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in #j4 years ago (edited)

Is capitalism in bed with socialism? Are they banning plastic bags, unless if you pay ten cents for it? Do they ban plastic straws and not other more bigger plastic items? Is China and other countries dumping their trash in the ocean? Do we have free markets or cronyism mixed with other things? U.S. government were murdering Americans in 1914. During the first world war, people would give the fed fake addresses. And when they came to draft them, they would run off into the woods and shoot off their hands in order to attempt not to be dragged off to fight in the war. How do we make government smaller? If Hotep Jesus was President, he would halt the introduction of new bills. Stop making new laws. I agree. My Steemit Rank is 5715.

May of 2018
Female Journalist Thinks Women Should Propose Marriage
Brittany Pettibone Sellner
History Community
The 1980's
The 1990's
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Bonding Beyond Special Needs - Nick has primordial dwarfism while his best friend, Callie, is diagnosed with Williams syndrome

May of 2018

10:23 PM - Published

They threw Tommy Robinson in jail on Friday, the 25th of May of 2018. I remember that. So, I was writing articles about that because that could be you next. Kanye West Crashes Into TMZ on like the 2nd. I was playing chess in May. I was watching shows and things like Boy Meets World. Gotham, Fear The Walking Dead, Scott Adams, Lauren Southern, Cernovich, Savannah Sav Says Hernandez, Alex Jones, Info Wars, etc. In other news, I was helping out with the book shed building prep - I began clearing the land around the 8th. I'm in Love With Your Body Song. Favorite this and favorite that posts. Get Fiber Optics, Not 5G WIFI.

Kidnapped Father?

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2020-02-22 - Saturday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-02-22 - Saturday

Screenshot at 2020-02-22 16:16:30.png
Is capitalism in bed with socialism? Amazing Lucas Interviewed Hotep Jesus on Valentines 2020 - It was published today

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Published in February of 2020

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Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Star Wars

01:43 AM - Twitter

Trending - The Mauldalorian

Sleep. He hasn't been in school in hours. Oh wait. Well, actually. Huh. What? Never mind. Actually, I was gonna say ever. Suddenly. Some kind of saying by the vegetable. But all gone after that.

Prunes. Coffee.

Facebook Debate

10:34 AM - Facebook

Ian FäZr, I cannot tell you how many times these things has happened. There are two main ways something like this happens, generally, on Facebook, automatically through their AI system which is triggered by certain keywords, etc, and also manually through the complaint system where people manually come in to report you or to report your individual posts, comments, etc, to Facebook. I recently shared a photo of me voting for orange guy. Maybe if I avoid writing his name, I might survive longer on Facebook. This is the first time I've ever seen a warning message like this. In that photo above, it mentions three things. That third thing about misleading people is something I feel Facebook is doing. Talk about irony, like do as I say and not as I do kind of thing. Also, it is selective enforcement through favoritism. It is many many different things. Sadly, Facebook might be reading what I write on other websites and may be triggered by all of that.

Talking to Crazy People

10:57 AM - Facebook - 2018-05-14 - Monday - 10:05 PM PST LMS JA - The 14th of May of 2018 - The fourteen of the 5th or fifth month of 2018 by Oatmeal Joey Arnold on Facebook:

I wrote that to Shane as he was saying that I was crazy. In the post, I wrote:

My friend asked me to help for a long time. When I said a good thing. My friend banned me for life. I was blocked for doing a very good thing. I was helping and then was banned for it.

Shane left me a comment saying:

probably because you have no filter or subtlety.

I replied to his comment with


Shane: It’s not in most people, but again, you lack a filter/subtlety.

Oatmeal: Shane Harro Harrison RAPES FREE SPEECH HAHA.

Shane: ^nice filter you have there sir.


I meant, free speech.

Shane: I’m just saying normal people don’t respond to a comment in all caps claiming the person they are taking to is ‘raping’ something, that’s not how a normal conversation goes by any societal standards.

After two years, I replied back: Shane Harro Harrison, Normal people don't talk to crazy people like me. So, why are you talking to crazy people? What's wrong with you? That goes against how any normal conversation would go according to any societal standards. As Gree Taa would say, how dare ya kind of thing.

