What Do I Consider a Worthy Post on Steemit

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


Day 22 Question by @dragosroua

May 30 Days Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Second: What Is, In Your Opinion, A Worthy Post On Steemit? A Post That "Deserves" Its Payout...

Find the challenge post here

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A Worthy Post on Steemit - My Opinion

Another question that could be answered with - it depends.

I have a very hard time to even want to define what is "worthy" to be on Steemit. It is a big wide world out there and people have so many different tastes and ability levels. So, I don't want to make a statement for the platform.

What I Don't Want to See

I can make a statement for what I don't want on the platform - ever. Stolen content. Be it words, pictures, music, videos, or whatever else people think off to steal and then pretend it is there own.

I am not talking about posting a YouTube video, for example, and writing about that video, or using one of the photos which are free to use for commercial application - Steemit is a commercial site since we get paid for our posts.

We have so many on here that outright steal content and pretend it is their own. That, I don't want to see.

Also, I wished that there was a way to close any account that tries to steal money from people on this platform.

What I am Okay to See

I am okay with any post people are putting effort into creating. Creativity is a plus, but not everyone wants to explore that side of themselves. While I am not a huge fan of memes, for example, if someone is creative and funny, it can be enjoyable!

It is obvious if a person spends some time on formatting, correcting spelling and such. Given that the majority of the posts are in English and many on this platform speak another language as their first language, some mistakes don't bother me. But if it is obviously thrown together with no care, I pass.

Some on this platform feel very strongly that only very long articles are desirable. I am not of that opinion. Unless the long posts are on a subject of great interest to me and extremely well written, I will not read them to the end.

Some of the success on Steemit is based on the people we interact with. If all posts are very long, we can just have a couple of friends here.

What I Strive for in My Posts

For me, for my own posts, I consider a worthy post one that has something of interest to share. Well, it is my interest which I hope is valuable to someone.

It could be something I figured out about this platform which might be useful to another newbie. Of course, the daily writing prompt which I think is useful for the community is part of my portfolio.

Usually, I am using my own photos and prefer that to stock photos - even though they are probably much better than mine. I am striving to become a better photographer, so, for me, it is a worthy post to show off a photo I thought turned out pretty good.

Then there are the new apps to try out. Sometimes, the posts might not be that good until we get the hang of it, but I am okay with that.

Deserving Payout

So, I don't think that I answered the question of deserving the payout. A lot of the large payouts on the platform are paid for by the writer of the post. They deserve it since they worked for the money they used to buy their vote.

Some spend a lot of time networking and making friends and get a lot of votes on their posts because of that. So, they deserve their votes because they put in the effort.

Others came here with a big investment and get lots of people voting for them because that is how it goes. I suppose they deserve their votes.

Then there are the amazing content creators who have found a following and get great votes. Of course, they deserve their votes.

But so, so many put great effort into their posts and show us beautiful work - yet hardly any upvotes. They don't deserve that. It would be nice if they got more recognition.

In the end, I really don't want to or can be the judge for who deserves what. Hopefully, eventually, all who put in the effort will get rewards.

What do you think? Do you prefer long posts or you like shorter ones? How about a post that is "just" a photo without much text?

What are your favorite posts?

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My Previous Posts for this Challenge

Day 2 -How to Handle a Windfall of 1000 Steem

Day 3 -Trying to Chose the Best Thing Steemit Has Done for Me

Day 4 - 5 Witnesses and my Why

Day 5 - My Top 5 Crypto Holdings - Day 5

Day 6 - Why am I still on Steemit - Day 5 - 30 Day Writing Challenge

Day 7 - 3 Things I Like to Change on Steemit

Day 8 - Most Consistent Hobby in the Past 5 Years.

Day 9 -Steemit in 5 Years from Now

Day 10 - My Favorite Morning Drink

Day 11 - Hive Mind or Smart Media Tokens

Day 12 - Most Popular Crypto Currency in Five Years

Day 13 - My 3 Top Cities

Day 14 -My Favorite Writing topic

Day 15 -How Many Posts Per Day?

Day 16 - Steemit & I in Five Years

Day 17- If Steemit Stops Paying - Stay or Leave?

Day 18 -My "Other" Social Media Life

Day 19 - My Three Favorite Movies

Day 20 - The First Person(s) I followed on Steemit

Day 21 - The Worst Thing about Steemit for Me

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Join us for the daily 5 - Minute Freewrite. Check my profile for a new prompt every day.

