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in #j5 years ago

Victoryology is the study and science of total human empowerment and expansion. When you date, you may run into children trapped inside the body of adults. Ironically, they'll be calling you what they see in themselves. It is vital that you do your best to filter through them in order to seek after the gold, the top of the list. Life is short and emotions can distract. I'm not saying you should stop feeling. But it is critical to focus on priorities. Align your gut to what you believe. Discipline yourself towards your goals. Spend your time around people you want to become like. They rub off on you. Life is a gift. Build friendships with people. Slowly, relationships can lead towards marriage. That is key in life. You can experiment on some things. But you don't have to and don't want to actually experiment on other things. Learn from mistakes. Treasure the moments. Write it down. Learn to laugh at yourself. See the beauty in the mundane lol.

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2020-02-12 - Wednesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-02-12 - Wednesday

Screenshot at 2020-02-12 01:33:13.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in February of 2020

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Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Geeks + Gamers

12:24 AM - The Fandom Menace Chill Stream

I stopped watching Star Trek Discovery after the second episode of season one.

Discovery had me at Michael.

I watch Picard like I would watch a dying dog.

Star Wars Jumby or Gumby

Soros vs Trump

01:16 AM - Steemit

Soros is a single person but Trump is not?


01:31 AM - Steemit

I wish I could watch the video or read a transcript of the Hot Coffee McDonald's case to see how the person won. Hypothetically, I would allow it as a judge, if I was a judge, to the extent that McDonald's said on their coffee cups and ads and everything, "HOT COFFEE IS NOT HOT, DON'T WORRY, YOU WILL NOT BURN YOURSELF, etc, etc...." Anything less than that, as a judge, I'd be tempted to dismiss the case or possibly rule against the person. Maybe McDonald's should have counter sued, assuming they didn't try. So, I wonder if that case had just a judge or if they had jurors as well.


Yea, generally, ads can be isolated and can be misleading. Marketing can focus on part of the story and not say everything and that is understandable to the extent that they don't say, like I said, that the hot coffee is not hot. They didn't have to say that the coffee is not but I guess they lost in a court of law and that is too bad.


Yes, what you said about emotions is very true. They try to make you feel stuff and make you throw your brain out the window haha. Bye bye brain. Oh, I agree with what you are saying about sensory perception. Some of it has to do with nostalgia, familiarity, and even the simulation of addiction. Yeah, it is like poker. That is the nature of advertising, like you said. Not that it has to be to some extent but that it is the trend. Yeah, honest dishonesty, perhaps, another paradox or whatever. Yeah, it is good when you are able to free yourself. That is the key to many things. Knowledge is power.

We Are The Education

01:41 AM - Steemit

I'm passionate about education. So, to some extent, we all have opportunities of educating people. Sadly, some classes may fail to say things that people need to hear. Being a sprinter is fine to the extent you are able to sprint again and again and again. Because that becomes like a marathon eventually.So, what matters is consistency, persistence, perseverance.

Q Qanon

01:44 AM - Steemit

It looks like somebody asked Trump about Qanon and Trump said, "I don't want to say, but you'd be surprised."


Yes. Agreed. But is the anonymous thing the same as the Q Qanon, I wonder.

In the video, it was a random question at the end of a signing. It was just one of the questions from the media. I couldn't see who asked.

Shy Girl

01:53 AM - Steemit

Hello Shy Blogger, is that your own tub outside in that one photo? Very nice.I like your hat that says Bella and Strong. You must love the beach. You seem to be very smart. Nice to meet you.

Homeschool vs Tyranny

02:14 AM - Steemit

I was homeschooled. I would encourage people as a last resort to have their children pretend to go to public school and to secretly do homeschooling on the side, if all else fails.

Corona Virus

02:21 AM - Steemit


Loving Yourself

02:51 AM - Steemit

One key is in setting aside time for yourself each day.


2020-02-12 - Wednesday - 03:00 AM - 03:55 AM - Outlander 108

He is looking for her.

