beautiful compliments to the author, and I just had to see what his own page had to offer... And it offered a wealth of incredible material! If you have not yet read it, you should start now: The incredibly gifted @jedau's A Day in the Clouds and his awesome backstage look at this heartwarming, action packed story about a truly special boy silver lining
@jedau I look for your face in my comments every day, steemit would be incomplete without you. Thank you for everything!

And because I'm talking about fiction I will skip ahead and introduce a few new friends of mine. @fisteganos is a more recent member but is gaining traction quickly, with a fine social grace and natural skills at weaving stories. He began an innovative blockchain fiction project that can be found here

And due to this project I met two more gifted writers, @riskdebonaire and @son-of-satire.

Actually, although @fisteganos project is what truly brought us together, my first interaction with @son-of-satire was through his own similar initiative fifty word frenzy and through working on both projects it has been my privilege to come to know this heartfelt, passionate man, yet another I'm grateful to count among my friends. And while most may know him for his somewhat controversial and always thought provoking posts, do you also know he is an exceptional writer of fiction? If not, I suggest you check out his short story Blockchained and his novel:

Blood Oaths and Offerings

His masterful skills drew me in to an incredibly vivid world with characters that were so real I found myself in tears by the end of the prologue. I truly cannot compliment him enough, and hope to see a new chapter of B.O.O. soon.

And now I'll go back once more. The next stop on my steemit journey was into the music scene. Those of you who know me, know that I've been working on getting my brother to join, posting videos of his originals like this one:Thankful
And his covers like this one: Marvin Gaye/Ed Sheeran cool as hell crossover:

And this led me to meet some awesome people involved in the music community. There's @luzcypher, the man who runs the open-mic contests every week check out the winners for week 21 -- who is also a proficient gardener as well as great musicians like: @jaybird, @soundlegion, @tfeldman, @anarchrysalis and @verbal-d latest open-mic entry who is a talented lyricist, poet and my good friend, and also the creator of the The (fantastic) steemit song:

And as we're on the topic of poetry; if you enjoy incredibly insightful words strung together in poetic genius, than you will love @prufarchy The Mirrored Ledge @coloured-content Thoughts on Thoughts and @ericvancewalton pilgrims nirvana who is not only a poet, but the man who wrote this amazing book:

You can start reading chapter one on steemit or you can do what I did and buy it on Amazon

For those of you enjoying Reborn, you owe your thanks in part to @ericvancewalton for his counsel on the matter. And he was referred to me by a man for whom I would like to give special thanks; @donkeypong took an interest in me when I was utterly green, praised my work at a time when I needed it most, and went out of his way to help me on more than one occasion. Tom, what you do for this platform does not go unnoticed. And for people who don't know him, this will serve as a great introduction into the sweet and funny guy behind the persona of the man who runs the curie guild

The Dog Picks His Spot

And since I mentioned guilds, if you haven't met @hanshotfirst you are missing out. Also a newer friend on my journey, he's added a great deal of fun to my browsing experience. Most who know him at this point understand his name because it is explained on the wall of his blog,


there was a time that it was not -some may have thought "Hans thinks he's hot". To giggle like a schoolgirl, Click here And here

And I have no doubt most of you know who @the-alien is, but if not this incredibly sweet guy has a wealth of great articles to explore such as Conspiracy theorists a derogatory term and The tell your story series. He is also taking part in some great new initiatives to get the word out for steemit. Be sure to check in and see what he's up to!

I have been lucky in this life. I met my soul mate just out of high school, became step-mom to his two boys whom I adore (like little brothers ;)) and am raising two incredible children of my own.

myself and my gorgeous stepson(age 26)

my sister-in-law and My Love

my brother and my niece

my other gorgeous stepson (age 24)

my beautiful daughter (age 16)

my beautiful son (age 13)

In addition to having an incredible family (of which I have only shown a glimpse) I've also been fortunate enough to be self-employed for the majority of my life, working out in nature as well as affording me the luxury of time to write the stories you see on my blog.

My "workplace"

There was only one thing missing, and that was an outlet for my writing. Joining steemit.com has been life changing for me. Not just because I finally have that outlet, but also due to the amazing people I have met on the journey, people from all over the globe, from all nationalities and walks of life. This platform is a fantastically inspiring place, full of creative, artistic, progressive individuals, and I am so lucky to be a part of it!