Pew Die Pie

11:07 AM - Why I HATE Ice Age Baby..

Vitamin C and D.

build up your immune system

Brittany Sellner

12:12 PM - Female Journalist Thinks Women Should Propose Marriage

There are differences between exceptions and generalities. So, in a specific situation, a girl might ask a guy out. We can talk about that type of scenario. However, the bigger issue is when a minority (exception to the rule) is pushed to become the majority as that begins to alter culture, families, how things work, and especially how things do in fact work for the better. We should focus on the potential dangers of how encouraging women towards a way of thinking that can set their purpose and life goals a bit too off-balance. Because, technically, the bigger problems or issues does not have to be in the specific event found in the woman proposing to men but rather in the behind the scenes preparation towards that and the aftermath of the results like you said, Brittany Pettibone Sellner, in this video. Ladies can wonder if the guys would have asked had they not asked. That might be just the tip of the iceberg. Now, many people can be unaware of psychological damage that may occur to some extent in the men and in the women who experienced those type of things. Women can damage their relationships with men in doing these things. It is not that it cannot happen. Exceptions do exist, some might theorize, as you said in the video. But we should focus on the principles that are there to help guide most of the people most of the time concerning most things.

Steven Crowder

12:38 PM - Joe Rogan Experience #2020 - Donald Trump

I was expecting Weird Al to pop out of nowhere. Bring him in.

I want to see ten of the best Trump Impersonators on a debate stage debating each other. It would be an epic video meme. Bring in all your favorite Impersonators including Steven Crowder and anybody else who you want. An ongoing gag in the video could be the desire to figure out which of the Donald Trumps was the real one. So, they could argue with each other about that. They could be asked questions about what they thought and what they would do concerning situations, politics, popular culture, history, technology, religion, science, television, etc. So, they could go and back and forth with each other to try to outdo each other and each Trump could even mock the other Trumps. So, the Trumps could come up with nickname and insults to throw at the other Trumps. Please steal my ideas here and pass them around because people should try to make videos like this.

Dishes. Recycling. Compost. No mail.

The 1990's

01:32 PM - Steemit Community

Anything & everything between 1990-1999, that decade, those ten years. Anything and everything. Ready, set, go.

  1. Post about the 1990's.
  2. You can share videos, photos, articles, links, memes, ideas, websites, people, etc. Anything relating to the years 1990 to the end of 1999. Those ten years.
  3. You can post things relating to popular culture, news, events, your personal life, history, politics, technology, etc.

Bitcoin Debate

01:53 PM - Steemit

When I say best, I mean overall best investment, long-term speaking, as that is the best kind of investment people can make, period. Some say Bitcoin Cash is a scam. Max Keiser said that the original Bitcoin, BTC, is the best.

Travel Ban Cuz Virus

02:16 PM - Steemit

People need to take extra vitamins C and D. The virus thing is a problem but what governments try to do can be worse. We should be telling bad tyrannines to get out of our personal lives.

Downloading YouTube Video

02:32 PM - Steemit

You can download YouTube videos via some websites and also some Firefox add-ons. Have you ever had an add-on on Firefox? I could show you how to get started.

Mormon Debate

02:37 PM - Steemit

This video is accurate in that Joseph Smith did bad things. That includes the way he died. I was not aware of the details but that make sense.


02:45 PM - The World According to Thiel

When we look at China, we can feel that they're either too far behind or too far ahead of us and both these two perspectives can lead people towards inaction, pacifism, apathy, nihilism, to doing nothing. The truth is kind of split and people should always take action and not inaction.

Voting Debate

03:13 PM - Facebook

Sarah Goff, I disagree. A vote does not have to be private. That is a lie that they tell people. It is a personal matter and people have the freedom to talk about their personal lives with other people. Also, voting should be public and has been public in the past. Also, the violation of the 4th amendment, concerning privacy, also makes it tougher to be private as they violate your rights behind your back. I've been writing articles and making videos about these types of things for years, especially in the 2010's. Many people have been talking about these types of things as well. It is an ongoing battle that possibly goes back to 1913 or even 1871 in some ways, if not longer.

Internet Debate

03:44 PM - Steemit

The question is about projects that try to help people communicate with each other through the Internet but through decentralization.