He affirms: "My wife is not with another man."

Actually, she is, but in the 1700's, 200 years before the 1900's of which he stood.



Lost tongue man

I thought he was deaf or had a crazy accent or spoke a different language



Self Defense


Time Travel

Rape 2

2020-02-12 - Wednesday - 03:56 AM - 04:57 AM - Outlander 109


Rock Stream Skipping


They say aye instead of yes

First fight as a couple


Already forgiven before that

Because that is falling in love

Or not forgiven

Husband tries to beat his wife with a belt

Makeup sex

2020-02-12 - Wednesday - 04:59 AM - 05:59 AM - Outlander 110

Don't trust him

The girl calls the woman a bitch

Big girl slap


Fake baby

Quid quo pro means this for that, which is free markets



Sleep. He said in that show and wondered if Claire loved him any more. Imagine inverting that. A hotel place. We are all there. Conference thing maybe.

Thug Goosh

11:31 AM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!

Alex Jones opens with the red alarm instead of music. Alex said that Trump is not waiting until after 2020 U.S. presidential elections, for the red wave. Trump launched the red storm. Alex said that as we speak that hundreds of the people, of the governmental swamp, are being purged. If that is happening, that is good news. Yesterday, Trump mentioned how the Roger Stone sentencing or suggestion and the case in general is crazy and an extension of the Russia hoax.

Specific Name

12:03 PM - Steemit

Castle, I didn't say Corona Virus. I said the "2019 Novel Corona Virus, AKA the 2019-nCoV." They call or called it the 2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease.

New Name

Wikipedia says, right now, "Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), also known as 2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease (2019-nCoV ARD), and novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP), is a viral respiratory disease caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). It was first detected during the 2019–20 Wuhan coronavirus outbreak." So, you are right that it has the official name for this particular corona virus is COVID-19 like you said. Yes, there has many types of corona viruses and the human-based versions were first noticed back in like the 1960's and the animal-based ones goes back a few more decades it seems. So, yeah, you're right that there have been many types of corona viruses. But I was simply talking about the 2019-nCoV which appears to be either the parent version or an alternative name for what is now or has been called officially or specifically the COVID-19. I was trying to be specific in what I was talking about.

Delegation on Steem

12:19 PM - Steemit

Is it not possible to undelegate via Steemit or other websites? Is there a way to know if you are currently delegating like maybe Steemd.com and is delegation forever or temporary? Around the summer of 2019, I made three additional Steem accounts, @oatmealenglish, @oatmealhealth, and @oatmealjoey, and delegated SP to them. In my Steemit wallet, I think I was able to see the delegation because it said -20 or minus a certain amount of SP as to say it was being delegated to my other accounts. Last time I checked, I thought I saw no delegation like I saw before. So, I have a feeling that the delegation expired. I will need to look around to confirm this theory of mine.

Losing Souls, Cartoon Style

12:22 PM - Steemit

Gumby ET Creature. Epic animation or stop-motion or whatever video.


The study and science of total human empowerment and expansion.

About Tags

12:29 PM - Steemit

Yes, it needs to be the first tag like you said or possibly one of the first three or four tags it seems based off my experience. But better safe and sorry and just make it the first tag. I know this as I use the #informationwar tag as the first tag and sometimes as the second, third, etc. But it appears that my one post didn't show up in the trail if I had the tag like at the end. So, I don't how many of the initial tags will show up but maybe a few. Oh, I love LEGO.

Dishes. Raspberry garden prep, day 2. Tarp. Finished that project. Bricks moved to near the garage car door. Roof metal moved. Will be taking stuff to the dump.

