VIRUS WARS: The real truth in China...HEALTHY CITIZEN JOURNALISTS being forcibly "quarantined"...

in #vaccines4 years ago (edited)

...and eliminated, with the lying proclamation by the ChiComs that they "caught the virus" and died.

This is HORRIBLE, and the world must speak out. It is happening right in front of the eyes of the visiting W.H.O. team on the ground in China, but they are too blind (and complicit) to see it, or to comment on it. This should be global news and a headline in every newspaper!

(Chen Qiushi...missing citizen journalist. Courtesy of

A "vaccine" is coming, people. It will probably show up as soon as the rest of the world is on lockdown as is much of China today, and of course, THE VACCINE WILL BE MANDATORY, and of course, if you resist, you too, will be quarantined. AND, if you still resist, you too will be eliminated.

That is how serious the deadly mandavaxxers at the W.H.O., the C.D.C., the U.N., and the various major world governments are about their "right" to put ANYTHING THEY WANT into your body. The Coronavirus is THEIR TOOL, and it is working perfectly as DESIGNED, for the purpose they had in mind for it... from lab to street.

Here is a link you must see:

Here is an excerpt:

"Until he disappeared last week, the 34-year-old lawyer-turned-video blogger was one of the most visible pioneers in a small but dogged movement that is defying the ruling Communist Party’s tightly policed monopoly on information.

Armed with smart phones and social media accounts, these citizen-journalists are telling their stories and those of others from Wuhan and other locked-down virus zones in Hubei province. The scale of this non-sanctioned storytelling is unprecedented in any previous major outbreak or disaster in China. It presents a challenge to the Communist Party, which wants to control the narrative of China, as it always has since taking power in 1949...

Never have so many Chinese, including victims and health care workers, used their phones to televise their experiences of a disaster, she said. That’s partly because the more than 50 million people locked down in cities under quarantine are 'really anxious and bored and their lives have pretty much stopped.'

Official state media extol the Communist Party’s massive efforts to build new hospitals in a flash, send in thousands of medical workers and ramp up production of face masks without detailing the underlying conditions that are driving these efforts. Chen did just that in more than 100 posts from Wuhan over two weeks. He showed the sick crammed into hospital corridors and the struggles of residents to get treatment.


'Why am I here? I have stated that it’s my duty to be a citizen-journalist,' he said, filming himself with a selfie stick outside a train station. “What sort of a journalist are you if you don’t dare rush to the front line in a disaster?”

A video posted Jan. 25 showed what Chen said was a body left under a blanket outside an emergency ward. Inside another hospital, he filmed a dead man propped up on a wheelchair, head hanging down and face deathly pale.

'What’s wrong with him?' he asked a woman holding the man up with an arm across the chest.

'He has already passed,' she said.

Chen’s posts and vlogs, or video blogs, garnered millions of views — and police attention. In an anguished video post near the end of his first week in Wuhan, he said police had called him, wanting to know where he was, and questioned his parents.

'I am scared,' he said. 'I have the virus in front of me, and on my back, I have the legal and administrative power of China.' His voice trembling with emotion and tears welling in his eyes, he vowed to continue 'as long as I am alive in this city.' 'Even death doesn’t scare me!' he said. 'So you think I’m scared of the Communist Party?'

Last week, Chen’s posts dried up. His mother broke the silence with a video post in the small hours of Friday. She said Chen was unreachable and appealed for help in finding him.

Later that evening, his friend and well-known mixed martial artist Xu Xiaodong said in a live broadcast on YouTube that Chen had been forcibly quarantined for 14 days, considered the maximum incubation period for the virus. He said Chen had been healthy and showed no signs of infection."

(Coronavirus victims fall dead in the streets. Courtesy of

If you remain silent and DO NOT UPVOTE AND RESTEEM AND COPY AND PASTE THIS ARTICLE TO YOUR EMAIL, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, etc., you will be partly to blame for what is about to come upon the Earth.

You must resist while resistance is still worth something. By the time it becomes futile it will be too late and all will be lost.



Don't dare you threaten for not upvoting. Anyway, thanks for the rest of the posting!

If you don't think, my friend, that a veteran poster with a near 70-rep score deserves more than a few pennies a day (and far less than that in USD) then, sure, don't upvote.

I think we all know why people who post pictures of their cat and have half my rep score are getting much more....

Excuse me please, @mepatriot, but I don't get what you mean. Who decides what and who deserves what? I addressed the form of "If you remain silent .. you will be partly to blame for ..". That is a lot of YOU. Please explain more.

You don't have to upvote. You can choose to let posters with whom you mostly agree eventually get discouraged by the serial downvoters and leave. It's your choice to support or not. But, it is also my choice to ask for support.

We are having a bit of a language barrier, I'm afraid.

Well, probably more of a paradigm barrier. You got my upvote immediately. That was not the question. I'm just questioning authority here and the tone of expectations. No need to be afraid on me. All good. !invest_vote !BEER !DRAMATOKEN (unfortunately not working well)

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Very sobering stuff sir mepatriot! I was hoping the thing would die out, the virus, over time.

It still, MIGHT, my friend. But I wouldn't bet my life on it...


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