Feeling stuck and how to move on.

in #inspiration6 years ago (edited)

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I woke up a few days ago, feeling stuck and misery. I knew I needed to change something in my way of living and thinking.

To feel stuck, means you need to move forward, to feel bad or depressed, means you need to change the way you live, in order to feel more fulfilled. It can be difficult to recognize those signs when you are used to feeling bad most of the time, and you think that this is how life is and should be. But if you have experienced periods of time with a lot of joy, fulfillment, and happiness, you will immediately see when something is not as it is supposed to be. We are here to live our dreams, to seek and find our purpose in life, to enjoy the journey. But in order to see that, we often need to go through suffering to realize what we are here for. Suffering is one of the greatest gifts we can get in life. Even if it sounds paradoxical, it is the greatest tool for self-realization. We are here on this earth, in this body, to develop as souls, to learn and to find our self. What we experience is a reflection of our inner mind, believes and thoughts. The way we see the world is the way we think of it. How I see the world is different than how you see it because we carry different thoughts and believes.

When those feelings took over me, I understood from experience, that I needed to work on my thoughts and the way I live. The thought I had in my mind was, I am stuck, I am not coming forward and I don't get the support I need. As I cried, I thought, why not try to express gratefulness instead of focusing on the lack of progress and boundedness. So I started to think of everything I was grateful for, and I have continued with that since then, I hold back for a moment before I eat, to focus on how grateful I am for being able to eat the food that nourishes my body. When I go to sleep, I meditate a few minutes on the beauty of life and for being able to do what I love and spend time with my little boy and partner. The same in the morning. I have decided to live that life I always imagined me living when I have everything. Instead of waiting, I do that now.

Often, I set up too many things on my to-do lists, and expect myself to manage all of them, at the same time as being present as a mother and taking care of the household. I know I am going to reach my goals, but sometimes I need to take a step back and just do nothing. I need to turn some of my attention inward, taking time for rest and finding stillness.

We only keep our self away from fulfillment, and this is something I start to understand now.

Every decision we make today will impact our tomorrow. And what you wish, will become true. In one way or another. We decide for our self where we want to stand, what we want to do, and if we will reach the stars or live in the underground. Only you can limit yourself.

A few changes I could do immediately was:

  • cleaning out stuff we don't use.
  • enjoy more time outside in nature.
  • starting the day with a green smoothie: my favorite combination is with kale or spinach, celery, mint, mango, apple, a piece of lemon, avocado and oat milk.
  • express gratefulness
  • meditate several times a day (1-2 minutes) and show my little boy what it means to meditate.
  • asking for support, not expecting it.
  • clarify where I want to go, and why. That is such a great motivation for me!

I would love to get some tips and feedback from you guys, how to progress when you feel stuck, and how to create a greater boundedness in your life. I would love to start a conversation with you about the power of our thoughts and taking the power of our lives, in our own hands.

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Love, Niina

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While you are still here, take your time to check out my other recipes and recent posts:

Nutella only 4 basic ingredients!
Sweet Nutella Pizza
BRUNCH Toasts with bakes sweet potato, eggplants, white bean hummus, avo-dip and roasted chickpeas

Life & Inspiration:

Thank you all! ❤
I want to inspire you to live your dreams, eat delicious, wholesome, nourishing, healthy food, and keep a creative mind. We all can do that, now!

Health starts inside our mind.

All content and images are mine and original. If you want to share my work, you are welcome. Just remember to tag me.

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Just what I need to read this for my own life feeling stuck and expecting too much support from a woman right now.

Oh that is wonderful, I wish we all can support each other on our journey towards freedom in our lives. Thank you!

sending love dear one..
i think your ideas are already good...
here are a few of my own

  1. do anything different each day.. even as small as walking a slightly different route, or eating something you haven't had in a long time.
  2. Exercise is a great medicine, and strong exercise is even more so
  3. Hang out with animals
  4. SNuggle whoever will snuggle you back!
  5. Eat comfort food ;-) lol


Great tips @eco-alex! I second the exercise! Running outdoors is one of the most cathartic things for me. Even when at first I don't feel like it, the act of putting one foot in front of the other is freeing in both the physical and spiritual sense.

Oh I have done some running lately, but would love to do some more now;)

Thank you Alex!! Great tips, they really help me, especially number one right now, great idea to do something different each day, need that! Number 4 and 5 is something I do every day, lol, food is my specialty, and I am happy to have a baby and partner who both loves to snuggle;)
Number 2, yea need more exercise! And hanging out with animals is little difficult here in the city, but will see if I can find some;)
Thanks Alex, your support means a lot to me!

Sweety whenever you feel like this you should call me <3. I'm always here for you <3.
I know exactly what's in your head and I'm going back and forth there myself but as I see how far I've come in just a very short time I get so proud and excited. Where will I be in a few months? Or in a few years? I'm building my own empire for my future and nothing is more exciting. Sure I don't have supermuch money now but that will come. Just do what you do best and the rest will follow <3

Thank you so much my dear Nicole! You can expect a call from me soon! I somehow forgot to call you this monday!;)

sending you much love Niina, sometimes we become stuck so that we take the time to really look at our life and where we are at. You seem to have some great changes in place, I personally struggle with asking for support and then get upset if it is not given, asking can be very hard. Be gentle with yourself, do some self love tasks everyday, have a foot bath and dance dance dance xxxx

Oh yes, thank you lovely lady! I forgot to dance...I will start with it again! Thanks for the reminder! I am feeling better now, I can sense the flow again, but I am not quite back there yet. I have done a lot of cleaning and sorting out useless stuff this week, that feels great!;)

great heartfelt blog. it's easy to put yourself last on the list - especially when your a mum...then all of a sudden, ooofff! you hit a real low. I love this list and I'm sure I will be referring back to it often. Music is a real game changer for me....amazing how it can alter my mood and take me to a higher ground. much love and I look forward to your posts xx

Thank you so much lovely! Oh I am so glad to meet another women and mom who understand this. Yes, we put everything first but yourself. We learn to create a balance but that can be difficult sometimes! Thanks for your appreciation and love!;) Much love to you!

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