Fox News

04:38 PM - 'The Five' reacts to DOJ overruling Roger Stone's suggested sentence

2 Thessalonians. Bible study. I wonder a lot about private property. I want to do what I want to do on private property. I want transparency. If I let you hunt fish, deer, clams, game, animals, food, creatures, etc, on my land, then I should have the freedom to say hey, only 5 clams per person per month. It is my land. I should have ownership rights which should come from God. Well, it does come from God. But tyranny tries to stop it. Government overreaches. If we are talking about public land, then why are we the people not voting on what may or may not be allowed on public lands? See, that is one of the issues, when these other people decide on our behalf and especially when they make decisions that goes against what we want. It is not just that. It goes beyond that. Dating can be hard. Dating apps can be tough. Take it a day at a time. Build friendships. Communication. High school. McDonald's. Small fries. McChicken burger. 2 girl staff. Drive through around 06:30 PM. Talk to like 7 PM. Ne. Interesting talk about injuries. I got hit by some cars. Some bicycle accidents. Also, fell off a tree as well when I was like five and thought I fell slowly and that an angel caught me. I'm not saying that happened but I felt that it did. Restroom. In house. Dishes for a second. Internet problems. Nap for like an hour. Spent a bunch of time trying to fix the computer problems or whatever. Maybe the wifi cable was bent and causing connection problems. Restarted my computer a few times. Moved the cords around. Things seem to be working now. Frustrating. Is it an Ubuntu problem? I don't know.

Big Fish

10:51 PM - Steemit

I would encourage Steem to be a blockchain that allows for as much free markets as possible. Ultimately, it may come down to what might be and what might not be Steem. It depends on if Steem is private property and/or public..... to what extent... etc..... etc...

Organic Farms in Thailand

11:07 PM - Steemit

I love your name and I was teaching English in Vietnam. I have heard good things about Thailand and I love organic farms. Looks like you're having fun in your photos. Nice to meet you hehe.


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Donlam Nguyen - 2013 Vietnam
Dianne Arnold - 2018 SMVA
Brian R Morehead - mom's brother
Marvel Pace of Nathan, previously
Kim Ngan Nguyen - 2013 Vietnam - Writer Girl
Amanda McDaniel - of uncle Brian
Randy C Churchill - 2018 SMVA
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2012-2017 - Taught English in Vietnam

VIRUS WARS: The real truth in China...HEALTHY CITIZEN JOURNALISTS being forcibly "quarantined"...

From the Oldie but Goodie file: Soviets SET UP and RAN the Dept. of Homeland Security in the wake of 911!

Justice Served

Anonymous: I Don't Want To Say... But You'd Be Surprised

Coronavirus real numbers coming out

How The Left Uses Education To Brainwash Your Kids... It's Never Been About Education

Do you really, really believe in protecting FREESPEECH?

The official name of the Corona Virus is now COVID-19.

Controversial Killer Robots, When Is Regulation

I am worried about having 'relations' with my spouse!

A NON-VACCINE CURE for Coronavirus already exists!!

How to sell your SOUL

Steem World Talk

Extinction Threat: Jeremy Grantham Letter on Chemical Castration

Democrats should learn how the constitution works

No One Knows Why Epstein’s Secret Bank Account Moved Millions Since His Death

The Coronavirus Pan(dem)ic Part 2: The “Not For Broadcast” Post

Going Sideways 2019-nCoV: New Name and When Did All This Start?

COVID-19 : A wild and completely bullshit scenario that is terrifying.

Steemit drama festival - And the drama queen award goes to...

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

What is the Corona Virus?

My Coin Tree

Free Square Died?


I wish I could watch the video or read a transcript of the Hot Coffee McDonald's case to see how the person won. Hypothetically, I would allow it as a judge, if I was a judge, to the extent that McDonald's said on their coffee cups and ads and everything, "HOT COFFEE IS NOT HOT, DON'T WORRY, YOU WILL NOT BURN YOURSELF, etc, etc...." Anything less than that, as a judge, I'd be tempted to dismiss the case or possibly rule against the person. Maybe McDonald's should have counter sued, assuming they didn't try. So, I wonder if that case had just a judge or if they had jurors as well.

It's really not that complicated (5 minutes),


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Those are great tips to get a happy life - tx for that :)

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