Announcing the Outreach Program: Let's Work Together to Build Something Beautiful!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

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The value of any social media platform lies in its social aspect and its vibrant community.

While our beautiful community is still relatively small, it is without a doubt vibrant. So the question immediately becomes, why don’t we pull together and try to grow our favorite platform in size and quality?

With that in mind, and with the help of others an outreach program was born. A program that is mainly focused in reaching out to top influencers and all sorts of users and content creators and introducing them to steem and steemit.

The first people invited to the Outreach Program were: @thecryptofiend, @wadepaterson, @ericvancewalton, @heiditravels, @prufarchy, @surfermarly, @gargon, @budgetbucketlist, @sauravrugnta, @pgarcgo, @shenanigator, @sweetsssj, @winstonwolfe, @andrarchy and @donkeypong.

And I have to say, so far it has been very exciting to say the least.

So if you want to be involved, for those who enjoy positive community work, and want to help crowdsource an outreach and marketing campaign, please feel free to drop your comment below or send me a message in the chat.

Special thanks to whoever donated for the Outreach account. No one involved from Steemit has been paid from these donations, which are going 100% to marketing, more ads and promos.

More details and updates are coming soon, but meanwhile:

Let’s infuse some fresh energy and work together to build something truly beautiful!

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Steemit is based on an idea, a very good idea, and unlike Bitcoin, it has something we can see and interact with. It also has a growing community and I see a lot of belief in the Steemit community. As long as the dream and belief keeps spreading it can only grow stronger. Only Steemit itself can destroy itself. History has shown this.
"An empire does not fall from invading armies at its gates, but when its own people stop believing in it" Marcus Aurelius.

Bitcoin had that same belief that the early Romans had in the early days of the dream of Rome. We all know that the dream spread and took over the world. Now Bitcoin has grown to rival the price of gold even though we can´t even see it or hold it in our hands.
This is only because people believe in it. But if everyone stopped believing in it tomorrow it would fall like a stone.

Steemit is a new baby and new babies always need a lot of attention and much feeding, otherwise they cry lol!.
One can not know what the character of a baby until the baby becomes a toddler, and then a child, and then a teenager and then finally an adult. Steemit has a long way to go yet and every baby has problems growing up. This is normal.
As a father myself, I can tell you that a new baby always makes a father feel proud as well as a deep down wish for their child to change the world for the better or achieve great things.
This is why I have no doubt that this is exactly how Dan and Ned feel about their Steemit baby.
And I see the same desires in the leaders of Steemit too, and when I see such fantastic initiatives as this it only proves my own observations that in a sense we are all leaders of a great community.
I wish you all the best of luck and count me in.
Apologies for writing so long.

Thank you so much for the support and such and excellent comment!

Funny you mentioned Bitcoin, totally agree steemit has other additional aspects that makes it amazing. I'm sure that watching steem grow would be a memorable thing for all of us.

Thanks again, I'll probably send you a message to fill you in and see if you're interested.

P.S: I love long comments by the way.

Yes, please keep me informed, but I have just clicked to follow you now so I will get your posts in my feed and I will look out for them.
Great initiative!

I wholeheartedly support the goal of marketing our platform and expanding the user base. In order for Steemit to be viable in the long run, this is an absolute necessity.

But... I'm not really sure what is even being proposed here. And I have to admit a deep skepticism towards any project with "invited" participants. How will this project empower people to engage in outreach efforts that they have been unable to embark on previously? It is hard for me to see how involvement in this campaign will empower individuals to promote the platform beyond the ways they have already had the opportunity to do so.

Perhaps more importantly, I don't understand why an initiative such as this should be necessary. Steemit Inc. should by now be sufficiency capitalized to engage in marketing in a robust and sophisticated manner well beyond the capacity of an ad hoc group of community members.

While I share the opinion that marketing and outreach efforts have been virtually nonexistent and ineffective, I'd like to hear more about your analysis of the current state of things, and your proposals for improvement.

If this comes across as overly critical, that's not my intention. I just want to challenge you to present a more coherent strategy, rather than hear yet another "announcement" of an initiative with lofty goals and little substance.

First of all @bacchist, I agree and share the same opinion. We need to grow the user base, and I support anyone who does so.

More importantly, this is an announcement (hence the short length) and as specified at the end, updates coming soon. ;)

About if it's necessary, some people think it's useful to help grow the platform and dedicate efforts doing so, and if you don't believe it's not necessary, no one is forcing you to participate believe me.

Have a good day!

I had some similar thoughts reading this, especially to do with the select group. In a way it makes sense as these people do well on Steemit and are probably great ambassadors. I hope there is broad inclusion because that would be something I'd support.

A point on Steemit Inc. from the whitepaper

The most important principle is that everyone who contributes to a venture should receive pro-rata ownership, payment or debt from the venture.

I think this can be interpreted as meaning that by investing in steem you have a stake in the project as a whole. You can see Steemit Inc. as having a large stake but not complete ownership. At any time we can all fork off and leave them forever. While investors are not usually required to do the work of the company, their appointees are. For Steem (not Steemit Inc.) this is actually the witnesses as I understand it.

