Day 4 - Gratitude


@conradt nominated me to start out with him on this journey of bringing positive vibes to Steemit.

Day 4

Last week, I took my phone to a service center to get a new battery installed. Following the rules, I made an appointment through the Apple Phone service which took a bit since the person on the phone didn't believe me that my phone was telling me that the battery wasn't charging anymore.

It gave me a message: WARNING. Your battery is compromised and only works at 82 % ... or something like that. The phone even shut down in the middle of something I was doing and came back on with another warning.

Two things notable about this phone call.

  • It is a bit freaky that someone somewhere in the world can access your phone and poke around in its innards.
  • That the customer service person didn't believe me and had to do a test to announce to me what I had just told her.

That was 20 minutes of my day wasted.

AND - she didn't tell me that the repair was going to take 2 hours.

Consequently, I got to the store unprepared - no laptop, no book, no water, no plan.

Going back home wasn't worth it since with traffic and all, I would have had to turn around and head back right away.

Two hours with no electronic device!! How strange and how wonderful.

It got me thinking how much my phone has become part of my life - and not for phone calls. That is the function I use the least.

When I grew up, a cell phone wasn't even a thought of a possibility yet. The phone we had was attached to the wall and there was a charge for every minute you are talking. Kids didn't use the telephone and adults to give a short message only. People often rang the doorbell and stopped by if they had something to discuss.

Then, pagers were the hot thing when you were important in the world. Remember those things? They went off and you had to get to a payphone to find out what is up.

Yup. Payphones. Not too many of those around anymore.

And the early cell phones were for phonecalls!!! Can you believe it?

Today, I am grateful for the technology we have at hand to do so many things - like posting here on Steemit. I am extremely grateful for my phone which is my window to the world in many ways.

My phone is

  • my camera
  • the device I use to listen to podcasts (lots, and lots of them)
  • my connector to social media of all sorts
  • my calendar to keep me on track
  • the map and GPS which takes me places
  • my communication tool with family and friends all over the world
  • my weather forecast
  • my yoga and meditation class
  • photo and movie editor
  • fitness coach
  • game provider
  • and so much more

And I am grateful that I was able to replace the battery for $ 29 instead of having to buy a new phone!! That was huge!

I am also grateful that I had that two hours of forced unproductivity to stroll around, people watch, and look at stores.

The only bummer was that I didn't have my phone to take pictures for Market Friday, a weekly challenge by the sweet @dswigle!

Today's nominees

@dswigle - because she is the sunshine here on steemit
@tristancarax - because he is on a role of daily posting and this will be another incentive
@scribblingramma - because us grandmas know how important it is to stay positive

The rules:

  • Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated
  • Mention three people who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post
  • Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.

Tip: You need to put the # in front of 7daypositivitychallenge or it will not let you use the tag.

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Join us for the daily 5 - Minute Freewrite. Check my profile for a new prompt every day.

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All images are my own unless otherwise cited.

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My recent posts

My Three Favorite Movies

Gratitude - Day 2

Freewrite Prompt Day 211

Gratitude - Day 1

When did I decide to Stay on Steemit?

How Many Posts Per Day?

Every Day - A new Start

Daily Prompt

Day 11 - Hive Mind or Smart Media Tokens

Do you Know What This is?

Steemit in 5 Years from Now

If you find a post after the seven days, please consider upvoting a more recent post.

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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Award by @japhofin8or


Thank you @enginewitty for the banner

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Yes! We have all become just a little too attached to technology, at least I know I have. I love this idea is expressing gratitude too. I was just saying to Matt the other day that we should name one small thing we are grateful for each day to shake off all the negativity we encounter in this world. -Aimee

We really need to practice gratitude every day. It is so easy to get lost in the wave of crazy happing in the world!!
Consider yourself nominated :) It will be in the next post...
And as long as we realize that our electronics are tools. Sometimes, I am a bit worried about the generation who has a phone in hand at birth. I still know how to read maps and look outside to see if it rains :)

Ha ha! Oh Boy! You're really making me live up to my word. This will be a great way to initiate this new healthy habit. A positive mindset goes a long way.

We have been trying to keep our kids away from too much technology but it's hard when it's so available. My kids are only 11 months old and my daughter knows how to scroll through grandma's iPhone gallery. I am thankful that we are building a house out in the country so we can foster a connect to the earth and a love of the outdoors. Technology is wonderful, but so is nature and in-person relationships.

Thanks for the nomination. -Aimee

Hahaha, thanks for the stroll down memory lane. Picturing some of the younger crowd wondering what a pager and payphone are, lol. Glad you got the battery replaced. I think mine will be needing it soon. I hope it is something I can take care of by ordering the battery and replacing it myself.

Not so sure about that. do you have an iPhone? I am pretty sure if you work on it yourself, they never will touch your phone for any repair again. But you can mail it in. The turnaround is 3 days I think.

A positivity challenge sounds like a cool idea.

Anyway, technology. Always grateful to have it. But you know... I pretty much just use my phone for calls and a few texts. Haven't ever used it for anything else... just prefer a real keyboard and a large screen. Our kids think I belong back in the stone age....

Glad you got your phone battery replaced. That IS something to be grateful for.

Well, you know who is getting nominated today 😄 Yes, you will be lol
I resisted the smartphones for a long time - the price of purchase and the monthly data fee... But once I got one, it really got me into listening to podcasts.
I was spending long hours in the garden - the phone and a podcasters voice with me. Then, the cameras got better and better - and it is much easier to schlepp a phone around than a big camera... I still will get one some day....
But for now, the phone is it.
And my kids are sure that I grew up with dinosaurs lol

Wow, those hours without the phone must have been like eternity.

It was interesting to notice that I had a minute of what now....
There were lots of shops and restaurants in the area - but I am not much of a shopper and wasn't hungry :) But I did enjoy walking around and seeing what is up. I got a 2-mile walk in just walking one block of shopping opportunities 👍

Ah that is good exercise as well

Released on: May 14th

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