A huge thank you to all of my followers, I hope to get to know more and more of you as we continue on together in this amazing place!

A special thank you to those who have been supporting my work with words of encouragement and votes from the beginning @ryivhnn, @coloured-content, @therealpaul, @nonameslefttouse, @donkeypong, @jedau, @kiwideb, @merej99, @jlufer, @ezzy, @the-alien, @jrcornel, @verbal-d, @writingamigo, @neoxian, @carrinm, @hanshotfirst, @kafkanarchy84, @arthuradamson, @creatr, @breezin and those who are newer to it @sazbird, @ddschtein, @meesterboom --mere words can't express how much it means to me!

Also a huge thank you to the trails who have supported me, @curie and @ned, and the dolphins and whales who have supported me @ramta, @val-a, @berniesanders, @michael-a, @riverhead, @anonymous, @wackou, @created, @nextgencrypto, @wang, @johalfiles, @twinner, @lafona-miner, @hipster, @summon, @roelandp, @kingscrown, @vcelier, @anyx, @barbro, @hello, @engagement, @masteryoda, @steemaccess, @thecyclist, @abdullar, @slowwalker, @jesta, @benjojo, @heiditravels

If there's anyone I missed, please let me know in the comments and I'll add you, and please know that I appreciate you too!

Thank you to everyone who has ever thought enough of my work to hit that vote button, each one of you makes steemit a magical place to be!

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


This is a really thoughtful post. I really enjoy how you transformed Steemit into a house and each blog into a room. I feel it speaks to the community being a family, and it is clear to see that you have worked hard to immerse yourself within it and build bonds with as many people as you can.

I'm also incredibly grateful for the compliments and the words you said about my novel. I think I know which part you cried at, because I too teared up whilst I was writing that part, as I was very involved with the character. I haven't had much in regards to feedback on my writing, which I feel is important considering I'm only recently discovering a passion for writing. You have given me more feedback than anyone else has, and for this I am most appreciative.

You go the extra mile to comment on everyone's posts, and I don't even know where you find the time to read everyone's work whilst still creating your own, but the fact that you put your time to towards doing so is commendable and it shows your commitment to Steemit and to the community that is developing here.

I hope to see you on here for a very long time to come.

Congratulations on all your milestones!

I love the idea that this is a community, with all of its creative people I feel like it's the modern day version of Greenwich village in the sixties...only it involves the whole of the world. Even though the ability to globally communicate has existed for some time now, I've never been on a social media platform that so intimately connects strangers from all corners of the earth. Somehow it's as though I can feel the spirits of the people I talk to. And though many of us may never meet face to face, the bonds are there regardless.
Thank you for this response. Its amazing how someone can come to mean such a great deal to me in so short a time, but you have. I suspect it's due in part to your own desire for a community in this place.
Your characters are already so full of life, you owe it to them to keep writing their story.

Hello @dreemit,

Congratulations! Your post has been chosen by the communities of SteemTrail as one of our top picks today.

Also, as a selection for being a top pick today, you have been awarded a TRAIL token for your participation on our innovative platform...STEEM.
Please visit SteemTrail to get instructions on how to claim your TRAIL token today.

If you wish to not receive comments from SteemTrail, please reply with "Stop" to opt out.

Happy TRAIL!

Oh, and what a successful three months it has been. To say that your ascension has been meteoric is quite an understatement. I am sure that you're far from your ceiling. You're an expert engager and a fantastic person. Your positivity is infectious, and your skill is undeniable. I can't believe you even had the time to compile all of this!

I appreciate the mention, and I'm so glad I stumbled upon you when I did. You have been as influential in my time on Steemit as well! I couldn't ask for a more avid supporter :D

Also, you're right when you said that your son is huge! I can't believe he's that tall at that age. When you first mentioned it a while back, I had thought you might be exaggerating a bit. Your husband really has strong genes! Great to see pictures of your whole family again, and I wish you all the wonderful health in the world :D

I just realized that because I talked to you in chat and on my other post, I forgot to comment on this! It took forever to compile this, I was working on it for awhile, LOL. You are so important to my journey here, I can't properly express how much you mean to me. It looks like the hardfork is going to make it so that comments become a much bigger focus of rewards, so perhaps we'll be given a real chance to shine with our engagement!