However I guess this is a bit different and not quite like a traditional company. It's not exactly volunteering either, in the usual sense of the word. Because there's no company hierarchy except that imposed by stake, there's no one to tell anyone to work. So anything like this can be considered work for indirect pay. Kind of like a start up when no one is getting paid yet.

Now I don't presume to tell you about steem and how it works (you've been here much longer than me), I'm just laying out my understanding for scrutiny to see if it makes sense in this light.

I'm sure what this outreach initiative entails but when the details come out, if it's not satisfactory, there's no reason another, compatible but different outreach initiative could not be started in a different style. I might have an idea for one actually but I'll wait until these guys come out with more deets 😶

Perhaps more importantly, I don't understand why an initiative such as this should be necessary. Steemit Inc. should by now be sufficiency capitalized to engage in marketing in a robust and sophisticated manner well beyond the capacity of an ad hoc group of community members.

You seem to have answered your own question :)

While I share the opinion that marketing and outreach efforts have been virtually nonexistent and ineffective, I'd like to hear more about your analysis of the current state of things, and your proposals for improvement.

Maybe if Steemit Inc. were engaged in a robust and sophisticated marketing campaign, no one would bother with such an initiative? It's been nearly a year now, I'm glad someone is making an effort, at least and at last.

I too would like to know more, and as the-alien points out below, more information is coming. Let's be patient.

Thanks @the-alien for leading this project. I believe now, more than ever, we (the normal users) need to show commitment to the platform and contribute to its organic growth. Now that it has been proved though several initiatives, that it is possible to keep authors in the platform, it is time to prove that it is POSSIBLE to bring new authors into it. The world out there is full of them!!

We're a team man, as you well know I say all the time :) It's my pleasure to do this together, and hopefully we can add more great people to help us grow the user-base. As you said, the word is full of people :)

Thank you Pablo!

Great innitiative! Steemit needs all the promotion it can get. These collaborations are exactly why i love Steemit so much . Have a awesome day guys!

These are exciting times! I totally agree with Tom @donkeypong here. It's a pleasure working with you, Adil! Thanks for your outstanding efforts, inspiration and great team work, and thanks for encouraging us to participate.
Looking forward to welcoming more creative minds on board!

Let's get the baby growing! All for one and one for all :)

Are you kidding? The pleasure has been absolutely mine. It has been awesome working together with you on this, and the rest of the team. :)

Such great team work and so many things to come. Very excited for this!

Let's keep this baby growing!

Thank you for your work @the-alien! The Outreach Program is a wonderful idea will play a major role in the growth of our platform. It's been fun to be a part of. Great things are coming! 😊

I know man, cool things are coming :) It has been so great having you in the team! It's time to give back to this amazing thing called steem.

It's truly been a rewarding thing to be a part of! I share your enthusiasm. This platform has done a lot for me and I'm fully prepared to repay the good will.

Looks like a great initiative. Will be watching for developments for sure. Good to seek people taking on a challenge with a community orientated outcome. I agree the platforms success will come down to the people of Steem. Content, word by mouth, reputation, attention, authenticity and generally people just being more human is what will build the platform.

Thanks Sebastian. You're right, together we can build something.

With a decentralised platform we all need to help each other and help to spread the word.

The more people we can get working together the better it is for Steemit and the more momentum we can create.

If we pool our real life and online social networks we can spread the word far and wide and start to pull in the big influencers who will help to amplify the message even more.

There is a human network effect where certain individuals act as massive "gateway" nodes to large groups of followers.

Not only that but they often act as gateways to further such individuals. That is what allows things to go viral and for memes to spread.

We only need to draw in a few of those kinds of influential people to start making the kind of momentum in terms of new users that becomes self perpetuating.

There are never any guarantees but if we succeed then the July 2016 price peak will seem like a small blip and Steemit will become a household name.

It will be difficult and challenging but nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

I second every word you said.

Btw, thanks for being such an awesome human!

Thanks mate you are too kind!

This is fantastic! That looks like one heck of a team. I know you all have been working very hard already. I truly appreciate the effort you all have already put in. This is such positive and selfless work you are all doing. Your inevitable success will benefit the entire community. It's awesome to read about members of the community joining together to "pull on the same rope". Thank you!

You're absolutely right, it's much more productive to pull on the same rope. Thank you for the awesome comment!

Adil, you are one of the most honest and genuine people I have ever known. You have worked tirelessly to get this started.

I love the direction you have set on outreach; the team members who have begun working these last couple of weeks are doing incredible things already.

It's an All Star group that will put Steemit in front of people who will help this platform grow in the coming weeks and months. Onwards and upwards!

You're always way too kind Tom. Thank you. It means a lot!

I agree about the team, it has been amazing to share ideas and work with all of them. :) It looks very promising!

Hope there is more brilliant community members joining.

Absolutely! Onwards and upwards!

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