The Amazing Lucas

04:15 PM - The Amazing Podcast #5 - Hotep Jesus

How can the market be free if the currency is not free?

Nap for one or two hours. Dishes for a second. Shower. A bowl of chocolate ice-cream which I now regret eating as I usually do. I don't enjoy it. I eat it because I lust after it. After that, around 7 PM, went back to watching Lucas and Jesus.

How-To Make Communities

07:08 PM - Steemit

I saw your Super Bowl 2020 Commercial. Good work. That's why people love the Steem Sister. And this How-To video is the kind of video I would make. Good work.

Downloading Videos

07:41 PM - Steemit

I just found one that worked for me. It is called Distill Video . com. I downloaded a YouTube video to my laptop and it played. The video and the audio worked.

Download YouTube Videos

I'm saying that because some websites may not copy the audio. The hard part can be finding the right app or website. So, I've used different ones. But sometimes, some may die or stop working. This one worked for me just a second ago.

The link


08:15 PM - Steemit

You can't learn from the past, if you don't know the past.


08:29 PM - Steemit

I would encourage people to protest Trump in the name of individualism, that is individual rights. Like you said in the abstract of the country of America as a whole which can be a mechanism of collectivism which can interfere with personal liberties.

Smaller & Smaller

I want government to get smaller and people need to struggle. But too many people are always spending way too much time begging for federal government to save humanity from everything. Instead, we need to be ending all of those agencies, the taxes, the regulations, or at least minimizing and reducing as much as we can.

The 1980's

08:57 PM - Steemit

I was born in 1985. So, I remember oversized shirts. I didn't know about the techno pop. I would have to go look that up. I may have seen banana clips. Yes, big hair indeed. I am not sure if I've seen Neon socks or plastic shoes. But that makes sense. I love ALF.

Small Wonder

09:06 PM - Steemit

1989 Small Wonder Tiffany PDX Zoo Autograph oh-1.png
1989 Small Wonder Tiffany PDX Zoo Autograph oh-2.png

In the late 1980's, my older siblings met Small Wonder.

Favorite 80's Games

09:30 PM - Steemit

1985 Super Mario Bros.png

The Super Mario Bros was probably the first game I've ever seen. It came out in 1985, the same year I was born (in Oregon). So, I'm a big fan of Nintendo. What about you? What kind of 80's games do you prefer?


My actual memory of gaming probably goes back to like 1988 or something like that. So, I didn't really play or remember playing a lot of games much until the 1990's, meaning my experience of the 1980's is more retroactive or after the fact.

May of 2018

10:23 PM - Published

They threw Tommy Robinson in jail on Friday, the 25th of May of 2018. I remember that. So, I was writing articles about that because that could be you next. Kanye West Crashes Into TMZ on like the 2nd. I was playing chess in May. I was watching shows and things like Boy Meets World. Gotham, Fear The Walking Dead, Scott Adams, Lauren Southern, Cernovich, Savannah Sav Says Hernandez, Alex Jones, Info Wars, etc. In other news, I was helping out with the book shed building prep - I began clearing the land around the 8th. I'm in Love With Your Body Song. Favorite this and favorite that posts. Get Fiber Optics, Not 5G WIFI.

Kidnapped Father?

Dissenter vs Alt Yes

10:59 PM - Steemit

Browser & Addon:

Well, Dissenter has been an add-on as well and not just a browser. I use Dissenter every day and it works very well. But they had a FireFox add-on prior to launching their browser which is a fork of Brave like you said.


I don't currently know if the add-on still works on Firefox to date but it at least did work. I also don't know if that add-on worked on other web browsers or not. I will let you know if I get around to trying Alt Yes. I also use Ubuntu.

Alt Yes

Dissenter let's you share things to Gab. It sounds like Alt Yes let's you share stuff to Steem. So, that is why I compared it to Alt Yes. But, at the same time, Alt Yes might be more universal like you said, it may be working on more browsers. I don't know if that is true but it might be true.


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Student Loans Now Seen As A "LIFE" Sentence

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Bonding Beyond Special Needs - Nick has primordial dwarfism while his best friend, Callie, is diagnosed with Williams syndrome

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April of 2018

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