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All images are my own unless otherwise cited.

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My recent posts

First D-live

I got replaced 😟

Gratitude- Day 4

My Three Favorite Movies

Gratitude - Day 2

Freewrite Prompt Day 211

Gratitude - Day 1

When did I decide to Stay on Steemit?

How Many Posts Per Day?

Every Day - A new Start

If you find a post after the seven days, please consider upvoting a more recent post.

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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Award by @japhofin8or


Thank you @enginewitty for the banner

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When I was in radio one of the rules were, start as close to the end as possible. It pretty much meant get to the point.
Don’t waffle, don’t go around in circles.
I personally find it hard to sit through a super long post mostly because of time. I like my information in bite size.... easier to digest.
Sometimes before it hits the 4 digits in word count, I’m already scrolling down to get to the bottom of the post.

I was reading through your post and nodding nodding
Totally agree 😊

Oh, you were doing radio!! That is good to know.
Do you have an interest in sustainable living, environment and that kind of thing? If yes, I like to talk to you.

I think that we like our info in bite sizes is more and more of a trend. Just the way we are consuming information now. And frankly, if a topic is marginally interesting, I am willing to invest a few minutes of my time to see what the person has to say - but not half an hour or longer.

Also, many longer articles say the same thing over and over again - which is fine for a textbook type of project since we need to hear new information at least 7 times before our brain gets it, but otherwise, it gets boring.

I am glad that we agree 👍

I think sustainable living is great, but I don’t practice it as much as I should ... I do what I can but it is not like a lifestyle 😬

Am not a fan of long post too, they bore me easily, sometimes the writer night in the middle of the post loose focus himself and that's it for me, I'll pass, I always try to drive home my point at the end of a post/story.
From another angle I've noticed that big curators looks at the numbers of words, let's say 1000+ words and so on.

Yes, it seems that they do. Which is a bit unfortunate. I think a mix of long and short would be good. In writing class, we were always told that if you can say it in fewer words, do it. It is more powerful.

And you are right. Many will lose their focus in the middle of a long piece. Editing is a skill!!

I actually prefer shorter posts, @mariannewest.

I like when an author does an ongoing series for a fav topic they like to deal with, then serve me short 200-500 word posts on that topic, or better yet a short 2-5 minute video or audio.

That allows me to enjoy the roll out, immerse in the short bits and move on.

I ESPECIALLY appreciate posts that share emotions. I want and enjoy posts that connect on an emotional level. That's why I've begun to pay more attention to the recent @surpassinggoogle's #ulog initiative. Because it stresses peeps sharing themselves. It stresses what I've always taught and know... that everyone has a story to share, every day. I LOVE that these uloggers do that every day. I prefer heart-based content, no matter the format.

I suppose I wouldn't make a good curator of long articles for many of the larger or even smaller curation teams here on Steemit. I used to write so many of them, they now mostly bore me to tears.

Give me a great picture with a quote and a few lines of what it means and I'm happy. Sweet, simple, affordable time, energy and cheerleading investment.

I keep promising myself to follow the above myself, then write long posts sometimes. I've again reminded myself this week and will hopefully become more strict to just share short, simple, real or sweet then click that 'Post' button and move on. ;)

Agreed. A short which is authentic is for me often preferable over a longer post. Of course, it depends. There are long pieces I loved to read and learned a lot from.

But a series of shorter articles about a subject is more useful. Bloggers know that and create all kinds of content around the same topic. Then link it all together so people can go deeper if they want.

To answer your questions, I'm going to say it depends. Length is less important to me than whether I can read it, it makes sense and provides me with knowledge, entertainment or both. If those elements are involved, I'll read a long post. If they're not, then I will probably stop part way through and move on.

A short post, again, depends. A few sentences with a photo or image, it's going to need to be a good photo and a couple of sentences. If it makes me want to engage with a comment, then yes, I'll upvote something. Otherwise, again, I'm moving on.

I don't know that I have a word length preference. Some posts require more words than others to finish. That's about the only criteria I have. However, it could be there's actually two posts instead of one, and if so, it would be better that the post be split up.

It's all subjective, and I'm glad you mentioned that different things can qualify as good content to different creators and their readers. Diversity isn't only in content, but what constitutes good content, too.

I so agree with you!! On all counts. 👍

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