LOL, you thought I was exaggerating, that's funny. Nope, he's ginormous for his age ;) I wish you the same, as well as luck and love and every other positive thing I can will your way!

YES! We're finally getting recognition for our comments, but then everyone would be commenting the same way, so what we're currently doing would be the norm. In a way, I guess that's a good thing.

LOL! I think what's happening here, is your practicality is getting in the way of your positivity :) Because you realize that all of the effort you put in for free others will now be putting in to get money for it. I think you have a very strong sense of justice, of what's fair, and from your practical standpoint, you don't see this as such, which bothers you.
I understand. I just don't mind that others will start getting paid for their efforts at the same time i will. I comment to build relationships, the money is separate to me. It's just a great bonus to go along with getting my words out into the world and meeting new, interesting, lovely, people like yourself, who live an ocean or even oceans away.

a very strong sense of justice

You're on the money there, my friend. I'm not ashamed to admit that sometimes I go overboard with that. While I try to shift my focus to something similar to yours, my innate thinking still lingers. I haven't been widely successful in terms of meeting awesome people (you and the other people I mentioned in the latest SILVER LINING are definitely exceptions though :) ), that's why nowadays I just try to focus on the people who I've come to know as friends :D

Ah. But if I'd only met the one awesome person i'm talking to right now, it would still have been worth it :)

That's certainly the frame of mind I've been slowly trying to get into these past months :D

What a journey of discovery you have been on these past months. The great thing about Steemit is that there are new things to explore everyday!

Yes it has been, and that is definitely true. I think I saved up all of my milestone posts for this one, haha!

Excellent post dear friend @ dreemit, as always is a real pleasure to visit and read your work daily, thank you very much for your beautiful words in the mention.
It is a pleasure to meet you, congratulations on your achievements.
Continue your success

Thank you very much my sweet friend @jlufer, and the pleasure is mine.

And we appreciate you. I enjoyed the read and thanks for the mention :)

Thank you for reading, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

I did and your welcome :)

Woohoo! I'm famous! Thank you for sharing my art and mentioning me here, it's an honor to hang out in this crazy house with you and all of the Steemers and dreemers. We are rich with interesting, kind people, and you make this place extra special for me.

This was really fun to do, and super ironic that I choose the one day the images go down to make a post that relied on the images, haha! Ah well, I also made a post that needed no images, such is my versatility.
We're in cyber global Greenwich village, it's fantastic!

I saw that imageless post, it was fun to read too. The image glitch must have fixed itself by the time I clicked.

kiwideb and I are still writing in the imageless post, the story has officially turned into a proper campfire pass around, as it is ridiculous beyond all hope, LOL

Congratulations on three months :D And nice way to celebrate XD Loved the rooms and hallways analogy (though they must all be TARDISes XD) though that definitely explains my constantly getting lost XD

And I'm really glad you made mention of all those people, sometime when I have time more people to check out yay :D

Keep writing, I love finding your posts :)

I have been doing so well in not coming across like I'm baked, than you have to throw words at me that I feel like I should know, but I'm drawing blanks, LOL. I love your visits to my posts, so I will definitely keep writing them for you to find ;)

I'm sorry! XD What did I throw?

LOL! Don't be sorry, haha! But what is a tardis? I;) 've recently learned the word for very drunk in New Zealand is sozzled. I think I'll change it to mean g.g.b affected instead, hee hee. I am sozzled, ignore me.


This is the TARDIS. It's bigger on the inside :D

I get it now, lol! Actually before I saw this I mentioned the word to a friend of mine and they explained ;) It's a show I've often thought about watching and for some reason never have.

Fabulous post, darl! Now I just have to find time to open some of those doors that I haven't looked behind before, and pop in to visit some old friends again. I've also been meaning to say for days - congrats to @son-of-satire for your new footer gif.

Thank you babe, I feel like we just cyber linked elbows, haha! I adore being here because of spirits like yours :)
Popping in on people is a great idea! I will make sure he gets that memo ;)

Congratulations on your milestone and thank you for the amazingly thoughtful post! You totally understand the power and potential of this platform. It's not perfect, but, it's the best online community I've ever found...and it's made better by members like you. Have a wonderful evening @dreemit! Here's to your success!

Yes, I definitely see the beautiful potential for creative spirits to bring about a new paradigm! I feel the absolute same about you eric, resonating with people is what makes this so powerful! Thank you my friend!

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