What is it to be a Winner - Original Poem - Steemit Exclusive ( Educational Poetry)

in #poetry7 years ago


What is it to be a winner
Are you righteous or a sinner

Does'not matter either way
The results are here to stay

If you win you write the story
No matter who's the glory

That is how things work
Expect another fork

But what is there for us
SMT's or bust

We never know tomorrow
So better more hope borrow

Pray for the best
Let yourself some rest

Soon time will tell
Where we're heading heaven or hell

Even If the balloon pops
Steem will never drop

The future is so bright
We are soon to a new hight

Remember what I have fortold
Cause it is future being told

Soon all will realize
That steemit is surprise

A breath of fresh air
In an ocean of despair

We have a special chance
Together to advance

But will we all be winners
Or will remain still sinners


God Bless I Hope I did again Impress.

By Angel Veselinov

I will try from now on. In rhymes to go on. Well would not happen much. Just now I am in touch.
Wish you all great times with my so treasured rhymes. Love and Peace. Resteem Upvote and Comment Please.
Here are the previous Issues of the STEEMIT POETS UNITED community.

Daily IssuesWeekly ReportMisc
Daily Dose of Poetry and Prose #13
Daily Dose of Poetry and Prose #12
Daily Dose of Poetry and Prose #11
Daily Dose of Poetry and Prose #10
Daily Dose of Poetry and Prose #9
Daily Dose of Poetry and Prose #8
Daily Dose of Poetry and Prose #7
Daily Dose of Poetry and Prose #6
Daily Dose of Poetry and Prose #5
Daily Dose of Poetry and Prose #4
Daily Dose of Poetry and Prose #3
Daily Dose of Poetry and Prose #2
Steemit Poets Unite - Daily Dose #1 (First Issue)
Communique 1st EditionSTEEMIT POETS UNITED !!! Happy to Announce the Birth of a New Community Group!!!


Here are some of my other poems :

Educational Steemit Poems
Motivational Poems
Cleansing Poetry
Misc Stuff
What It Is.
It's All About The Money.
I Had To Do It Very Quick.
How to be found by a whale.
The Different Truth.
Do You Really Believe.
FInd Your Way.
Be Thankful.
Don't Stop to Share.
Worth the Wait.
You've got to impress.
Cant'Get Enough.
Don't Wait.
I have got to try.
I cannot wait.
Have No Fear.
Just SteemIt.
The Burnout.
The 10 Steem Commandments.
I have a Dream.
That Steem Price.
Do You Have a Will.
Have No Fear.
A Day In A Life of a Fool.
Want to feel good again.
Poetry Session.
Feel Again.
Listen to your heart.
Steemit poets United.
Our first Post For SPU Community.
Poetry Dice #23
Written for a contest

Nocturnal Nostalgia
Dtube Spoken Poetry Collaboration
Poetry Dice- Fun.
Poetry Dice Callenge week 22
Nihilistic Rainbow Contest #3.
Steemit Poetry Contest#11
Was It All In My Head



TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!!! UNITED WE STAND!!! #poetsunited (use it to be included in Daily Dose Poetry and Prose)
SO COME STEEMIT POETS UNITE : Join us on our new Discord Server Click Here

Image Credit: Link
Image Credit: Link


@angelveselinov love this Steemit driven poem and I hope you're right:

Even If the balloon pops
Steem will never drop

And we will all be winners,
but if not, I hope that it doesn't make us sinners,
for trying to overcome,
those things once said and done,
to make a better place,
for us all...
I rest my case.


Hey thank you glad you liked it. :) Hope to bring more poetry like that to the house. Well I also hope that this becomes reality and I become a prophet poet : 0 Would be fun for all of us for sure :)

My ears loved this when I read it aloud

Thank you for stopping by. I am glad you liked it.

Steemit truly was a surprise in my life. It has changed me completely. Keep on Steeming

Thank you. I am sure that steemit has impacted great number of lives and will continue to do so. :) I hope we can show others profitable examples and more people jump in everyday :)

It has no doubt about that. You'll need to learn more and understand steem to make you embrace this platform.

Well the more I understand the more I get withdrawn from it.. and get pulled in at the same time :) ... One thing I learned it is all about networking ...

Networking is a big factor but building relationships helps a lot as well. It's not about depending your growth from other people but having a support system that can help you achieve your goal and having a close group that has the same vision as you.

Well I envision Networking to be the part of forming those relations. It is quite luck to get seen by the whales even so.. It is even harder to keep their eyes on you for sometime ... as there is always a new hit in town... and let's not talk about the favorable ... contests... giveaways and so on that are going on here ... just for cover to make money on their contests post and than later split the prize money too giving it to their buddies ... LOL

Those I missed. Yes l, what you said certainly makes sense. :) Hope we'd see each other successful in the future. ^^

Well it is all about dedication good content and genuine etiquette with fellow steemians. Can't go wrong this way I guess...

This is key, surrounding yourself with others of the same vision, others that can support you as you stand shoulder to shoulder with them and march on-wards.

I loved the rhyming. Good work, keep it up.

Thanks. I have no intentions of stopping anytime soon. :) Thanks for reading and stopping by it has been a pleasure.

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